chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Radha Murthi


Mona says,"Chinnu, it is waste of time trying to talk to some prankster”. Chinnu replied, "At least I tried. I will leave no stone unturned.

Meanwhile Mona remembers that last month when she was on blood donation camp organised by some NGO she met a girl called Raji from other medical college who even won the first prize for ‘Best Motivator’. She immediately calls her up as they both had exchanged  their numbers during the camp.

Mona: “Hi, Mona here, remember me!! I was with you on that blood donation camp”.

Raji: Rubbing her eyes and trying to open them with difficulty replies in sleepy voice, yawning “Hi Mona I do remember you but what makes you call me at this time? Its 3am isn't it? (She looks up to her wall clock and checks to confirm)

Mona: “Sorry to disturb you Raji, but I need your help. Actually my best friend’s father met with an accident and he needs O negative blood urgently. I was wondering............ if,............ if ...... you could help us out”

Raji: “Sorry Mona, our exams are going to start soon and I can’t afford to fall ill or sick”.

Mona: “ But But Raji, You were the one who spoke to all the people on the camp and motivated them most. I remember ,you even said that you are O negative and every drop of your blood is precious until it’s used for some noble purpose and the best way would be to donate blood”.

Raji: (Making faces) “Come on don’t tell me that you bought that crap . I wanted to win the prize that's it! Do you really think that I would do that”?

Mona: (was getting little angry now) “Ok forget about the speech on humanity basis can you help, you are a medical student after all and you know it very well that nothing will happen if we donate”.

Raji: (Yawning) “Huh! I haven’t taken the pledge to do any social service. So please don’t  bother me and waste my precious time I need to get some sleep”. She hangs down the phone.

Mona: (totally disgusted with Raji’s behaviour), “This lady is a chameleon, is...........***.....” “How mean minded is she”

Mona’s father: (consoling her daughter), “It’s okay Mona, you can’t force anyone. Keep trying we will be at hospital in 15minutes”.

Chinnu gets a call on her cell phone and its one of her male classmate’s number. She picks it up

Chinnu: “Hello, Hi Rishab, what happened?”

Rishab: “Heard your dad needs O negative? I am O negative and I am near govt hospital.”

Chinnu: (happily) “Oh well Rishab Thanks A lot! By the way how did you know?”

Rishab: It seems you guys were trying hard to find, so one our classmates from girl’s hostel called the boys in the Hostel and left us the message. I have been trying to call you but your line was busy always. So I and Arun thought to reach govt hospital first and then try to contact you. Hey, your dad’s name is Subba Rao right? Well we have reached, don’t worry now.”

Chinnu: ( with tears in her eyes) “ That’s so thoughtful of you and my friends. Thank you. I can’t express my gratitude in words.”

Rishab: It’s not the time to think and thank. You don’t have to thank. Anything for friends. Ok bye will see how I can help you further. Bye”.

Seeing Chinnu’s smiling face both Mona and her father realized that half battle was won. Smiling at each other they rush to the hospital. Chinnu and Mona thank god in silence and they reach the hospital.

Rishab is on bed  with a needle in his vein draining out his blood in the blood collecting bag mixed with  anticoagulants it was kept on a rocking small instrument meant to mix the blood, squeezing a smiley  ball to pump out his blood  he had almost filled the bag. He looked at Chinnu aka Shraddha who stood watching indebted to this guy. She came inside with permission from the concerned staff and enquired Rishab.

Chinnu: ( with gratitude in her eyes) “ Are you okay? “

Rishab: (Giving a 'That's no big deal' look) “ Please go and see your dad. He needs you now.”

Soon Chinnu realizes and rushes to the floor where her father is admitted. As she reaches in, her mother starts crying aloud.

Chinnu( with tears in her eyes, hugs her mom tight and consoles her): “its Ok mamma, am here now, you don’t have to worry anymore. Mona and her father have also come to help us. Nothing bad is going to happen. Calm down!!!”

Chinnu’s mother tries to control her out-burst .Rubbing her nose and wiping her tears she asks, “ Could you get someone to donate blood?”

Chinnu( happily, with a smiling face cups her mamma’s face in her hands and says, “ Yes mamma! We got a donor finally.”

Chinnu’s mother closes her eyes quenches  her both hands in front of her chest  and thanks the god. Some more tears roll down her closed eyes.

Meanwhile nurse accompanied by Mona, her father, Rishab and his friend Arun, reach the ward where Chinnu’s father M r Rao is admitted. Nurse had the blood bag with all the kit necessary to start the transfusion.

Chinnu enquires the nurse : “Why were you so late?”

Mona replies, “They had to do certain tests on the blood. As a part of their protocol you know.” ( She shrugs her shoulder.

Finally Chinnu’s father gets a compatible blood. But still he is unconscious. The duty doctor comes to see the progress and gives everyone a good nod indicating that things are getting well.

Doctor advises them that they are going to wait and watch till tomorrow and then will send for CT scan to other hospital.

Chinnu intrudes immediately, “ Sorry Doctor, but can we shift him to the other hospital with better facilities?”

Doctor: “Of course but once all the legal formalities are over. This was a road traffic accident case. He was hit by a truck. Since he was on two-wheeler and wasn’t even wearing his helmet he got badly hurt. What has to be done to get him discharged will be told to you by the doctor in-charge of this case tomorrow, so anyhow you need to wait till 9am tomorrow.”

All together looking at each other’s face give an okay nod to the doctor. Rishab and Arun take permission from Mrs Rao and Chinnu aka Shraddha.

Chinnu again thanks them both. As all of them make themselves comfortable on the chairs besides the patient bed, nurse comes in there and says, “ Ma’am, some person actually came to donate his blood. His blood group was also O negative, but he was sozzled , so we didn’t collect his blood meanwhile your friend came and donated his blood.”

Chinnu: ( Puzzled ) “ Who was this guy who came earlier to donate?”

Nurse: “ He said he is ‘Mr Akela, The WRONG NUMBER ‘

Chinnu looks at Mona and her father,  still puzzled and curious as to who this guy was. But since after a big fight they  finally managed to get the blood they are thankful. They ease themselves on the chair. Mona tries to get some sleep while Chinnu is still PEEPING out through the window wondering who this ‘Mr Akela, The WRONG NUMBER “is...............

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