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(Seven Months Later)

"Aww, he's adorable!" Jacquie said to Richelle

"Thank you!" Richelle replied back

They had just given birth to two healthy babies. One a girl who was born on the 23rd of December and one a boy that had been born on the 24th of December.

"Would you like to hold your babies?" The nurse said, and handed them their tiny babies

"Aww! They're so cute." Richelle said, looking at her baby boy, then looking at Jacquie's baby girl

"I'm sure they're gonna be best friends!" Jacquie said

Half an hour later:

"Is this my baby?" Noah asked Richelle

"Couldn't you tell my the nose?" Richelle said, jokingly and handed him their baby boy

"He's a mini me!" Noah said, utterly delighted, looking at his babies blue, soon to be green eyes

A few days later:

"Dad! Do you want to hold your grandson!?" Richelle asked Alan

"Yes!!!!" Alan said excitedly, and Richelle handed him her sleeping baby

"Aww! He has Noah's nose!" Alan said "He's gonna have some gorgeous green eyes like his mummy and daddy someday!" and Richelle and Noah smiled

A few days later at Jean's house:

Jacquie and Henry had moved into the annex in Jean's house (it's like a 2 bedroom apartment thingy)

"Henry!" Jacquie said, laughing "A diaper doesn't go that way round!"

"Yes it does! Wait... oh... it doesn't!" Henry said, laughing

"Give her here. Silly Henry, he has no idea has he?" Jacquie said, picking up her baby and putting the diaper on the right way round

"Would you like to hold her?" Jacquie asked Jean, who was watching from the door

"Oh! Yes please!" Jean said, whilst Jacquie passed her over to Jean

"Aww! She's adorable." Jean said, smiling fondly at the small, blonde haired, blue eyed baby girl in her arms

A few day later:

Jacquie                   Richelle 

J - Wanna come round for a catch up x

R - Sure - Let's invite Emily and Michelle

J - Of course! 

A few minutes later:

Emily, Michelle, Richelle, Noah and their baby pull up outside Jean's house. They walk up the steps round the corner of the house, leading to their annex

"Hi!" Jacquie said, holding a baby girl, in a cute pink sleeping suit to her chest

"Jacquie!" Richelle said, holding her baby boy gently

"C'mon in!" Jacquie said, and she let them into their cosy living room of their annex apartment

Emily, Michelle, Noah, Richelle, Jacquie and Henry sat down

"I love what you've done with this room!" Richelle told Jacquie

"Thanks! How have you been doing?" Jacquie asked

"Quite well, I miss dancing so much though - my legs are itching to dance!" Richelle said

"Only a three more months then we can dance to our hearts content!" Jacquie said

"Who's going to look after them whilst you're at dance?" Michelle asked

"Well, Jean already volunteered! They're still a bit young for baby ballet yet!" Jacquie said

"Yeah, my dad's going to look after him 4 times a week and Noah's mum 3 times." Richelle said

"That's good!" Emily said

"So how have you been coping with her?" Richelle asked, nodding her head at the baby girl asleep in Jacquie's arms

"Great! Henry finally figured out how to put a diaper on the right way round. What about you?" Jacquie said, laughing

"We've been doing quite good!" Richelle said, looking up at Noah, who was nodding

"So, have you decided on any names yet?" Emily asked the girls

"I have!" Richelle said

"Me too!" Jacquie said

"You go first Richelle!" Jacquie said

"This is Mateo Ryan Erlick!" Richelle said

"Awww! I love that name so much!" Jacquie said

"Thank you! What's her name!?" Richelle asked Jacquie

"Her name is Romelia Grace Emerson Jacquie said

"Aww, cute name for a cute baby!" Noah said

"I love that name! I'm sure they'll be great dancers and even better friends!" Richelle said

"Actually me and Richelle want to ask you something!" Jacquie said 

"What is it?!" Michelle and Emily asked

"Would you want to be Romelia and Mateo's Godparents?" Richelle said

"OF COURSE!" Emily and Michelle shouted together

Life had finally looked up for Richelle and Jacquie, but what about next season?!

The Next Step - Season 7 (Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now