Mayor's Party.... what if?

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This Imagine chapter is dedicated to Bill Williamson's crush on Celina Knoll in 'Van Der Linde Savior'.

What if after Celina caught Dutch kissing Molly O'Shea at the mayor's party Bill walked her to the motel in Saint Denis which he did in the story. Instead of leaving her alone though, he decides that he's going to see if she will let him stay.


The night had been going smoothly up to the point that it was at at the moment. She hadn't really picked conversation with anyone important unfortunately and she would have much rather been enjoying the evening with the boys. Still, she wasn't exactly complaining, it had been nice to get out for a bit. That was the key word, had been nice... She had been enjoying herself..

Until she looked over at Dutch, the sight before her making her heart sink. She don't know how her eyes landed on him amongst everyone else in the crowd he was a distance away. Still, the man she was looking at was unmistakably Dutch. She felt sick, why did she have to have her gaze gravitate towards him in that very moment?

He stood there, talking to Angelo Bronte up on the balcony with Molly O'Shea. It looked as if she were hanging onto his arm but she couldn't be sure considering the distance. She was sure of what she saw though when Angelo turned his back on them for a moment, a kiss shared between Dutch and Molly. It wasn't Molly spontaneously laying one on him, but a shared kiss. From the fact that she had successfully locked her gaze on them, she could tell. It was a moment before they pulled away from one another and Angelo seemed to turn his attention back to them.

She felt as if she couldn't move, it was hard to breathe.... almost hard for her legs to support her. She felt as if the weight of the world was falling onto her shoulders and the walls were closing in on her. She couldn't break her gaze away from Dutch and finally it looked like he noticed her staring at him.

He confirmed this when he looked to be dismissing himself from Angelo Bronte and she watched as he headed for the stairs, not paying attention to Molly who was now starting her down. Celina swallowed, Dutch was coming to talk to her, of course he was coming to talk to her. She had to get out of there and fast. Quickly, she looked around for a means of escape. She needed to leave now and then.

She began excusing her way through the crowd in the direction of the way out, pausing at the sound of Bill's voice, "Are you ok?" He must have picked up on the fact that she obviously wasn't, everything in her body felt as it it were throbbing from the stress and heartache which had just been laid on her. He sounded confused, but just as concerned.

She mustered the courage to turn around and face him, the floodgates trying to break, a few tears forcing their way down her cheek, "No," she could barely talk in her current state, "I'm not ok, Bill." She swallowed, her hands shaking, "D-Dutch.... Dutch just-"

He placed a large hand on her back and helped to guide her away from the crowd of the party, "Dutch did something? What did he do?"

She shook her head, trying to find the voice to tell him, "I- I just saw h-h- him kissing M- molly."

The outlaws eyes widened at her words, "Oh, shit."

If the woman wouldn't have been in such a distraught state, Bill's reaction would have been funny. No, the look on his face would have been downright hilarious, funny didn't even cut it. She was distraught though, thinking back over their entire but admittedly so far short relationship. He hadn't been using her for information, had he? No... surely he hadn't been. He just, obviously didn't know what he wanted. She wasn't the elegant uptight city girl that the wonderful miss O'Shea was and she wouldn't ever try to be.

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