Dutch x Arthur

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A/N: I know that I haven't posted an 'Imagine' in a while but figured maybe it would help to hold everyone over until I update 'On The Horizon' again. This chaper is going to be Dutch x Arthur as the title implies and Ik I said I wouldn't do m/m but I still need just a little bit of Dutch x Arthur in my life....

In this short story, Dutch and Celina are still together as are Arthur and Sadie.


"They went into town to pick up some necessities," Dutch ran his ringed fingers through his hair, "They won't be recognized like we would, Arthur. It'll all be fine. Our women are tough enough to defend themselves if anything should happen."

Arthur nodded with a grunt of agreement, of course Celina and Sadie would be fine, they were two of the toughest women he knew. He darted his tongue across his lips, "Of course, they'll be fine."

Dutch held eye contact with him for a moment, eye contact that made Arthur shift a bit under his gaze. Arthur was a truly handsome man, his hair kept short but not buzzed, that moustache he had, it was a nice.... manly moustache. It looked good on him, real good. His eyes traveled down Arthur's lean body almost involuntarily. Celina had saved him from contacting tuberculosis, he would forever be grateful for that. Still, he couldn't help but wonder what may have happened if Celina hadn't stolen his heart. He cleared his throat, trying to block out the thoughts that he had been having towards the man he had once looked at as a son.

The leader stood from his chair which never moved from outside his tent and clapped him on the shoulder, "You worry too much, son. You think you'll marry Sadie some day?"

Arthur shrugged rather awkwardly, it was cute. Dutch closed his eyes for a moment and tilted his head to the side. He had never been attracted to a man before, but- "I think... I think I might, Dutch.... I don't know. Maybe."

Arthur's answer had caused Dutch to lose his train of thought for a moment. The partially Scottish man found it was his turn to nod curtly, "Well good for you." He did his best to sound happy for him, he really did, "Sadie is a good woman. She'll make you happy."

"She does," The younger of the two outlaws confirmed, continuing to hold intense eye contact with the other. He licked his lips again and it almost made Dutch groan, why did he always have to go licking his lips? Why was- why was Dutch feeling the way he was? Surely it had to do with the dream he had had about Arthur a couple weeks back. Arthur continued to speak, "Do... do you think you'll marry Celina?"

Dutch nodded yet again, really wanting to walk off and dismiss himself from the conversation, "I hope so, son, I really hope so." Dutch took a deep breath and turned to walk away but froze when he felt Arthur's hand on his arm. He swallowed again, worried about what he might do if he turned back to him. Because of that, he remained facing away, "What is it, Arthur?" He could feel his voice shaking slightly with nerves.

Arthur was quiet for a moment too long, feeling his heart hammering inside of his chest at the thought of saying what he wanted to. Finally, he gathered his courage and the words came forth from his mouth before he could stop them. He was grateful that most of the gang was out and about, "I know, Dutch."

"You know what?"

"I know how you've been looking at me lately... it's... it's different." Arthur shifted his weight from one foot to the other, he should have kept his mouth shut and let the whole thing go, "Things have become different for me, too." He really, really should have kept his mouth shut.

Dutch tilted his head to the side slightly, biting on the inside of his lip, "Just leave it, Arthur. It's nothing."

"No," Arthur released Dutch's arm from his grasp and took a step backwards, "It ain't nothing, Dutch. I see it.... I- I feel it... Celina sees it. I don't think Sadie does, but-"

Dutch took a deep breath in hope that he would be able to control himself as he turned around to face the younger, "Feel what? What are you talking about?" Dutch knew very well what Arthur was talking about, he had no idea that Celina had picked up on his recent behavior, let alone what she had talked to Arthur about it. He knew the two of them were close, but damn. It was he who licked his lips this time, he wouldn't be the one to say it, he wouldn't.

Arthur looked at the ground, begore looking back at Dutch but not quite making eye contact, "I know that you're attracted to me, Dutch. And I'm- umm, I'm attracted to you too." He raised his hand and droppped it back in exasperation, "Celina came to me a few days ago and called us out on it. She knows."

Dutch twisted the ring on his finger, the only one he wore now since he had given the other one to the woman he loved. He felt like a jerk, like a huge jerk. She knew and she hadn't said anything about it to him? Why had she gone to Arthur instead of him? He sighed in defeat, "What did she say? Is, is she upset?" Of course she was upset, that was a stupid question.

"She..." Arthur started as he thought back to the conversation he had had with Celina, "She wasn't happy, but she was honest. You could tell she didn't want it to be true."

Dutch let out a less than humored laugh, "Of course she didn't want it to be true. Arthur-" his voice cracked at his name, "You and I have got to put this behind us. Maybe... Maybe if Celina wasn't who she is things would be different. But she is, and I love that woman. I ain't gonna leave her, she is very much my future." He made eye contact with Arthur again, "Nothing is going to come out of this, son. Nothing can. It- it ain't right. It's- it's-"

"I know," Arthur nodded, "I know, it ain't right... but." Dutch raised his brow at the word that suggested he wanted to argue the decision, "But, I'm jealous, Dutch. I'm real jealous that I- that we-"

Dutch felt as if his throat was constricting due to the amount of stress that had suddenly been thrown upon his shoulders, "You have a good woman, Arthur. So do I, we can't go ruining that."

"What if," He raised his hand again but this time in thought, "Maybe if we just get it out of our systems then... then everything will be ok. They wouldn't have to know, and we could move on with our lives."

Dutch's voice reflected a tone of warning, "Arthur-"

He cut him off, "Look at you, you look like you're scared to move! Just," he took a step towards Dutch, "Let's just get it out of our system Dutch, it'll help, it's got to."

Dutch set his jaw and studied the man who had a bit more muscel mass than he. It was wrong, nothing about this situation even came close to right and he knew that the second he saw Celina he would regret his decision. Then again, she didn't have to know. If he could just try to get Arthur out of his system like he had suggested then he could be completely focused on his woman again. If he did this, it would help his relationship with her, that's the rationalization he used.

At that, Dutch made his way back into his tent, Arthur following hopefully. The younger went to say something but Dutch was way too far gone in his thoughts to process what he could be saying. When he turned around to face Arthur, he felt any ounce of control he had previously struggled to possess slip away and he crashed his lips roughly onto the man's.


A/N: Like I said, hope that holds you all over for a little while. Let me know what you think!

Disclaimer: I do not own Red Dead Redemption 1 or 2 or anything associated with it.

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