Chapter 7

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"What happened, sweetie?"

Louis frowned, leaning his head back on his pillow as he told his mum sadly,"I-It's so bad, mum. I don't – I don't know what to do. Everyone's making fun of me and—and it's so scary. All these guys are calling me a whore and these girls are laughing at me. I hate it so much. Can I please go home for a bit?"

"Louis, you can't do anything until you tell me what happened. Maybe it's not as bad as it seems. Can you tell me why people are making fun of you?" She asked with a deep sigh. He could hear her cooing to the babies while probably feeding them.

The boy blushed a bit. He didn't want to tell his mum. But, he found himself admitting quietly,"Harry had this photography project...and it was to make nude beautiful or something. Like show that being naked isn't always sexual. But, someone must have found the pictures and now people think they were sent to someone in a naughty way."

"Oh, love," His mum let out a breath of frustration. "Why would you do that?"

Louis pouted,"It was for Harry, mum. It was just a project and I didn't think anyone would see them. Only the teacher would see them and now someone must have found them. Part of me thinks it was Harry."

It hurt to admit that, but he couldn't just let that pass his thoughts. It could possibly have been him. Harry did have access to his work, he could have taken it back and let them loose. Of course, Louis doesn't want to think that. He was scared, though. He couldn't let anyone free from being accused. He needed to know who let them out and as of now, Harry was on that list.

His mum tsked,"Louis, you and I both know Harry would never do that. He's a sweetheart and respects you more than anyone I know. I don't think he did this. He's such a smart boy. Remember when you were ten and a boy pantsed you on the playground?"

"Yeah, Harry poured his apple juice on his head and shoved him in the sandbox," Louis chuckled, sniffling quietly at the memory and sat up with a determined look on his face. "You're right mum. I shouldn't accuse him of doing that. I just...I didn't know who to blame. I was mad. But, I'll go and talk to him right now."

His mum chuckled fondly,"Good, because I know you two couldn't go long without talking. Before you go, I was wondering if you and Harry would like to come down for Christmas. I'm sure Anne wouldn't mind. I wanted to have a fun get together for your birthday and I would prefer you home for that."

It was like a tradition. Every year Harry and Louis choose whose house to go to for Christmas. They have never spent a Christmas apart since they were ten years old. Before then, Harry's dad was still in the picture and he wasn't very fond of the Tomlinson's. Thankfully he's gone and Robin is much nicer. Now they still like to keep the tradition up.

"That sounds nice! I'll ask Harry, but I'm sure he would agree," Louis said as he tugged on his shoes. "I have to go before Harry goes to his next class. Um, I'll talk to you later mum? Love you."

"Love you too, dear. Please ignore the assholes who are making fun of you. You're a beautiful boy," She then cheekily added,"after all, you're my son."

Louis blushed,"Mum!"

"I'll talk to you later, tell Harry I said I love him."

The boy rolled his eyes and smiled as he hung up and checked his phone. He saw there was about twenty minutes before Harry's class. He wasn't looking forward to that long run, but he could definitely make it in time if he tried. He wanted Harry to know he loved him and that he was sorry for accusing him of what happened.

Their friendship is so important to Louis. The most important thing, maybe even before his family. He relied and needed Harry in his life. They were like two parts of a whole. Two halves of a heart. They needed one another. He just hoped Harry could forgive him considering Louis has been ignoring him for three days. It was probably the longest they have gone without talking.

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