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The Next Morning:

Jack drives to the address of where Jacquie lives with her family. He types in the code, into the box that controls their posh electric gates and drives in. He climbs out of his expensive looking car, and smoothens out his grey suit, with a pink tie - wanting to make a good impression and looks up at the massive Greystone house with white pillars and a fancy door. He walks up to their door and knocks, using the silver lionhead knocker. The door opens and two well dressed people open the door.

"Hello Mrs Emerson, Mr Emerson" Jack said, nodding his head at them both

"May I ask, who are you?" Mr Emerson asked, confused

"Oh, Jacqueline hasn't told you? I'm her new boyfriend!" Jack said, putting on a really convincing smile

"No she didn't, I'm terribly sorry." Mrs Emerson said, smiling

"Oh, it's fine, may I see her?" Jack asked

"Certainty, but she's out on a shopping trip with her friends at the moment, she should be back in around 20 minutes." Mrs Emerson said, "Call me Cynthia and him Edward!"

"Thank you." Jack replied and Cynthia gestures for him to come inside. Jack stands in the big entrance of the Emerson Manor and looks up at the big, shiny chandelier.

"So, what's your name?" Edward asked, smiling

"Jack Myers. Should I remove my shoes?" Jack replied

"Yes please, finally a boy who was brought up well!" Cynthia said, as Jack removes his shiny black leather shoes and puts them on their shoe rack

"Here, put these on." Cynthia said, handing Jack a pare of new well-made slippers, that they gave to guests. Jack puts them on and Edward tells him to follow him and leads him into their big and fancy kitchen.

"Sit down at the table and tell us a bit about your self!" Edward said, smiling at Jack

"I'll make some afternoon tea!" Cynthia said and she makes some primrose tea, and she also offers a light delicacy of sponge cake, with sugar rose petals, and cream

"Here!" Cynthia said, placing the plate down on the big kitchen island

"Wow, these look wonderful Cynthia!" Jack exclaimed, smiling 

"Well, I try my best." Cynthia said, giggling slightly

"So, tell us a bit about yourself Jack. You seem very well mannered!" Edward said "What do your parents do?" 

"Well, I was born in Toronto, but I moved to a house in Royal George Road. It's not too far from here and my parents own a clothing company called, River Island. I've also loved dance! Ever since I was watching a show on the Television, and then my parents decided to put me into dance when I was three and when I was five, my parents started enrolling me into quite a few competitions. When I was around seven, I joined the Canadian Dance Company, and stayed there until I was 15, but then I heard about The Next Step's International Win a couple years ago and I decided I wanted to train there so my family moved over there!" Jack said

"Wow, that's so nice! I'm glad my daughters boyfriend is more, hmm, how do you say it, our class?" Cynthia said as Jack smiles at her

"We just want the best for our Jacquie." Edward said, smiling

"As every parent does." Jack said and just as he says that, they hear a key in the lock

"I'm home!" Jacquie shouted, walking into the kitchen and putting her bags of shopping on the island in their kitchen

"Hello sweetie, how was your shopping trip?" Edward asked his daughter

"It was good." Jacquie replies, looking at a text on her phone

"Jacqueline! Get off your phone, you have a visitor!" Cynthia said, with a slight edge in her voice, making Jacquie look up to see Jack

"Oh, hello Jack. It's such a delight to see you!" Jacquie said, faking the enthusiasm

"Hello! How are you Jacquie?" Jack said, looking as if he actually cares

"Fine, you?" Jacquie responded

"I'm great, thank you!" Jack replied

"Anyway, why don't you go out onto the patio at the back of the house, there is some brown rattan outdoor sofa's, and a glass coffee table!" Cynthia said proudly

"If you need anything, just ask!" Edward said leaving the kitchen with Cynthia

"C'mon Jacquie, we have a lot to talk about" Jack said, glaring at her. He grips her arm tightly and pulls her out to their glass sliding doors, leading to the patio. They sit down on the sofa's as he asked her "Have you figured out a way to get rid of Noah yet?" 

"Not yet." Jacquie said, bracing her self to be slapped

"I'm sorry Jack!" Jacquie said, putting her hand to her cheek where she was slapped

"It's fine, I kind of figured that you wouldn't come up with an idea as you're SO THICK!" Jack said, "At least I have a plan. We're going to frame him or something." He laughed mischievously and leaves Jacquie sitting alone on her rattan sofa

Out in the hall:

"Thank you so much for your kindness and hospitality!" Jack said to Jacquie's parents

"Oh, it's no problem!" Cynthia said "We're just happy Jacquie has finally found someone we approve off!"

Jack takes off the nice slippers, the Emerson's lent him and puts on his black leather shoes. He laces them up and thanks Jacquie's parents again, and leaves. He drives away, smirking to himself about what he just accomplished. 

"Hello, Jack seems very nice! I'm so very happy you found someone with a better background!" Cynthia said as Jacquie walked in

"I'm just going to be in my bedroom." Jacquie said, walking up to her bedroom to cry

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