Chapter 12

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Jace's POV

We finally were within a mile of the Manor, so we decided to tie the horses to the tree and walk the rest of the way. When we reached the clearing of the house, I saw something I didn't expect: It was still burned down. All that lay in front of us was ash and burned belongings.

"Are you sure this is where he is?" I asked Magnus, trying to not let my worry and doubt into my voice.

"I'm positive, the spell showed him to me here, so there must be an entrance to the underground in the ruins somewhere."

We came out from our cover in the woods, and began searching for anything in the rubble. I moved aside planks, piles of ash, and a few other things I don't really want to mention, but found nothing. My heart was aching, I was so close to Clary, but I couldn't find the damn opening to the safe house Sebastian was in. 'Quite the shadow hunter I am.'

Of course right after I think that I trip, on what you might ask. The door. I'm losing my mind I can't help but laugh at the irony of it.

"Isabelle" I say in a hushed voice, she looks at me and I point down. She nods and walks over to Alec and Magnus, as I pull open the door, and see a ladder going down.

When they get back over to me I realize something. Our plan.

"Guys what should we do now its not a house were looking in."

Isabelle looks up at me and shrugs, "Keep the pairs of two and just look, use the same calls but don't get lost."

I shrugged "That'll work" although inside I'm fuming at the thought that we wasted that time at the Penhallows for nothing.

"I'll go first" Alec suggested

I nodded toward him and he quietly made his way down the ladder followed by Isabelle, then myself, then Magnus brought up the rear. The ladder went deep into the ground, It took us almost a full minute before we reached the bottom. When I jumped off I noticed that we were in a dimly lit tunnel with mold growing on the damp stone walls.

"It looks like a catacomb." Isabelle stated.

"I wouldn't be surprised if it was." Magnus smirked

I took the lead down the tunnel until I saw a bright light in the distance. I sped up my pace until I could see a bright whitish room. I stopped my jog, and crept slowly forward. I then saw demons, 6 of them in the room. I held up my hand to the others telling them to stop. I made a fist with it, which was our sign for demons, then flashed five fingers then one. I made a fist again before counting down from three and ran in.

I caught the first one by surprise and was able to quickly kill it with a swift stab to the stomach. Another one came at me from behind which I kicked back, and swung my blade at. It backed away however so I was only able to make a shallow cut across its legs. It them came back at me, swinging its hand, claws extended. I stopped the in coming arm with the flat of my left blade as I stabbed the right blade into its heart, and it turned to incor.

I turned around to see Alec shoot an arrow into the last demons neck. No one was severely injured, but Isabelle had a long cut on her arm which was already in the process of healing from an iratze.

"Impressive." I heard someone say to the right. And I knew exactly who

"Sebastian" I growled.

Simon's POV

It was torture waiting here for Jace, Alec, Isabelle, and Magnus to return. No one talked, they were all too nervous about what was going on. Jocelyn had gone home with Luke, she was exhausted, it looked like she had barely slept, which would make sense given that her daughter was missing. Although she didn't even know how or what happened when Clary was taken, but no one mentioned it to her. It was for the best.

I sighed, bored out of my mind, I decided to go to the one room in the whole institute that had a TV. I turned it on and was watching Friends for maybe five minutes when words flashed across the screen:

"Thought you would like to see this...Enjoy the show."

'Well thats creepy' I thought, but then the screen changed again to a black and white room. I gasped in shock at what I saw. She was dirty, and had cuts all over along with a big bruise on the side of her face but I would recognize her anywhere...Clary.

She had a seraph blade in her hand, and she looked a little scared. I soon realized why, there were demons, maybe seventy of them walking toward her. I watched in horror as the front demon ran at her, she took it down within seconds, but then two more descended on her which she also took down. I had to say I was pretty impressed. But after the fourth demon died to her sword, a fifth brought his claws down at her. I couldn't see where it hit but I heard her let out an agonized scream.

"No..."I said but there was obviously nothing I could do. The demon then brought his claws down again and I saw him rake the side of her face as her head fell to the side, eyes closed, as the recording shut off.

"NO!" I screamed out I rewinded it and watched it again. There was no doubt it was Clary.


Clary's POV

I woke back in my cell, forgetting what had happened, but it all rushed back to me as I tried to move my shoulder. I gasped out, and my face stung at the movement of my mouth. I could barely move.

"Clary?" I heard Teddy say, her voice sounded afraid, but I couldn't do anything to reassure her that I was okay, I couldn't even reassure myself.

"I know its hard Clary, but you have to get up, you have to move." Her voice was soft and supportive now. "Your body wont be able so support itself if you don't move, it needs to learn to at least cope with the pain."

I tried to move my shoulder but I cried out in pain again, I turned my head towards Teddy's cell, she was sitting at the shared bars, eagerly looking down at me, her shoulder seemed better then it had before.

"You can do it, you have to." She encouraged. I tried again, and tried to push myself up. I got about half way before I screamed out again, it seemed like fire was spreading on my shoulder. I collapsed back to the ground, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Your almost there Clary, one more time." She said, her voice now sounding a little urgent.

I pushed up one more time, ignoring the pain, as I came up into a seated position. I was breathing heavily at the painful effort, making my face ache even more.

"I can tell how your shoulder is, but I can help you get it better, how's your face?"

"Fantastic." I mumbled sarcastically

She let out a short laugh before saying:

"I don't know how long you were out, but I know it was more then twelve hours, so we need to work on moving your shoulder before they come back for you. You won't be able to stand one demon with how it is right now."

She started showing me things to do, almost like stretches to make me get used to the pain. She then told me to try to throw the knife she had given me. I winced every time I threw it, but I was still hitting the wood I was aiming at. After two hours of working she finally let me stop.

"What weapon did you choose?"

"The seraph blade...why?"

"Every time they take away the weapon you had used the time before, so the seraph blade won't be on the table next time, with how your throwing these I suggest you take the bag of knives today."

I recalled the contents of the table, and she was right, there was a bag of knives, maybe twenty of them what looked like a quiver for arrows.

"The simplest way to kill a demon with a throwing knife is throwing it directly at its heart, the chest and head will only partially wound it, but the heart turns it to incor.

I nodded, and reached my hand up to the new lines on my face. They burned at my touch and I winced, but continued to probe them. It wasn't long before Teddy whipped her head around to me and said the words that frightened me the most at the moment.

"They're coming, good luck Clary."


THANK YOU GUYS SOOOOO MUCH FOR 500 READS for that your rewarded with a second chapter in two days, enjoy!!


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