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The curtain raised and the song began, every dancer hit every move spot on and were flawless. The dance ended and all could be heard was the clapping and cries of the audience

Commenter: "What a GREAT performance from The Next Step Dance Studio!"

Commenter 2: "The Next Step has scored 96 points - that's enough to put them into the next round!

All of a-troupe cheered and smiled at each other 

The curtain went down and a-troupe left the stage

"Well done everyone! I'm so proud of you!" Emily said, running up to everyone and hugging them

"Well done Davis! You learnt that dance in just under an hour, and you executed it flawlessly!" Noah said 

"Richelle?" Emily said, pulling her over to one side

"You need to tell him." Emily said, looking her in the eye

"Not here though." Richelle said, looking down at the ground

"I know. Maybe you should ask him if you want to go out for coffee or something?" Emily asked

"I'll do that." Richelle said

Back at the hotel:

"Hey Richelle!" Noah said, running over to her and swinging her around "You were great!" 

"Noah, do you wanna talk over some coffee. I've heard that there is a Starbucks near by." Richelle said

"Um... sure!" Noah said, and they drove to Starbucks

They take a seat at a table for two and for a few minutes, neither of them said anything

"So..." Noah said, breaking the silence "What did you want to talk to me about?" 

"Well... there has been a lot going on recently..." Richelle said, "You know... the whole Jacquie being in hospital... and you know..." 

"Yeah... I feel bad for her..." Noah said, looking down at the his drink

"Look, Jacquie was raped..." Richelle said quickly, and Noah looked baffled

"Wha...what...when...?" Noah said, stuttering 

"It doesn't matter when...but she's pregnant...now..." Richelle said "and...so....am....I...."

"Wait...wha....what?" Noah asked "You're pregnant.....?" 

"Yes..." Richelle said, "I'm sorry Noah! You don't have to be with me, but I'm not aborting this baby" 

"Ok... is it mine..." Noah said, timidly

"Yes..." Richelle said

"I'm so sorry Richelle!" Noah said, nearly crying

"It was my fault too..." Richelle said

"Does your dad know?" Noah asked

"N...no..." Richelle said, "I only found out yesterday..." 

"I think you should call him here..." Noah said

"I guess so..." Richelle said, sighing and they went back to the hotel

A few hours later Richelle's dad arrived

"Richelle! Honey! What's wrong!?" Alan said, running up to his daughter

"D....dad...I'm...pregnant..." Richelle said, breaking down in tears

"Oh, Richie..." Aland said, pulling the sobbing Richelle into a hug

"You're not....angry?" Richelle asked, sniffling

"No sweetie... I'll be there for you, no matter what, ok?"  Alan said, looking into his daughters eyes

"Thanks dad. Love you!" Richelle said, hugging her dad

"I need to get back to work and you need your sleep, Nationals day 2 tomorrow!" Alan said, giving her a quick hug

Richelle walked up to her hotel room, where Davis was now sleeping and climbed into bed, falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow

At the hospital:

Jacquie had been taken off life support and was doing well

"I love you..." Henry said, who hadn't left her side since after their performance

"I love you too..." Jacquie said, slowly falling asleep, with her head resting on henry's shoulder

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