Chapter 6

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Jace's POV

We were all waiting in the library for Magnus to show up. With Clary gone we needed someone else to draw the portal, and he was the only one capable of doing so. I missed Clary...obviously, all I could think of was our last kiss before she was taken, and the way she always smiled up at me when I kissed her like that. But then my thoughts were replaced with her screaming my name, and lying on the ground with the stab wound creating a stain beneath her. I quickly shook my head trying to get rid of the images, luckily Magnus walked in or I might have had a breakdown.

"It's about time!" Izzy said annoyed, "You were supposed to be here a half hour ago!"

"My apologies I got held up helping out a friend with...a rather complicated situation."

"It doesn't matter" Alec interjected quickly "Your here now so let's just get this over with"

"As you wish" Magnus stepped forward and draw an oval like shape, looking almost like a black hole when he connected the two ends.

Isabelle went through first without acknowledging Magnus again, Maryse and Robert thanked him and followed, then Luke and the wolf pack, followed by Alec until it was just me Simon and Magnus left in the room. I turned to Simon and gave him a quick nod as if saying "you know what to do," then I took a step into the portal and plunged into the darkness.

Clary's POV

I felt empty when they took Teddy away, and so alone. I turned the knife like object in my hand over and over, it felt rather comforting when I did like I was protected. I decided to do what Teddy had said to pass the time, and turning the knife once more in my hand I gingerly sat up, brought my arm back, and threw it with all my strength at the wall. To my surprise the throw was practically perfect. Groaning in pain, I grabbed another rock in my cell and crawled over to where the knife was stuck in the wood. I drew a box around the place it had hit, then pulled the knife out.

The pain seared up my stomach with the fast movement, but I tired to ignore it, I was going to have to in order to survive. I stood up ignoring all of my body's protests, and walked over to where I had been sitting before.

I decided the only way to get over the pain in my lower abdomen was to create more pain, and just grow used to it. I made a game with my knife, it I threw it and hit the square I had drawn then all I had to do was retrieve the knife, if I hit the wood around the square, I would have to practice 10 punches or 10 kicks, that I had been learning in the institute, against the bars, and if I missed the wood and square completely I would have to do 20 sit-ups and twenty push-ups. I don't know how long I played the game for 2 hours maybe even 3, but it wasn't long before I would hit the wood every time, eliminating the push-ups and sit-ups p, which was a relief because although I was trying to down play the pain I was in, those were unbearable.

I finally stopped my game when the door opened again, and a tall man came in with something in his arms...Teddy. I just stood there unmoving while he opened her cell door and dropped her in with a loud thud, he then grabbed something in the room and threw it in the cell as well. Without looking at me the man just turned and left. Once he was gone I collapsed onto the ground, not realizing how tired and in pain I actually was.


I got no response.

"Teddy??" I tried again with more urgency in my voice.

But again I heard nothing...

I dragged myself over to our shared bars and saw that she was unconscious, with her blood dripping onto the floor. I couldn't see where she was hurt but I saw that the man had thrown in a medical kit before he left. They expected her to fix herself up when she woke. She'd probably done this many times before, but it still infuriated me.

Ignoring any feeling I had, I got back up and grabbed my knife and threw it over and over, not playing my game this time, just throwing it at the square, not that playing the game would make anything different because I hit the square almost every time, imagining that bastard Castors face in it. After nearly an hour of my repeated throws the door opened and a man walked in. He came over to my door this time and fear struck me like a demon about to tear my throat out. He pulled out his key and slowly opened up the door to my cell...

Simon's POV

Once Jace went through the portal it was just me and Magnus left in the room. There was just silence for a moment before he said

"We'll if your not going to ask me to track anything then I guess I'll just be going."

"Wait" I called out, then I pulled Sebastian's dagger from where I was hiding it and handed it to him.

"Ahhh I thought so." He snatched the dagger from my hand and began chanting words at it and moving his hands over it. He closed his eyes for a few minutes, then he suddenly flashed them open with a confused expression.

"I thought for sure I'd be looking for Clary..."

"Jace tried it already but he said it came back blocked, covered up by dark magic that he didn't think you could undo in the time frame we have so he wanted to try something of Sebastian's instead."

"Interesting, well if the spell worked correctly, I believe Sebastian can be found in the old Fairchild manor."


Hey guys sorry for the short chapter but it's like one in the morning and I'm really tired so I promise you guys a longer one tomorrow!!



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