Celina x Arthur

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A/N: This 'Imagine' takes place when Celina, Lenny and Arthur go into the bar in Valentine. What would have happened if Celina in her drunken state had done more than simply called Arthur a 'handsome man'?


Celina laughed as she climbed up the steps to the bar and pushed past the saloon doors, "Thanks for letting me come along guys, this will be fun."

Arthur draped his arm over her shoulders and his other over Lenny's shoulders, "It sure will be."

The trio made their way up to the bar, leaning against it as they waited to be attended to. Lenny looked to Arthur for reassurance, "Just a couple, right?"

Arthur nodded, "Just a couple, no big drama." He turned his attention over to the bartender when looked at, "Can we get a few beers please?"

The bartender looked worried, recognizing Arthur and possibly even Celina's faces, "I don't want no trouble."

Arthur shook his head, "You won't get none from me. I was defending myself." He tossed some extra money to the bar tender, "Have one for yourself."

The man looked grateful, "Thank you."

Celina did her best to suppress a giggle, knowing just what kind of crazy was going to go on... or did she? Anyway, she was sure the night would be a good one, one where she didn't have to think about Dutch.

"You know, when me and Micah were out, it really seemed like quite a lot of people knew him. There was a lot of crazy stuff."

Celina rolled her eyes as a disgusting man came up to them and butted into their conversation rudely, "A lot of crazy, crazy, crazy stuff."

Arthur grimaced, "Will you shut up?"

The man seemed to think it funny as he mocked him, "Will you shut up?"

Celina bit down on her lip, Arthur was doing the best he could to keep his temper under wraps, "Be quiet, buddy."

The man laughed, "Oh, they're Dullards! My Lord... you men is dull."

Lenny clearly sensed the tension from Arthur as well, dread filled his voice, "Please, leave us alone"

Nothing seemed to get through his thick, ugly skull, "Leave him alone? Everyone's left me alone for the last ten years."

Just a Arthur seemed like he was about to snap, he stood up and turned to the guy, Celina backing out of the way just incase a punch would follow, "Listen, buddy... you're a charming fellow... one of the best. But me and these two here, are trying to talk business... so could you, possibly leave us alone? No offense intended."

The drunkard spread his arms wide before walking away, "Ain't no pleasing some folk."

Celina let out a sigh of relief before taking another swig of her beer, "Thank God he's gone. For now anyway."

Lenny and Arthur looked over at her with expressions that clearly indicated they were just as relieved as she was. Together, the three of them raised their bottles and clanked them together in cheers. Then, the night began.

*Several beers later*

Celina laid back on the steps with Arthur and Lenny, for once since being sent back in time, not caring in the least about what tomorrow would hold, "You know, Arthur, if I recall correctly, you did say for us to have only a couple beer."

Arthur laughed and looked over at Lenny, his speech becoming a bit slurred, "Ya hear that Lenny? We should really s-stop."

"Oh, Arthur. Ain't no one gonna be worryin bout us just yet. Dutch wanted us to have fun."

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