Chapter 2

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"Life's more painless, for the brainless..." Louis sang before cringing at how his voice cracked. He cleared his throat and groaned,"Ugh, this stupid song! I can't get the notes right and my voice seriously sucks with it. Why can't he just have a more high pitched voice?"

Zayn explained as he flipped through his papers,"Cause, that's not how life works. Fiyero has a unique voice and needs to keep it that way. If you're going to complain we'll just have your under study take your spot."

"No!" Louis quickly said, stepping down from the stage. "It-It's fine. I just, I really don't know how to range my voice to this. I want to, but I'm lost. This is my first true play with a big part and I want to do well. I just need some help, please don't give up on me."

"Don't give up on yourself," Zayn countered, giving Louis' shoulder a squeeze.

A frown tugged at Louis' lips and he sat down on the edge of the stage. Everyone else was doing so well with how their voices played out. Louis only got the part because he tried very hard and did amazing. He has a perfect singing voice, but it doesn't fit the character's.

It was risky enough taking him on since the girl playing Elphana is taller than him. He can't give them more reasons to kick him out of the play. He had a lot to do to make himself better for this. He felt really upset for messing everything up. However, he was going to keep trying.

One thing being in uni taught him is that you need to push yourself. Most professors and people in charge are way too busy to help you, let alone remember your face. Louis wanted to pursue his dream in being on broadway and despite Wicked not being his favorite production (though, he loved it), he did have a lot of amazing broadway shows he did want to be in.

Louis was a theater geek and adored musicals so much. Sadly, he never got to see a true broadway show. He's watched his sisters and friends on stage, but it's nothing like the original cast and watching them in a huge theater with amazing acting. He adored his sister being Dorthy, but it was terrible compared to a true Wizard of Oz show.

Considering tight budgets and family problems occasionally, Louis did have his problems with even going to a real broadway show. There were small productions around his town, but he didn't have anything legit to go to that was nearby. As his mum did remarry, they got more money, but the motivation to go to a show wasn't there anymore.

As of now, Louis knew he could go if he wanted to. He still would be having a struggle to get the money since they are around a hundred pounds per ticket. But, considering it is broadway, it would be worth it. He just didn't have anywhere that was good enough to go for him.

Because, broadway is only technically true broadway if it's in New York or the actors in those shows tour around together. He felt like the others were just expensive knock offs and nothing but pitiful. He couldn't quite judge, though, since he never went to one before.

Louis knew his obsession with musicals, broadyway and theater were getting to his head sometimes. He found himself constantly reading over his lines and singing the songs in the shower. Which was funny since the guys probably hear him and he's so embarrassing sometimes.

He's a true diva. Obsessed with Cats, Phantom of the Opera, Newsies, Lion King, Grease and Wizard of Oz -- all the fun and classics. He didn't know why. Maybe because when he was little, he saw Mary Poppins on the telly and ever since, he's been into singing and Anne, Harry's mum, got him to watch Grease and it escalated from there.

Having Harry as a friend really helped a lot with Louis adapting as a person. Growing up with tons of siblings does take a toll on someone. But, whenever he felt unloved or abandoned, he would go to Harry's and Anne, Robin and Gemma were the sweetest. But, Harry was the sweetest of them all.

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