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So you were a student to a university and you were 5 years studying at that university, so you already know all about it.

Y/n's pov

So here it goes again, An expected day of school. I lazily got up, take a bath, then eat. Until someone called me. "Hello?" I responded to the phone. "Y/n! Where are you? Omg, you don't believe what i'll say!" My friend said. "What!?" I yelled, i look at the clock and its already 7:39 AM. "Shit! I gotta go!" I cursed.

I quickly rushed to school because 8:00 AM is our calltime in class. So i hurried running until i bumpes into someone. "Yah! Oh, sorry!" A cute man spoked. "Heyy.. Watch out! Y-" i cutted seeing his face. He looks like me, and.. his smile looks mine, aish.. what am i thinking?

"Uhm.. i'm sorry! But i have to go, Bye!" I yelled as i run and wave at him. "Argh!" I groaned as i look at my watch. Its still 7:42 AM. Thank god the time is slow now. I reached the school and the bell rung. "Shit, i'm late!" I cursed. Again, i ran into the halls until i bumped into someone, again.. "Uh! Mianhe!" He apologized and bowed. "Uhm.. no need! Bye!" I half yelled and start running again.

At the moment i was about to reach thr school's gate someone yelled from my back. "Wait!" The guy yelled, i look at him and he was running towards me. "We're maybe at the same class, lets go" he said. He hold my wrist and start running. He looks cute. He grabbed me into a class that i'm exactly in.

We stopped at the door and he opened it. "Is this your class?" He asked. "Yeah" i said and i go in first. As i expected, i'm late again, shit. "Ms. L/n! Why're you late!?" She yelled. "I'm sorry ma'am, Its so traffic outside" i lied. We both get in and sat down the chair. He sat beside me and after a while ma'am called him.

"So meet your new classmate, intruduce your self please" ma'am said. He walk towards Mrs. Lee and took a deep breath. "Annyeong, My name is Lee Chan, but you can call me dino, That's what my co-mambers call me, I'm 19 years old, Kamsamnida" he said and head back to his seat.

"Nice to meet you dino" i said and smiled. "My name's L/n Y/n" i added and offered a shake hands. A time passed and its finally lunch time. I put all my things into my backpack then dino grabbed my hands and pulled me. We were running till we reached the cafe. "Wait! I dropped something" i said as i turn around.

I saw a cute man waving my thing. "Yah! That's mine!" I said as i run towards him. "DK hyung!" Dino half yelled and ran towards him. Before i could reach my thing i look confuse. "Wait, you know each other?" I asked. "Yeah, he's my co-member, don't you know the group called 'seventeen'?" He asked. "N-no, hehe" i look shy as i blush.

"Here you go" he said as he handed my notebook. "By the way, i'm Lee Seokmin, but i'll go by DK" he said. "Annyeong, I'm L/n Y/n, nice to meet you" i said as i put my notebook in my bag. Lets go hyung, the others is waiting for us" dino said and grab my hand and pulled me again.

We reached the cafe and i saw a row of table inside. Dino pulled me in to sat down the table. "Ah! Yah, i think i should go in other table" i said and tried to walk in other wah but one of them pulled me making me sat down. "Uhm.. i-" i cutted. "You can join us, My name's Lee Jihoon" he said and contineu eating. I can't understand what they all saying because they're talking at the same time.

They're all noisy. After did jihoon tell his name i look confuse. "All of you got 'Lee' surname?" I asked jihoon making others stop talking and look at me. "S-sorry" they're eyes winded and start laughing. I look so embarassed and shy, why did i ask that? And i'm just asking jihoon. "Ofcourse not! Guys! Intruduce yourselves, Yah, you can call me woozi okay?" Jihoon stated.

"I'm Choi Seungcheol, but you can call me S.coups, I'm the leader of the group". "I'm Yoon Jeonghan". "I'm Hong Jisoo, i'll go with Joshua". "I'm Wen Junhui, but call me jun". "Kwon Soonyoung, or call me hoshi". "Jeon Wonwoo, nice to meet you". "Lee Se-" he cutted. "Aish, don't intruduce your self! You already did!" Dino half yelled.

"Kim Mingyu imnida". "Xu Minghao, Or The8". "Boo Seungkwan, nice to meet you!". "Chwe Hansol, but they call me Vernon". They all intruduced. "Ah~ L/n Y/n imnida" i intruduces as they cheered. I felt shy that moment. I was sitting beside woozi but before joshua could sit down in my other side there's someone called me. I look at my back and i saw Jennie with lisa waving.

"Uhm.. Chan, i have to go, My friends are here" i whispers. "What?" Chan asked as he look to jennie and lisa. "Oh~ You're friends with them? Alright then" chan stated. I got up making them confuse. "Uhm.. I have to go, Bye, see ya~" i stated as i run towards the girl. "Yah, you're offered in a lunch with them? Why did you got up? Go have lunch with them!" Lisa stated.

"O-oh, so.. why did you?-" i cutted. "Just go! Were just right there and wete having lunch too, call us when you need us, bye!" Jennie stated as they got into thr counter and buy some foods. I stand infront of the boys' table making them cheer again. Aish, they're so hyper and noisy. "See? Go sit down, join us" s.coups said.

"Uhm.. okay?" I stated. I was still standing cause of mingyu is now sitting of wherei just sat before. Jeonghan hyung offered me to sit beside him. He just sign by patting the chair. Jun pulled the chair and guide me to sit down. They're so gentlemen. I hopr i can be close with them. We started eating and they're still noisy, especially DK and.. and.. who was that again? The small eyes and the cutest one? Oh yeah, hoshi.

They're so cute when they're cheeks were puffing when eating, especially Mingyu. We finished eating and the bell rang, it means its time to go back to class. "Uhm.. what class are you?" I asked woozi. "In the chemestry class, but Mrs. Park isn't here today, so we have free time" woozi said. "Yeah, how about the others?" I asked. "They have their own classes, but DK is also chemistry class, so he's joining us" woozi stated.

"Okay! Lets go then" i said and walk with them. I can say i'm close with woozi, because he's such a kind man, and he's easy to be closed to. We were walking down the halls way to the garden, which is they're going to eat again. I was in between those boys while walking. We reached the garden and we just sat down the chair and woozi start patting his legs.

"Why woozi?" I asked. "Uhm.. nothing, DK, take care of her, i'm going to get a drink, what would you like Y/n?" He asked. "I'll just go with water" i stated and he left. I'm a little shy because i'm not yet close with DK. I moved in space but he moved making me close to him. "Yah, you know what? Y-" he cutted because i started laughing, fake laughing.

"Uhm.. can you move a little? Ehehe" i stated and he just move. "Yah, don't be shy, I'm a good man, what do you think?" He stated. I just rub my arms and he start talking again. "You know what? You're lucky, because woozi isn't interested for talking and being with girls but she's interested for being with you, I don't know why, but you're a bit lucky, maybe he li-" he cutted again.

"Yah, don't say that kind of things!" I half yelled. "Yah! You have bug in your neck! Ew!" He yelled and i start panicing. "Take it out please!!" I yelled and panic. He startes taking it out until i saw woozi running and the time he reach us he pushed DK. "Yah!" DK half yelled.

Quick Woozi's Pov

I'm done buying drinks. I walk back to the garden and when i reached it i saw DK kissing Y/n's neck, i put down the bags and start running into them, I pushed DK cause of my freaking madness. Idk why i'm mad.

Y/n's pov

"Yah DK, did you already got that? And woozi??" I asked confusing. "Are you kissinh her neck!?" Woozi half yelled. "No! I was removing the bug on her neck! I'm not a byuntae!" DK half yelled. Woozi looked at me with confusing and cute face, he's also pouting, AAAH, he's so cute. "Is.. is t-that t-true?" Woozi asked. "Y-yeah! HAHAHA, Don't worry, i'll not let DK kiss my neck!" I said and start laughing hard.

I don't expect that woozi would think that kind of things..

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