Celina x John

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Imagine: Celina had left the mayor's party after seeing Dutch kiss Molly. However, Trelawny never showed up in Saint Denis. Instead, John Marston did.

(Celina x John)

Disclaimer: I do not own RDR or anything associated with it.


"Screw Dutch," Celina scoffed to herself as she raised the glass of whiskey and took a drink. She wasn't nearly as drunk as she wanted to be. Sure, it was only three o' clock in the afternoon enough luckily gave her the rest of the day to get as drunken as she so desired. She was past caring what others thought. If she wanted to be completely wasted by five, then she would make it happen.

Dutch. Dutch.... she sneered at the thought of the man. She could hardly believe how the previous night had went- the mayor's party. Dutch had wanted her to go with him so bad and for what? Just for her to see him kissing Molly? The thought disgusted her and the memory made her sick.

She looked over at the sound of the  door to the saloon swinging open and felt a burst of surprise go through her. At that, the corner of her mouth twitched upwards at the sight of John Marston. His eyes landed on hers and he gave a small smile of his own. His was filled with uncertainty however. She guessed that the uncertainty was due to the entire situation.

He approached her, "Bill said that he dropped you off here last night. I'm glad to see that you're doing alright. Dutch-"

"Dutch kissed Molly." Celina interrupted him, but not with the intention to be rude, "Dutch kissed her." She shrugged and slid the empty glass back across the counter, waving at the bar tender for another. She continued her conversation with John, "Seems like you still got your brains despite what Arthur says. Unless... It's common knowledge that looking for me in a saloon would be a good place to start."

John chuckled a bit and slid out the barstool next to her. He took a seat, asking the bar tender for a beer, "I just had my suspicions is all."

Celina laughed lightly and took a drink from her glass that had been refilled, "It's no secret that I have a drinking problem." She swirled the amber liquor in her glass. It was the truth, she did indeed have an undeniable problem with alcohol. She licked her lips quickly, "What made you come looking for me? Did Dutch send you? Is he trying to get me to come home?"

"No," John shook his head and then hesitated, "Well... ok," he sighed, "Yes." He took a drink of his beer, "But I ain't here trying to get you to come back like he asked."

She raised a brow, "Good. So why are you here then?"

"Well," he scratched the back of his neck a bit awkwardly, "I suppose I wanted to check on you myself. Bill seemed worried and well... we all know how Dutch can be. I just wanted to tell you that if you don't come back, I understand why."

"I'm sure that's definately not what Dutch wanted you to come here with."

John laughed, "It's not." He made eye contact with her and spun his beer bottle on the table between his fingers. He grew serious, looking down at the wooden surface, "Dutch does care about you, in his own way."

"He's got a real funny way of showing it."

"That he does." He sat the beer upright, taking his hands away from it and gesturing to her, "Look, you've got to understand," he paused as he collected his thoughts, "Dutch hasn't had a long term relationship ever since Annabelle. I don't think he will ever want one again. I can't see him committing to- or being loyal to just one woman."

Celina listened to him intently, "What are you saying?"

The outlaw took a deep breath, "What I'm saying is that if you're looking for love... long term love, I can't see Dutch giving that to you-" he cut himself off on that subject quickly, "Now don't get me wrong, Dutch is... Dutch is great. He's been like a father to me. But as far as a romantic partner?" He shook his head and held eye contact with her again, "I can't see it. I don't want you to get hurt. None of us want to see you get hurt. There's other guys out there who would love you. Men who would treat you right and give you the life you deserve." He took another deep breath and let it out slowly, "There's plenty of guys who aren't wanting to fight the law and government for the rest of their lives. Men who would like to settle down and actually build something."

Celina stared at him for a moment. He was cute, she thought. He was even cuter when he got flustered like he was currently. She took another drink of her whisky while eying him with a smile, "You seem so certain."

"Well," he figetted with his hands. He was nervous, definately nervous. His mannerisms confirmed in her mind what she thought she knew, "I am."

"And why is that?" She teased him, trying to keep her smile from growing.

"Because," he turned away from her and looked across the bar for a moment as he collected his thoughts. Quickly, he turned his attention back to her, spitting out his answer before he lost his nerve to do so, "Because I'm one of those men, dammit."

Celina's eyes widened at that, she hadn't expected that information to so easily come forth from his mouth. She was glad she had swallowed her whisky already as she may have had spit it out, "What?"

He refused to repeat himself, "You heard me."

She hummed at that, "Alright. You have Abigail though. You shouldn't be saying stuff like that when you're a taken man."

"Yeah, well you all know what I go through with her." He looked at her pointedly, "Expecially you. I can't take it anymore." He took a drink, "Like..." he slammed the bottle onto the bar, "Like no matter what I do, nothing is good enough for her. The only reason I'm with her is because of Jack and I honestly doubt that he is even my kid."

Celina was quiet for a moment. A part of her doubted that Jack was John's son as well but she wasn't going to admit that. Not now, it wasn't the right time. It might not ever be the right time to agree with him on that. She scooted her empty glass away from herself, "That's no reason to be with someone... whether he is yours or not. You should be with someone because they make you happy."

"I know that."

"So you aren't happy with her?"

"No. Not at all... are you happy with Dutch?"

Celina chewed on the inside of her lip for a second and nodded, "I am... I mean, I would be, if I could actually have him. I'd be happy with him if he would commit to me and be the man I know he can be."

"That's asking alot. You can't change people. You can't be with people with the hope they will change."

Celina ran her right hand through her hair, "I know. It's just..."

"I know," John nodded. His eyes sparked with hope, "I've got an idea."

She smiled when the boyish nature he still possessed showed itself, "What?"

"You give me the day. The rest of today to prove to you that you should give me a shot. Forget Abigail and Dutch," he batted his hand dismissively as if waving them away, "If there is something between us in the morning, why don't we see where this goes? Dutch and Abigail have had their chances. Neither one of us owes them anything."

Celina pursed her lips in thought at his proposition. After what seemed like a few minutes too long, she finally nodded. She offered him a small smile, "I think," she pointed at him approvingly, "I think you've got yourself a deal. But.... There's faster ways to find out if something is there."

John raised a brow at her in a manner which almost made her laugh. She has a feeling that she was a more confident person than the outlaw by quite a bit. His voice sounded husky, "And what would a faster way be?"

Celina rolled her eyes. She wasn't meaning to jump into bed with him. It was clear though that that was where his mind had went. Instead of  verbally answering, she leaned towards him and captured his lips in a kiss. Her heart lurched in her chest and a warmth spread in her stomach as he kissed her back.

She pulled away slowly, a bit reluctantly. A knowing smile was held firm on her face, "See?" She adjusted the laples of his jacket, "There's something there alright, Marston. Turns out you were right."


A/N: Requests?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2019 ⏰

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