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Vanessa begins dancing to the song "When the War is Over" and she does a variety of dance moves

"Wow! Thank you Vanessa" said Emily

 "I mean it wasn't bad..." said Richelle

"Ok! Jack you're up now" Emily said

Jack begins to dance to the song "Can't stop the Fire" and does loads of tumbling passes and does a variety of dance moves.

"Beat that." Jack said, barging past the person who was next to go on

2 hours later:

"Ok! Thank you everybody for coming today, me and Richelle will talk you all over in my office, and then we'll be right back!" said Emily

In Emily's Office:

"So who do you think Richelle?" Emily asked

"Hmm, there were some surprises, some major disappointments.." Richelle said

"Yeah, yeah! Just get on with it Richelle." Emily replied

"The person that stood out for me the most was Jack..." Richelle said

"Yeah, I agree! He was technically amazing and could really tell a story. I think we've found our star dancer!" Emily said

"He was ok." Richelle said

Meanwhile in the Juice Bar:

"I wonder who Emily and Richelle are going to pick for Noah's replacement!" said Henry

"Yeah!" Replied Summer

"Noah's unreplaceable! He's the best dancer TNS has ever seen." said Jacquie loudly with a slight edge in her voice

"Well as Abby Lee Miller says, 'everyone's replaceable'." Piper said

"You don't seriously watch that, do you?" Kingston asked, laughing

"So what if she does! It's actually quite good." Finn said, defending Piper

"Whatever mate." Kingston said, putting his hands in the air 

Back at Studio A:

"Ok, that's our decision! Let's go tell the dancers!" said Emily

"Ok!" replied Richelle

Emily and Richelle walk out of the Office and into the middle of Studio A

"Ok, so the dancer we picked was Jack!" Emily shouted

"Thank you so much for this opportunity!" Jack said, smirking to himself

"Richelle, can you please get the rest of A-Troupe so we can show them our tenth member of the team?" asked Emily

"Sure!" replied Richelle

"C'mon guys! We've got the tenth member of our Troupe! To be honest, he's nearly as good as me." exclaimed Richelle, walking into the Juice Bar

"YAY! We're ready for Nationals!" shouted Ozzy

"About time!" Kenzie said

"Finally!" Summer said

"No more drama about who's our tenth member!" Henry said

"Are you serious right now?" asked Jacquie, rolling her eyes and sighing

"C'mon, lets go meet him!" Piper said, walking out of the juice bar, the rest of the team following 

"Ok Jack, tell us all a bit about yourself so we can get to know you!" Emily asked

"Um... ok, my name's Jack and I started dancing when I was two and I've won many awards for my dancing as I'm just so good!" said Jack 

"Welcome to The Next Step Jack! I'm sure you're gonna love it here." Emily said

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