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Three Weeks Later:

At Studio A:

"Okay! Now that Jack has finally gone, me and Noah have decided to replace him with Amy!" Emily exclaimed

"We now have 10 ready and prepared dancers for Nationals!" Noah shouted to A-Troupe

"We have just received a letter from the head of Nationals, that it's been held in Vancouver, which is 2,090 miles away!" Emily said

"How are we travelling?" Kenzie asked

"By plane, it will take 5 hours approximately!" Noah said

"Okay, your parents have already paid in advance, we're just going to email your parents all the information now. Start warming up!" Emily commanded

"Hi Jacquie!" Henry said

"Hi" She responded

"So, how have you been?" He asked

"Better...but I'm just glad to be dancing again." Jacquie said

"How'd ya mean?" Henry asked

"Just... Summer... she really isn't happy with you breaking up with her..." Jacquie said, "She definitely wants revenge!" 

"Hmm... she seemed cool with it when I told her..." Henry said, oblivious to everything

"Boys." Jacquie said, sighing and walking over to Richelle

"Hi Richelle." Jacquie said

"Hi!" said Richelle

"So, how have you been?" Jacquie asked

"Fine." Richelle said

"Good!" Jacquie said

"Right everyone!" Emily shouted, getting everyone's attention

"This year, it's group dances only!" Emily told everyone "They want to see how well you can work all together." 

"Hmm... they all look amazing! I think they're ready to go." Noah said

"Okay, good work everyone, go home and pack all you would need for a few days!" Emily said to the troupe

"You need to meet here at 3am, so I suggest waking up around 1am. We need to leave here at 4am, to be at the airport for 5am, okay guys?" Emily asked

"Yes!" They all respond and walk out of the Studio, talking excitedly to one another

"I have a GREAT feeling about this years Nationals!" Emily told Noah

"Me too!" He responded smiling

Authors Note:

Next Chapter, will be about there journey. So like, meeting here, going in the coach to the airport, at the airport, flying to Vancouver, and landing in there hotel, and unpacking, and relaxing in Vancouver.

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