2018 Dutch x Celina

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This is the first 'Imagine' of the book guys and I've picked the request from  @FresherThanFabreeze to kick things off.

Prompt: Dutch and Celina's relationship if they would have met in 2018 instead of her going back to 1899.. would they meet on tinder, would he be her sugar daddy? Let's find out!


His name was Hoagy Macintosh.... at least that's what he had Celina and everyone else to her knowledge believing. He stood at around six feet tall and fit the standards for being tall, dark and handsome. He dressed smart, always in a dress shirt with a flashy vest over it, dress pants and an expensive fedora. His long black hair was always slicked back, almost but not quite coming down to his shoulders.

From the penthouse and his general luxurious lifestyle, Celina had her suspicions that he was more than just the skilled gambler he claimed to be. After six months of knowing him, she still couldn't shake her facination in the man nineteen years older than herself.  There was something about him, something besides his obvious sex appeal that drew her to him.

Her best friends Courtney and Corey, Corey who Celina had harbored a crush on until he came out as gay weren't so positively fascinated by the man who held Celina's attention. Celina herself was not in the habit of speaking to Hoagy too often, except when he would come into the coffee house which she worked at part time on Fridays and Wednesdays and order his back coffee and a sweet of his choice.

She wondered many times whether or not he noticed her fascination with him, the way he walked, his whole composure, she was captivated by it and many times found herself wondering how it would be to run her hands through his dark locks... How it would be to see him fresh out of the shower....

Luckily for her, it was a Wednesday and he would be coming through the door at any moment. She decided to surprise the man who was probably almost twenty years older than her and made his coffee when she heard the roar of his Lamborghini pull up in the parking lot. She felt as if her fascination with him would allow her to recognize the sound of his car anywhere.

She smiled at him as he walked into the coffee house, "I've got your coffee warm and ready for you, what are you having to eat today?"

Hoagie smiled back at her, gosh she loved his smile, he gestured to the counter with his right hand, the rings on his pointer and ring finger flashing in the light, "Surprise me."

Celina darted her tongue over her lips and nodded, grabbing one of the pastries he most often chose and handing it to him. He pulled out his wallet and handed her a twenty dollar bill, stopping her before she could hand him his change, "Keep it. You've earned it."

She tried to fight off the blush that she felt rising to her cheeks, and immediately resorted to trying to make a small conversation with him, "Did you have a good time at the casino again last night?"

Hoagy shrugged and took a sip of his coffee, but shook his head. That surprised her, usually when he tipped her largely he would say that that was her cut of his winnings from the night before, "No, but I'm hoping to win big tonight." He winked, making her heart flutter, "What time do you get out of here?"

Her eyes widened, having not expected him to ask her that question at all, "I, uh," she tried to form a complete sentence and much to her embarrassment, it was currently harder to do so than it should have been, "I get out at four."

Hoagie nodded, "Why don't you join me tonight then? I can either pick you up after work or you can meet me over there.... I'll show you what having a good night is really like."

It was all she could do to keep her excitement at his proposition from being obvious as she had daydreamed about something like what was currently happening many times before. She pretended to be uncertain, "I- I don't know, I would have to see if I've got anything going on tonight."

He smiled knowingly, "If you want to join me, you'll be there at six, right inside the main entrance to the casino."

She folded up the spare dollars he had instructed her to keep and put them in her pocket, "Ok, we'll see."

He flashed another smile at her and took the fresh pastry off the counter before walking away and calling over his shoulder to her, "I'll see you tonight."

Celina rolled her eyes at his arrogance but found nothing to say back to him before he headed back out the doors and off in the direction which he had come from. She sighed as she ran her hands through her dark hair and wondered just what she had potentially gotten herself into.


"I'm freaking out because freaking Hoagie Macintosh wants me to meet him at the casino, Corey!" Celina talked to him through her cars Bluetooth device, "Like what am I going to do? I've had a rediculous crush on him ever since I first saw him months ago."

"I'm telling you," Corey's voice was flat and unexcited, "From what I've seen of him there is something off about that guy. I wouldn't trust him, he's probably a mobster or something."

Celina rolled her eyes, "It would be just my luck. I'm going to go though, I feel like giving him a chance, who knows? Maybe he will be my sugar daddy... maybe."

Corey laughed, "Your sugar daddy who wants you to assist him with prison breaks."

"Could be interesting."

"Have you told Courtney?"

"Are you kidding?" Celina scoffed, "Of course not, she would have an even worse reaction than you."

"True," Corey was quiet for a moment, "Just be careful, ok?"

Celina nodded despite the fact that he couldn't see her through the phone, "Yea, I know, I will be."


It waa precisely six that afternoon when Celina arrived in the spot at the Casino which Hoagie had told her to meet him. She took a deep breath and hoped that she looked ok, she hardly called going to the casino with him a date but she hasn't been on a date in a while, if that was even his intentions in inviting her out and she had to admit, she was looking forwards to seeing what the night had to offer her. Maybe she would get to know the tall, dark and handsome man more, find out who Hoagy Macintosh really was outside of the coffee shop.

She smiled and gave a small wave of greeting when she spotted him walking her way. The look on his face brightened up upon seeing her, "You came."

"I did," she looked at the ground rather shyly, "You had me curious about what you wanted me here for tonight."

"Well to have fun of course, find yourself a game and make yourself some dough, I've got all the money we need tonight."

She raised a skeptical brow at him, "How are you so rich?" She had to ask. There was no way the luxurious lifestyle he claimed and proved to lead could all be funded by gambling... at least it wasn't likely. What was the worse he could do, lie to her?

Hoagie gestured around the casino, "Skill, many years of experience to get to where I am today."

Celina nodded, deciding that she would accept that answer for the time being even though from hearing Corey's doubts, she couldn't help but doubt the man's way of making money herself.

He gently took her hand in his, and led her towards the back of the casino, "For now, I want to show you how a real man plays poker."


A/N: Short, short! I am very aware of that but unfortunately Imagines typically are short. I can always write a second part to them of course but this book is never going to be my priority.

Anyway, let me know what you think? Covered how Celina and Dutch's relationship would have started if they would have met in 2018 instead of 1899 per the prompt. I can write the second part to this at request but let me know what you think/want.

Go ahead and send some more requests my way in the comments. I know that there's still some you guys requested from the A/N in 'Van Der Linde Savior'.

Disclaimer: I do not own Red Dead Redemption 1 or 2 or anything associated with it.

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