Sukiyaki x Reader

416 11 2

Requested By: Cinderace

Reader is a tiny tiny bit of a tsundere just sayin

(Y/N) P.O.V.
Sukiyaki: A constant flirt who never gets mad, especially towards me, and it was seriously getting me pissed.
He had got me emotionally confused, and it was all because he had to "confess his feelings to me". He's always flirting with everyone else, even Chocolate! (Who was morally confused) How am I supposed to know if he's telling the truth or not?! He even giggled as he said it and then said I don't have to give him an immediate answer, and then acted as if he never said anything! Even continuing to flirt with me and everyone else...

Petting Frost, one of Mooncake's pet rabbits, I just sighed, the little white ball of fluff twitching her nose in response. As I booped her nose, the one and only Sukiyaki entered the room, and stared directly at me for about a second, and grinned.

"(Y/N)~," he simply began. It's always something cheesy or stupid... "I'm not sure whose cuter at the moment, one of Mooncake's lovely partners, or the beauty, who would look great in a kimono by the way, holding the little treasure."

Sighing, clearly annoyed at the fact he kept acting like nothing happened to confuse and upset me, I decided to be petty and ignored him. I was debating on whether or not I should get up and leave, but then Frost looked at him, back at me, and just sank deeper into my lap, as if saying "Stay down you son of a-"

   "Aww come on now (Y/N), is someone mad at me?" He began questioning. "What ever did I do to upset that beautiful face of yours?" He sat down next to me, petting Frost as she seemed to fall asleep after noticing she wouldn't be getting up soon.

   "I'm fine, Sukiyaki." Come on, why won't he leave! Doing my best to hid the blush on my face, I desperately tried to think of where Sanma or Sashimi was, but then remembering they were going to be gone for the next hour.

Because I unfortunately have perfect peripheral vision, I can tell he was still going to try to get it out of me from the dumb smirk still plastered on his face. Because of that, I mentally apologized to Frost and picked her up and tried to leave, but I felt someone hug me from behind and rest their head on my shoulder. My face started going hot, and I could tell it was Sukiyaki as he was the only other person in the room, and I didn't know what to do. At this point, Frost jumped down from my arms and just ran away, most likely to Mooncake or to the garden, and she didn't even turn around.

As Frost jumped down, Sukiyaki hugged tighter, and I couldn't help but loosen up and sink into his warmth. He then unexpectedly asked in a genuinely sad tone that made me feel bad about being mad and wanting to leave. "Why are you mad at me? And if you're not mad then why are you upset with me?" He sighed as though he was forcing himself to ask. "Please tell me what I did? Is it because of what I asked you?"

   Grabbing onto his arms but not making him let go, I did my best to reply without sounding like I was complaining. "It's... It's just that I, um..." Shit, what do I say? "I-I do like you, like that... but, I guess I wasn't able to tell if you were teasing or not because you're like that with everybody, and I didn't want you to say that you were actually joking, and-and...". Not able to stop the tears coming our of my eyes, I gripped on tighter to Sukiyaki because I didn't want him to let go.

Sukiyaki seemed to understand my confusion and turned me around so that I was facing him and hugged me again, though my face is buried in his chest because I'm too embarrassed to look him in the eye. He hugged me tighter, rubbing circles on my back in an attempt to comfort me. "I'm sorry (Y/N)," he began, resting his head on top of mine. "I really do love you, I guess, no, I was, just worried about what would happen. I'm a Food Soul, and you're my Master Attendant, I thought if I pretended nothing happened, this would blow over." After a few seconds of saying nothing, he decided he had to continue, and mentally processed your feeling in his head so he could try to find the right words.

   "(Y/N)," he started, "If you'll give me a second chance to confess to you i'll do it properly, and i'll make sure I don't mess it up, if you give me the chance to." After he heard me mumble a small "Ok," he began his confession, releasing me from his grip and keeping me at arms length. "(Y/N), I am in love with you. You are beautiful, and kind, and the most amazing person I have ever met. Please, would you date me, or at least, would you give me a chance so I can show you that I love you?"

"Wrapping my arms around his neck, I inched my face closer until our lips were grazing each other's, and his eyes widened at my bold move. "Sukiyaki, I'll go on a date with you, but how much do you really love me~?"

   Smirking, he pressed his lips against mine. After a few seconds we split for air. "How about I show you upstairs in my room (Y/N)?"

Pineapple Cake ran back around the corner with a horrified look on her face. Once she closed her door she faced reader-chan. "Nope, that's it chapter's over Sukiyaki x Reader has ended thiswasnotalemonrequestsopleasestopreadingthisandlookatthenoteauthor-chanleftforyouatthebottomkayloveyouguysbye-"

   Suddenly, B-52 knocked on her door. "I didn't hear you talking to the readers did I? That'll be a dangerous move Pineapple Cake..."

Ok so I'm sorry i've been gone for months and i'm starting to feel like one of those writers who writes a decent book and then abandons it awhile after. I'm making a new account and I have to transfer the stories and chapters I wrote on here because wattpad is being a prick and not sending me my password to my e-mail. Rest assured, i'm still writing stories and this might be a good time to introduce the fact that i'm writing a new book called Food Fantasy:Crack Stories which is a reason for my absences on this book. I'll put it out when I get my new acc so don't worry, i'll release it soon and re-open my requests page soon.

Word Count: 1147

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