Chapter 9: Fears

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Emma and her mom pulled up in front of the house. Emma had just gotten out of the hospital, and she was glad to be home. No more IV pumps beeping, no more nurses coming in to check on her ever hour, no more needlesticks and lab draws....Emma was happy to be done with it all.

"We're home, honey," Emma's mom announced as she turned off the car. She opened her door, grabbed her purse and Emma's things, and headed into the house.

Emma slowly climbed out of the car after her mom. She felt a little weak and shaky yet, and didn't want to move too fast. The doctor had told her to take it easy for a week or so, and had prescribed her some pills for her heart. From what she understood, the hypothermia had caused her heart to occasionally go into an abnormal rhythm. Every time it happened, Emma felt fluttering in her chest, dizziness, nausea, and feeling like she was going to pass out. Only time would tell if her heart would return to normal.

As soon as she got into the house, Emma flopped down on the couch. The restless night she had at the hospital last night was finally catching up to her; she was so exhausted she could barely move.

"How are you feeling, Emma?" her mom asked. "Are you hungry?" 

"No," Emma replied, closing her eyes. "Just tired." Using the couch armrest as a pillow, she turned on her side and let her mind wander into dreamland.

Emma then found herself at Hannah's house. She was with Hannah in her room. "Emma, I want you to meet my new friends," Hannah said excitedly.

"Okay," Emma replied, a little suspicious. Who were these new friends? Would Hannah begin to like them better than Emma? She was about to find out.

In the door came Briana, Laken, Alyssa, and the dreaded Kendra. Emma stared in disbelief. "How can you be friends with those monsters?" Emma demanded.

"You mean, how can you not?" Hannah cried. "They're like, the coolest kids in school!"

"But they're the ones that bully me!" Emma retorted. "They think I'm a complete loser!"

"Hmm..." Hannah pondered, putting her hand on her chin. "Maybe you are. You know, I highly respect their opinion , so if they say you are a loser, then I have to agree."

Emma started to cry. She couldn't believe Hannah had turned against her. What had she ever done to Hannah that would make her act like this?

Kendra pointed at Emma and laughed in a mean, snotty voice. "Look, she's crying like a little bitch!" she yelled. All the other girls started laughing along with her.

"Wow, I can't believe you, Emma," Hannah giggled. "You really are a big baby."

Emma couldn't help but slump down on the floor, curl up in a ball, and cry. She had never felt so depressed and pathetic in her life. All she wanted to do was die. "Please, someone, just kill me now!" she sobbed, rocking back and forth on her heels. "I can't do this anymore!"

Emma woke up to her mom shaking her. Opening her eyes, she realized it had been only a bad dream. Part of her felt relieved, but part of her was afraid the dream was foreshadowing events to come. What if Hannah actually did turn against her?

"Emma, you have mail," her mom said, handing Emma an envelope addressed to her. Seeing it was from Hannah, her heart jumped for joy and she ripped it open. It was an invitation to her birthday party! Hannah had not forgotten about her after all. Reading the brightly colored invitation, Emma learned that it was a slumber party and there was going to be games, movies, and even makeovers. There was instructions to bring a swimsuit, because Hannah would let everyone swim in her backyard pool if it was nice enough outside.

Emma eagerly grabbed her phone and texted Hannah. She told her that she got the invite and would love to come to her birthday party. Hannah soon replied with, "That's awesome! Looking forward to seeing you there!"

Emma smiled. She hoped that the birthday party would bring her and Hannah closer as friends again. Emma missed hanging out with Hannah; she missed all the sleepovers they used to have, all the crazy adventures they went on together, all the late night phone calls when Emma couldn't sleep. The girls used to be so close when they were younger; Hannah even lived across the street from Emma. Last year, Hannah and her family moved to a different house that was about seven blocks away. It was still relatively close, but not the same as before.

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