Chapter 5

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Annika was more than happy that day. She was skipping her steps all around her cabin. Finally, like finally, her husband had asked them out on honeymoon and they would be flying there this evening! She thought she would never go for a honeymoon like how it happens in the TV series which she and Saumya used to watch. The couples would be married for over than 2 years, but all they do would be solving the problems in the family, one by one, with every new villain's entry, then they go on an exile, only to be stalked by the ultimate villain of the entire series and then, when happiness was finally knocking in for them, it was unceremoniously killed by the creatives. She took an oath to never watch any Indian TV series anymore. Her frustration was beyond what words could express.

When she had mourned for the undeserving end that her favourite characters begot, Shivaay had tolerated all the tantrums. It was in fact the first ever time that she had been so expressive about her feelings, as she lived the characters. She wasn't just in love with them. Shivaay had even went to the extent of phoning up the producers and TV channel and had a petty negotiation with them, but it was all in vain. The effort he took that mattered to Annika, more than it was being successful or not. She made peace with the end of the show, only because of Shivaay. His worry upon seeing her being troubled just for a TV show actually made her feel touched. Very touched in fact. She was already a goner for him. Fida!. And all those tiny gestures made her fall for him even more! Can he get any more perfect? Actually, he could.

She remembered how he had asked her for their honeymoon just around an hour ago. Working under him was nothing like living with him. He was so strict and becomes another person when at work. Even though he was being his kindest possible to her at office compared to the rest of them, his method of work was still a little tough on her. He was a complete perfectionist while she was a fast worker. At times, when she had to re-do somethings, she does feels frustrated, but at the end of the day, his tiny smile when she get it done perfectly was worth all the effort she had to put in. She was working on a file given by him when he knocked and came in.

"Shivaay, I need a little more time on this file. It's not complete yet. I'll get it to your cabin as soon as its done, okay?" She thought he had came for the file, little did she knew.

"No, I've not come for the file, actually!" He stated.

"Oh! Okay! What is it?" Annika asked as she put the file down and finally looked up at her husband. He was not able to look at her. His gaze was fixed down. He was keep on scratching the back of his head and tapping his foot on the flooring. He was nervous? But, why?


"Woh, Annika, can we take a few days off?" He asked bluntly.

"Errr... I don't know. You're the boss!" She shrugged her shoulder. He was being weird. Very weird.

"Actually, I was thinking, urrrm, we've been married for some time now..."

"Three months and three weeks, to be precise!" She added, in an attempt to bring back the cool him.

"Yeah, three months, three weeks, five days, 16 hours, 53 minutes and 12 seconds... 13... 14..."

"Shivaay?! I get it! What is it?" Annika asked as she moved towards him and made him sit on the couch in her cabin. She knelt down in front of him to examine him.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" Annika asked, worried.

Things were much different after they had visited her parents the other day. Awkwardness never existed after that. In fact, they had a particular tension building between them, given that Annika had realized that they were in love with each other. It was sexual tension. Shirtless Shivaay tempted her to run her fingers on his torsoe while whenever Annika wore a backless dress, Shivaay had to control himself from kissing her there. A mere hand brush was enough to ignite spark between them. Their good night and good morning kisses were much longer than the usual peck. It was longer. They allow their lips to linger on each other's skin for some time, inhaling the scent of their better half.

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