the NOK JHok

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Chapter 21

Half heartedly Mayank is waiting for Chinnu to call him back. After a week he is sure now that Chinnu has moved on. His male ego is deeply hurt. So he decides to call her up ,and picks up his phone but again ‘MR EGO’ gets on his way and he disconnects the call.

                       Now he wants to teach her a lesson. He calls up his secretary and legal advisor enquires aboutt the status of his joining as MD. They confirm him about the arrangements being ready and also inform him that any day he can join the institution as MD. He says after the results of pre-final MBBS batches are declared, he will take up the post.

                        Meanwhile his mom enters the room.Looking at him ,puzzled, she asks him,

“I still don;t know what was the reason for your bizarre behaviour the other day. After a long time our relationship was getting back to normal and you suddenly squashed it hard...........Why don’t we both have a straight forward , face to face conversation to sort out our differences? “

Mayank: (collecting his wallet, and keys from his cupboard, turns to his mother and says): “Am glad Mrs Vyas made this move. Thanks for the offer!!! But our discussion on the topic ends here. “

He moves out of the room slamming the door behind him. MrsVyas is full in tears when his cellphone rings and she realizes that he has forgotten his cellphone.

She picks the calls to answer when suddenly the person from other side starts blasting Mayank.

Mrs Vyas, “ Hello, May I know who is this??”

Person on the other side, “Well Sorry, I thought it was Mayank. This is Mona... Chinnu’s friend.”

Mona narrates Mrs Vyas about the break up and how rudely Mayank behaved with Chinnu and had upset her friend.

Soon Mrs Vyas realises the reason for Mayank’s bizarre behaviour. Now all the jigsaw puzzles are getting into place. She thanks Mona for all the info and assures her that Chinnu will not shed anymore tears because of her son.

Here Chinnu tough is pretending to have moved on is still hurt deep inside. Her friends call her to tell her that the results are declared, but she gives them a cold response, as if she isn;t interested in the results.

Mona calls her and informs that they both have cleared the pre-final with first class marks. She also tells her about the re-opening date of the final year batch in the college.

This time Chinnu didn’t get first place as she was totally distracted, but she seemed no-where affected by her poor results. Her parents and close friends could all make out the obvious change and disinterest in Chinnu.

They do their every bit to cheer her up.

Chinnu makes up her mind to control all her emotions and give her best in her final year exams.

When she rejoins the college and attends her first day of final year in college, she finds the atmosphere completely alien, it was her most worshipped place but not anymore probably. Some of her friends were busy gossiping about her alleged break up with the College MD. But luckily she had quite a few friends who were trying to get back their old Chinnu from this heartbroken cry baby.

The  Dean of the college makes an announcement about the grand ceremony expected to be around in a week to honour the new MD of the institution, he asks all the Final year students  to volunteer in the arrangements.

Chinnu, is totally uncomfortable but tries to maintain her cool throughout.

All the students are divided in to different committee for the function arrangements.

Chinnu has been allotted the work to introduce and welcome the new MD of the institution. For that she has to meet the MD , interview him and get his bio-data.

Chinnu, is aware that Mayank is deliberately trying to put her in such situation.

But still she dares to go and interview him so that she can prepare her speech for the big day.

Chinnu knocks at Mayank’s room(temporary cabin in the college administrative block, till he becomes the new MD.)

Mayank who is some meeting with the college office staff, asks Chinnu to get in(rather rudely)

Chinnu is disturbed and little nervous as she doesn’t exactly know what's going on his mind.

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