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There might be a little confusion when you read this for my OC's name is Laurence and the other character John's last name is Laurens. When saying both names it sounds very similar, so just be careful when reading.
{ }= There thoughts.

Oc's POV-

"Finally finished!", Laurence had spent his whole life studying and researching to create his masterpiece. And now here at the witching hour, he had succeeded.

After admiring his creation for a moment, Laurence grabbed a small black box and pressed the red button closes to his finger. "My name is Laurence Murte, I have been working for the majority of my life to create a time machine. And now on the 3rd of September 2018, 3:27 am. I have completed my life's work.", he spoke into the box. "Tomorrow morning I'm going to test it by going back in time to 1776, and hopefully meet my hero.". He then placed the box back on his desk, where he found it and made his way out of the room and to his bed. Which he slept in till 11 am.

When he awoke Laurence grabbed his packed bag and collected all the money that could be used in 1776. Once ready, physically and mentally, the young boy made his way to the time machine. It was a tall slim white metal box, with a door that slides open. Stepping over the threshold, Laurence placed his bag down and set in some coordinates into the control panel built into the wall. He strapped himself down to the cushioned seat and took in a deep breath.

{"I'm really doing this... Wow."}

With determination plastered upon his face. He smiled a huge toothy grin and without a second thought, he slammed his fist down on the 'Go' button.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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