chapter 6 "Entangled"

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  • Dedicated to Manasi Achar


Mr Rao: (overwhelmed) “How are you? Where have you been all these years? You just vanished only to appear this way? So Mayank is your son. Isn't it?

Mrs Vyas: (overjoyed and with tears of joy) “Hi Subbu! Let me first make myself believe that I am talking to you finally. I just can’t express how I have been all these years. Yes indeed! Mayank is my son. But..........

Mr Rao: (coming back to the present day and its seriousness): “That’s why I am calling you. Mayank was attempting suicide; luckily my daughter distracted him and prevented him from doing so.”

Mrs Vyas: “I know, his servant called me yesterday night and informed me. I was dying with guilt here!! I feel suicidal in this situation. I am responsible for what he is going through” (she starts crying)

Mr Rao: “Control yourself. This is no time to think this way. You should stand like a pillar to support him in his delicate times. And why are you both mother and son so mentally disturbed that you are thinking that way?

Mrs Vyas: “It’s a long story will tell some other day. Nice to know that Mayank has at least someone, with whom he is sharing his problems.”

Mrs Rao: (hesitatingly) “Ammm actually my daughter Shraddha and Mayank met through........ I mean........Sorry to disappoint you but we actually don’t know him. Well technically, yes we do know, but we know him a little.......As good as nothing.”

Mrs Vyas: (befuddled) “I don’t understand a bit..... You know him or you don’t know him?

Mrs Rao: “Actually it’s a long story as well. He is this wrong number guy........................................”

He narrates the whole story about how they bumped into this guy. Meanwhile Mrs Rao enters the room with a yes nod from doctors for the discharge. Seeing her enter Mr Rao gets startled and disconnects the call. Mrs Rao who entered the room happily finds his behaviour a little weird. But Mr Rao tries to pretend as if nothing happened but in vain.

Soon they pack all their belongings and call Chinnu to inform her about the discharge. Chinnu reaches hospital with her friend and they finish the hospital formalities. All head to Mr Rao’s house. After having lunch together both Mona and Chinnu pack their belongings and Chinnu says...

Chinnu: “Mamma, since exams will start in 5days from now I will be staying at Mona’s house if that’s okay with you guys otherwise I will have to spend a lot of time travelling from house to college during exam days.”

Taking their parents blessings they both start towards Mona’s home. Chinnu is still thinking about Mayank. Notwithstanding the distraction she was having she decides to give him a call. After few calls Mayank picks up the call. He is very irritated with Chinnu....

Mayank: (bluntly and contumeliously) “Yes Miss Shraddha, What do you want more from me now. Hopefully you are happy muddling my life.”

Chinnu: “What did I do? Why are you so swanky?

Mayank: “I am being rude?? Funny!!! You intrude in my life without my permission and ask what’s wrong? What do you know about me?

Chinnu: “Yes! I know nothing and neither did I muddle nor am I meddling your life. ”

Mayank: “Fine then what made you call up my mom and tell her about this whole thing. And you even went up to saying that our relationship status is complicated?”

Chinnu: “I didn’t speak to your mom even once, but yes my dad did, and he surely wouldn’t have told anything of that sort since I told them how we know each other.”

Mayank: “Yeah yeah! She must have dreamt that her son is in danger and rushed to save him (acerbically)

Chinnu: “Listen up you Snag! I didn’t tell your mom anything. And what is your problem feller? When she is not with you, you are sad, and when she is with you....... you are jumpy (stammering in anger). You know what, you are a sassy person, and have been mucking up all your life. So stop blaming others and get some vision.

Chinnu: “You know what I am done with you. Thanks for everything you have done. Bye, good bye.”

She hangs down the phone in disgust. As she sits fuming her friend who was watching her all the while dares to say her something trying to assuage her....

Mona: (hesitatingly), “Are you ok?”

Chinnu (still fuming yells back at her),”What is wrong with you am perfect. He is wrong, of course he has to be, he was the Wrong Number guy in my life in the first place.”

After few minutes Mayank calls her back to apologise as his servant tells him the whole story of what actually happened. Chinnu picks his call with same animosity and bluntly asks....

Chinnu: “What is it now? Aren’t you done yet?”

Mayank (meekly): “Well, I am Sorry!! My servant told me about the whole fuss and I realise it wasn’t anyone’s fault. So could you please forgive????????”

Chinnu, “It’s wrong to jump on conclusions and hurt someone you know.”

Mayank “I realize that now that’s why am talking to you.......”

Chinnu: (mellowing down) “That’s okay, it happens sometimes. I ... I.... understand.”

Mayank: “You do!!! Thanks!!Let me make up for this mess. How about coffee?”

Chinnu:”Aaaa..... Well got my exams in few days, so..........some other time.”

Mayank: “Fine I will be waiting for your call. See ya! Bye!”

Chinnu: “ Ya bye, and take care.”

When all this was going on and they both were busy on the phone Mona kept watching her flabbergasted. After Chinnu ended the calls,she turned to Mona who still was amazed. BUt Chinnu was now smiling and was happy. Looking at totally amazed Mona, Chinnu poked her and asked her what is the matter.............?

Mona: “ You are asking me, what is wrong with me? You guys were fighting like some good old boyfriend and girlfriend. You were getting mad at him and he was trying to make up for the fight..... Everything..... Everything was so...........Yak!!! Strange!!!”

Chinnu: (trying to understand Mona’ point of view) “ You are right!! May be..... Well, we have exam heading us so let us concentrate on that rather than this stuff.”

Mona: (amazed again) “Concentrate? Yes you especially. And me as I am getting really scared seeing you.”

Both try to forget the matter and get back to studies. Mona’s words are still ringing on Chinnu’s mind, but she fears to show it on her face as Mona would thrash her for being distractive. But indeed she is. All thanks to This' WRONG NUMBER' guy.

Here at Chinnu’s house, MR Rao has some complacent smile on his face as he recalling something.

Mrs Vyas who is busy preparing lemonade for her son is happy and smiling for no reason. Mayank who is relieved and overjoyed speaking to Chinnu is gazing blankly on the ceiling fan lying on his bed.

Chinnu who is pretending to study in front of Mona is actually wondering as what was going on with her............


Author's note. Since its my first story please vote for me and become a fan, if you are liking the story. If YOu feel anywhere I am going wrong, do bring it to my notice. let me also know how you would like to take this story forward. Kindly excuse silly mistakes which even I have noticed like misssplet words, missing articles etc. I want to improve more

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