The Deathly Quest

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She consciously walked over the narrow path slashing at the trees coming in her way. Sharp nettles and thorns scratched her legs leaving scars.

"Just a little further.." she murmured to herself in consolation.

She kept as quite as possible. Suddenly birds scattered from a nearby tree.

"It's close, it's close!" she thought to herself.

"I must hide!" she panicked.

She had to take those samples no matter what! And having panic attacks was the last thing she needed. She hid in the dense mass of trees, scratching herself even more. She quickly took out the test tubes and other apparatus for taking samples of the venom...

The hissing grew closer and she almost felt her self going sick with anticipation. Now was her chance! Her chance to show her "brainy" teammates that she was not a "bimboo" as they thought of her. That she was worthy of something.

She felt the hissing dying away. She was dissapointed. The Cobra was no longer approaching her way. She leaned against the rough tree bark feeling weak due to all the emotions she had felt recently. She squeezed her temples. She felt a severe headache coming. Her mouth was as dry as sand-paper. In a hurry, she hadn't even packed her rucksack properly!

Now she'd have to try again some other time because no matter what she wanted to prove herself worthy to her teammates. She scratched the back of her neck, it itched... she felt her fingertips going wet. As she studied them she got the shock of her life! It was......BLOOD.

Bright red, warm blood. She turned back and at the same time the sound of hissing reached her ears. She froze when she realised she had just been bitten. She tried to get up but the big black Cobra was too quick for her and engulfed her in a bone crushing hug. She felt a pain beyond bearing.

Her eyes teared up and her jaw dropped open, gasping for breath all the time. No thought of collecting samples occurred to her even though what she wanted was in front of her. Almost too near...

With a final deathly squeeze her body went rigid. She dropped to the ground, her eyes and jaw still open. Her face depicting nothing but a mere expression of disbelief.


This story is yet to be completed, I will update chapter one soon...

Meanwhile do let me know what you think of it!

PS: I got a LOT of messages saying I start sntences with she a lot and all that. That's because I don't wan't to reveal the identity of the girl in the prologue!!! So please no more messages/comments saying that? Thanks!

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