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"Everyone, I have some really bad news!" Henry said, as everyone gathered around him

"What is it?" Richelle asked

"Where's Jacquie?" Kenzie called out

"Well, you know Jacquie and Jack were going out..." Henry said, looking down at the ground

"Yeah..." All of the troupe said

"They had a toxic relationship... and last night... things got really violent... he smashed a vase over her head... and it knocked her out, she's in hospital..." Henry said, trying not to cry

All of the troupe turns around to face Jack

"IT'S NOT TRUE, YOU HAVE NO PROOF!" Jack shouted angrily

"Yes it is, and I do have proof..." Henry said, glaring at him as he walks up to Emily, handing her his phone. She watches the video and everyone hears Jacquie's screams as the vase comes smashing on her head.

"GET YOUR THINGS, AND GET OUT!" Emily shouted at Jack and he leaves studio a. All of the troupe is in shock about what they have just witnessed

"Everyone, rehearsal is cancelled!" Emily said "I have to think over this and get the police involved..." 

"Noah, I'm going to go see Jacquie in the hospital, are you coming?" Emily asked

"Uh... I don't think she'll want me there" Noah said to Emily, remembering there fight a few weeks ago

"I'm sure she will" Emily said and convinces him to come. 

At the Hospital:

"Hello, I'm looking for Jacqueline Claretta Emerson, I think she was checked in last night!" Emily said to the nurse

"Hmm..." The nurse said and types her name up on the computer "Yes, she was - she is in room 226" 

"Ok, thank you." Emily replied as they make there way to her room.

"I'll wait outside" Noah said to Emily

"Ok, see you soon!" Emily said to him and walks into Jacquie's room.

"Jacquie!" Emily said, looking at her pale face, with a mark down one side, and the thick cast she has around her head. 

"What?" She said weakly, looking up at Emily

"I just wanted to make sure your ok! Why didn't you tell me? I could've stopped it before it got this bad!" Emily said

"I... I... he... he... told me that if I told anyone... he would hurt me really bad..." Jacquie said beginning to cry

"Oh Jacquie!" Emily exclaimed and sits down on her hospital bed to hug her, Jacquie begins cries uncontrollably

"I'm sorry..." She said, between sobs

"Don't be! This is not your fault, okay?" Emily said

"Ok..." Jacquie said quietly

"There's somebody else here to see you." Emily said, walking out of the room

"Ok." Jacquie said

"Hi Jacquie..." Noah said hovering near her hospital bed

"Look Noah, I'm not in the mood for a 'I told you so' ok?" Jacquie said

"I'm not here for that, I just wanted to see If you were ok!" Noah told her

"Yeah, well, I'm obviously not!" Jacquie said with some attitude

"I can see that..." Noah said

"Look Noah, I'm tired." Jacquie said to him and turns to face the opposite direction

"Ok, I'll go... I'm sorry for... everything." Noah replied and walks out of the room

The Next Step - Season 7 (Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now