Chapter 8

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As soon as he heard the boy's voice, Harry knew he was at fault here. He got Louis hurt or in trouble and he couldn't handle living with that guilt. He told Louis to be a complete jerk, now Ricky did something to him and Harry's thoughts were not good right now. He was imagining the boy battered and bruised.

When Harry borrowed Niall's car, he was nearly in tears. So, Niall joined and reluctantly let Harry drive since he wasn't letting Niall even reach over to help him buckle up. Harry was trembling and had watery eyes. He was so scared. What if Ricky touched Louis in a naughty way? What if he pressured Louis the way Nick did to him?

As these thoughts continued to go through his mind, he drove to the restaurant Louis texted him. It was really late and Louis was waiting for him outside, so the boy must be freezing. London was quite cold at the moment and Harry parked outside the restaurant, shivering as he went over and looked for the boy, frowning when he couldn't see him.

However, he heard a soft 'harry' and his head snapped up, turning to where he saw Louis shivering with a bruise on his cheek and tears falling down his cheek. Harry's heart dropped, aching as he rushed over to the smaller boy who looked even smaller as he curled in on himself, shaking like a leaf with his jacket tightened around him. His head low and lip quivering.

Harry pulled Louis into a hug, tightly holding him as he felt the boy sob into his chest. Guilt rose in Harry's chest, burying his face in Louis' hair as the boy cried into him with his fingers gripping at Harry's shirt. Harry leaned against the wall and tried to soothe him, but he didn't know what to say. A guy hit Louis—why? Did he really take Harry's advice? Harry was being such a jerk, now he got Louis hurt.

"Louis, w-what happened? Did Ricky do this to you?" Harry asked in concern, pouting when seeing the mark on Louis' face. It was bright red and some would think it's blush, but it was definitely a bruise forming.

There was a pause as Louis looked around, scared to see the guy. Harry wrapped an arm around Louis and he led him to the car. He saw Niall in the driver's seat now and Harry sat in the back with Louis. The smaller boy snuggled up to Harry, leaning his head on his shoulder and wrapped an arm around him with a deep frown.

Niall glanced back and winced,"Ouch, quite a bruise you got there, buddy."

"Shut up, Niall," Harry snapped with a protective tone.

Louis just shrugged and said while closing his eyes. "Um, I took your advice, Harry. And it didn't work very well. We were fine, like, he held my hand and he was nice. But then he was going all quiet and I decided to go on my phone, like you said. And then the waiter came by and I flirted with him because you said to test if he's possessive. And he kind of is...he got mad and I stopped. But then the waiter was flirting with me and Ricky called me a slut."

"What?" Harry gasped, glancing at Louis in disgust. "He called you what?"

"A—A slut. He saw those photos that were leaked...the nudes? And I guess he was trying to give me a chance anyways, but then he brought them up and I left. But then he followed me out and he started yelling at me," Louis nearly whimpered as he tucked his head under Harry's chin. "H-He yelled at me and hit me? And I hate being yelled at. It's the worst thing ever."

"I know, Lou," Harry felt his heart ache. He gently patted at Louis' hair and sighed sadly,"I'm so sorry. I'm so, so, sorry."

Louis shook his head and looked up at Harry. "Hey, it's not your fault, Hazza. You never went on a date, so of course you don't know what to do. But you tried and I just want to thank you for always being there for me. Most people wouldn't and you still picked me up. You're the best friend I ever had and I love you a bunch."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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