Celina x Bill

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A/N: You guys wanted some more of Celina and Bill and guess what? So do I.... so here we go! This will pick up from the last Celina and Bill chapter.... And there will be a mildly sexual theme...


Celina woke up reluctantly, slowly opening her eyes at the feeling of a warm, firm body spooning her. She hesitated to look for a second, confused as to what was going on. She recalled the events of the mayor's party immediately which troubled her as to who she could be sharing a bed with if not Dutch. She mentally prepared herself as she dared to look over and see Bill Williamson there beside her, his thick arm wrapped around her waist.

Her eyes widened and she looked down her body frantically to ensure she was still clothed, letting out a heavy sigh of relief when seeing that was the case. She closed her eyes again briefly and just laid there for a moment as she recalled letting him stay with her for the night and inviting him to sleep in the bed.

She looked back over at Bill and groaned, she was comfortable, oddly comfortable. Bill wasn't a very handsome man, she knew that she had always felt that way. At the same time though, she didn't exactly think he was ugly. In that moment, he truly looked rather innocent to the point she had to stiffle a laugh at the thought of Bill Williamson looking innocent.

The question was should she wake him? Or should she not? Was is it wrong not too? She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, snuggling back into him. It was weird, it was super weird but Bill was a firm guy with... some padding admittedly. To put it plainly, he was prooving good to cuddle with.

Which was weird, it was weird, right? But was it wrong? Well, no more wrong than Dutch kissing Molly behind her back. Heck, if it weren't for Dutch, she wouldn't be with Bill at the moment in the first place. And really, what was the harm in some innocent cuddling?

The outlaw twitched in his sleep, tightening his arm around her and pulling her tighter against his frame. She swallowed upon feeling how hard he was against her rear, her beathing beginning to quicken with no say of her own.

Celina took a deep breath and closed her eyes, what was she supposed to do? Wake him up and act like she hadn't noticed? Well that would certainly be awkward, expecially considering how awkward of a person Bill could be. Should she just try to block it out and act like what was happening wasn't happening?

Oh good Lord, Celina closed her eyes tightly, trying her best to move away from him just enough to get it off her without waking him. Only, his arm was like iron, preventing her from going anywhere. Should she say something?

He moved against her and she gasped, her body reacting to him in ways she never imagined it would. He felt big. Of course he did, he was a big man. If she could just get away slightly... it wasn't like it was his fault.

She tried to put some space between the two of them again, really. She groaned quietly to herself, knowing now what it truly felt like to be caught between rock and hard place.

Bill cracked his eyes open the slightest bit unbeknownst to her and quickly closed them again before she had the chance to notice. Anyone who thought he was a bad actor was a fool. A dumb man wouldn't pretend to be asleep as he was and observe the reactions of a woman in Celina's position to determine if she seemed to want him or not.

She sucked in a sharp breath when she felt his breath hitting the back of her neck, grazing over her ear. She clenched her fist tightly, fighting against the arousal that she was feeling. That wasn't how the morning was supposed to go- not with Bill. She had never even imagined herself in a position like this with Bill.

The woman fought against her instincts to think of something- anything other than what was going on. She tried to think about Dutch and how he would feel about this situation. Really though? After she had witnessed between he and Molly the previous night she couldn't bring herself to care how the leader of the Van Der Linde gang would feel... as terrible as that may have sounded.

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