Black Tea X Brownie ;Mission

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Requested by @AnimeShipper4lifeXD
This is when Black Tea and the rest of the Devil's Coffeehouse squad is still working there.

Black Tea P.O.V.
"Black." The familiar voice of Coffee caught my attention, and my gaze travelled towards the man beside him. "I got a commission for you, and Brownie is going to help you."
The Food Soul named Brownie gave a gentle smile and took a step forward. "Hello. Even as a former butler, I can do all manner of things."
I returned the smile. "Hello, I am Black Tea." I then turned to Coffee. "What's the commission about? You usually have me doing the hard work."
He just smirked and replied. "There is a ball at the Light Kingdom, and someone requested that you claim and destroy a book called 'Daybreak'." He then turned to Brownie. "You will offer for a new job as butler there, and search the area for the book." He took a dramatic pause to push up his glasses. "Then when the ball is in it's most social event, you and Black Tea will go and retrieve it."
"Alright, I assume since this is a pretty big mission you have gear for us this time?" He usually brings gear for large missions that require more of a difference to the usual guns and material of clothing.
"Why yes. Your dress is in your room," he turned to Brownie and he had that devilish smirk when something amusing would happen. "And your outfit is in mine, i'll lead you there."
He maintained his soft smile. "Alright."
I should get Milk and Chocolate in on this... poor thing...


After putting on my dress that revealed my tattoo, I placed the gun in my holster that was on my thigh. Milk helped me put on the dress and figure out which gun would be easier to hide under a slimming dress, and which on made the least amount of noise.
"Are you sure you want to accept this mission?" Milk asked me with concern laced in her voice. "It seems too simple to be all that dangerous, so it's rather suspicious."
"I'll be fine Milk, no need for worry." I loaded the gun and fixed my dress. "Now come on, I think Brownie and Coffee are done. This should be amusing."
As we walked down, we saw Chocolate and I could tell he wanted to see what would be the newbie's reaction.
"...but does it have to necessarily be this specific one?"
"But why is the outfit you have given me a maid's costume with cat ears?"
"Come on Brownie." I said placing a hand on his shoulder. "The car's waiting, we are to complete our duties without fail."
He looked a little sad but attempted to remain in his professional composure. "Alright."
As we got into the car and told the driver our destination, I was still able to see a small tear on the corner of his eye. "Listen, Brownie," he looked up and placed his gun in his apron. "It's alright if you want to turn back or think you cant do it, after all, regret hurts worse than failure."
He wiped the tear off his eye and said, "Thanks for your concern Black Tea, but I will complete this task."
Timeskip to mansion, Brownie P.O.V.
After managing to get the job and leaving Mistress Black Tea in a tree somewhere with binoculars in case of the worse happening, I went to go clean the study. There were three large bookshelves that reached the ceiling, and a few books scattered on the headmaster's desk. He had given me orders to clean his desk and dust the bookshelves, and warned me of a maid coming in later.
Going to the desk, I looked closely at each book, dusted it, and placed it on a small pile on the other side of the desk. None of them said Daybreak, and I was forced to rearrange the papers laying on the desk or he would assume the worst.
I went to the first bookshelf, and looked for any out-of-place books, or any books that seemed odd. Sure enough, there was a golden book on the last shelf. It was pretty high up, and I would need a ladder to access it, but I knew of it's location and that's what mattered.
Proceeding to dust the books on the lower shelves, I grabbed a ladder to make sure that was the book I needed. I was about to grab it, but them a maid walked in.
"Hey you! Hand me that book!"
I looked at her in confusion and attempted to stall for time, assuming that Black Tea saw what was happening. "May I ask, why?"
"You're new and aren't supposed to ask questions, the headmaster needs to review Daybreak one final time before- mmhh!"
"Move or speak again and Aizen is in your future." She was tossed to the side, but...
"You. Hand it over."
A man with half a mask and red hair held his hand out to me and HE demanded the book. Assuming he was after the book, and didn't work for the headmaster, I refused. "Who are you?" I clutched the book tighter with my right arm as my left cautiously made it's way to the apron I was wearing for my pistol. "I didn't see you when the headmaster brought me." Black Tea... where are you?
   "Come on princess, i'll toss you like that maid."
   He thinks i'm a girl?! Coffee!
   Grabbing my pistol and pointing it at him, I placed my finger on the trigger. "Leave now."
   "Oh but come on sweetheart, it isn't very lady like for a woman to have her clothing stained with blood." He had a candelabra in his hand and pointed it at me. He's going to attack with that?
This aura... He's a Food Soul! Or a Fallen Angel!
   "I would appreciate it if you drop that pitiful weapon, Spaghetti."
   "Oh but you see, my Master Attendant requests that I return it to him."
   "Do what she says and drop it!" I'm close to pulling the trigger, but he might move and I could hit Mistress Black Tea...
   Black Tea put her pistol against his back, and I could hear the safety unlock with a soft click. "Yes well, I have no concern for your Master, and this is a request, so please, drop that stupid thing," She pressed it harder against his back, and I kinda started to fall for her dominant side. "And no one gets hurt."
    Surprisingly, he dropped it, and put his hands up.
   "Alright, you can shoot me if you want, but the owner is going to see an injured man on the floor bleeding out-"
   My eyes widened in shock as she just pulled the trigger. "Bleed then. And stop harassing Brownie. He dislikes his current attire, and you aren't making it any better for him." She then looked straight at me with her strong eyes. "Besides, he doesn't look half bad." A light blush spread across my face out of embarrassment.
   "Let's just go Black Tea! We got the book anyways, and we need to destroy it and get rid of the maid."
   Spaghetti started to chuckle slightly, and as he did, more blood pulsated out of him. "I snapped her neck when I threw her at the wall, just feed her to a Fallen Angel or something."
   Out of disgust, I was the one who shot him the second time. "We need to get rid of them and leave." I placed the gun back into my apron. "Besides, we made enough noise."
   "Alright." She plainly said as she shot Spaghetti a couple more times and threw him over her shoulder.
   Timeskip bc I wrote this for about a half hour now
   Black Tea P.O.V.
   After disposing Spaghetti in the Catacombs to fend for himself and giving the maid a proper burial, we destroyed the book and threw it in the river. I split the commission money with Brownie and we returned to the coffeehouse.
   Brownie still looked noticeably embarrassed about walking in a maids costume, when he suddenly spoke up. "Why did Spaghetti want the book anyways? And why did it have to be destroyed?" He then maintained some of his composure and asked, "and why must I still be dressed as a maid? Couldn't I have just left the dress somewhere?"
   Answering his questions, I replied in (a whole ass) summary. "The book contained some information about Food Souls and how we were created by the academy. Spaghetti wanted it so he could return it to the Academy so they could create more Food Souls, but the process is of course, painful." I then remembered the experiment they tried on me so they could make me fly, but it resulted in scarring and the wings only remained tattooed on my back. "His 'Master Attendant' was just a worker for the Academy and demanded he retrieve the book to him."
   Brownie seemed to understand the pain most Food Souls went through, though not all of them went through the experiment phase, they all did suffer. He then fixed his gloves and asked, "You still haven't told me why i'm unable to dispose of this dress."
   I could tell he was still embarrassed so I just gave him a rare, warm smile and repeated myself. "I said you don't look half bad, did I not?"
   He of course, had a light blush again. "Yea, well that dress suits you perfectly..."
   "Thank you." Once we got to the door of the coffeehouse, I looked him in his (beautiful) teal eyes. "Well I hope to work with you again, you did good."
   He returned my response with a smile. "Thank you, I'd look forward to another commission here."

Aight i'm done this is probably my longest one shot so imma go do something more productive and build a bird house or something.
Word Count: 1671


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