Chapter 5

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The thing is, Harry is afraid of heights and Louis knows that. He knew that Harry doesn't like being high up in the air, especially without something safely holding him or protecting him from falling to the ground. But, Louis also knew Harry trusted him and that was what is being tested here.

Louis was scared.

He didn't want to lose Harry to Nick. Harry is his best friend and he couldn't risk not having him. Harry was his world, his life, his everything. He loved him dearly and the thought of losing him hurt so much. He couldn't believe some people go without having someone like Harry in their life, because he felt like he would die without him.

It sounded silly, but Louis and Harry are attached at the hips and clung to one another like leeches. Ever since they were kids, they did everything together and they trust each other a lot. But, Louis saw how Harry looked at Nick. He didn't look happy, but he looked like he was trying to force himself to be happy.

What if he dated Nick? Louis won't allow that. Harry is his and he won't let Nick take him away. Louis then blushed, realizing how silly that sounded and how jealous he was becoming. He doesn't like Harry like that. They're best friends and sometimes they kiss now, but he didn't like Harry in that way.

As of now, he was more worried about losing his friend, though. Harry is a mentally small baby froggy who couldn't be harmed. He was a peach that bruised easily. He can't let anyone harm him. Just like how Harry does the same to Louis; they protect each other. They make sure they're safe and sound, usually in one another's arms.

That's why he wanted to take Harry away and they were going ziplining. He knew that the boy would be freaking out and they would need to calm him down, but Harry would be so happy and have fun. It would take some time to stop the tears, but Louis would be able to protect him and make him feel safe.

That will remind Harry that Louis is his best friend and he can always rely on him. Because, honestly, how else would Louis be able to stop Harry from hanging out with Nick so much? Louis didn't like Nick. He stole his best friend and was trying to take advantage of Harry, who's simply a baby. They're all babies until they have a baby, that's how life works.

Louis pouted as he saw Harry wasn't in the hotel yet. He was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago and promised Louis that he won't be late. They need to take a bus to the ziplining area and can't be late. Harry is always on time; it's how he works. He's a punctual person, so where the hell did he go? Louis wasn't pleased with this.

He was wearing a nice tanktop that was white with little designs and shorts. He looked it up and they said to wear closed toe shoes and basically, anything else is fine. Obviously they said to avoid dresses and skirts and nothing tight since it could be a bit uncomfortable. That's why Louis hid all of Harry's jeans since he'll try wearing them.

After a while, Louis was going to give up and go alone. But, suddenly the door opened and he looked over, seeing Harry walking in with three bags and a pair of sunglasses. He wore his yellow shorts still and he looked like he had a blast as he waved goodbye to Nick, skipping in with no shirt on and his towel tossed over his shoulder.

Louis crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow and Harry just giggled,"Hi, Louis! Look what I got."

"Harry, we were supposed to leave and you still need to shower!" Louis exclaimed, motioning to the bathroom. "What were you doing anyways? Hanging out with Nick again?"

A frown formed on Harry's face, wincing at Louis' upset tone. He wasn't yelling, but his sadness made Harry feel pain. He gulped and timidly handed over a bag,"I-I was shopping with Nick. I bought us something. I'm sorry, Louis. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I know you're upset and I should be more punctual. I was distracted."

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