Chapter 6

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  I stare at the reptilian coiled body of the King Cobra behind the tough glass container. It's body is yellow with black patterns on it. It stares at me menacingly, as if daring me to come nearer. The stare sends shivers down my spine. It's eyes are yellow with the massive black pupil in the middle. It flicks its tongue out now and then-hissing, almost sounding like a growling dog. Yep, it's that loud even from behind the thick glass.

  The night has descended bringing with it the dark.. I can hear shouts of delight from outside. The entire team is celebrating the snake's capture. I, being a social misfit crawled here to the "working tent" unnoticed. I don't know what's wrong with me... There's this feeling inside me that keeps resurfacing that something's going to go wrong. Horribly wrong. I know if I'll share it with someone they will think I am nuts. They will probably say Kate died, what more can go wrong? But I know better, I just know it. Something's going to go wrong.


I look at the crackling fire drifting up in the air. The bright orange fire against the starry black sky. It looks lovely, we never get to see the stars back there in America. Too much light. This is Brazil and has a certain charm. I inhale in the lovely smell of the roasting marshmallows and the hot cocoa. My leg feels better now that it has been properly plastered. 

"Yo Firenze! Catch!" David shouts from across the fire and sends a marshmallow flying in the air. I instinctively through back my head and open my mouth. My mouth feels on fire as it closes around burning hot marshmallow. It burns my tongue and the roof of my mouth. I spit it out in agony.

"Haha! That was just so funny!" David laughs hysterically.

"Water! Water!" I shout. If my leg hadn't been plastered, I'd have been jumping up and down!

"Here you go!" Daisey who's sitting next to me quickly offers some water.

I gratefully drink it, feeling the pain ease.

"Haha..." David's still laughing, rolling on the floor.

  I hobble over to where David is and as a revenge, start  tickling him. He starts laughing even more. His eyes water and his nose turns red. In a few seconds he starts wheezing.

"Stop! Stop!" He begs barely getting the words out but I continue being merciless.

"Stop it! You are going to kill him!" Ashley and Susan cry out in unison.

"But he deserves it!" I cry out.

"You are so right dude but I think that's enough," Dan says and Paul nods his opinion.

I stop at last. David splutters and sits up, breathing heavily.

"Duuude! You get waaay to serious over a silly joke," David declares.

"Says who?" I say crossing my arms and sticking my tongue out at him.

"Firenze, I received a Fax from John. Better come and see it," Andrew said appearing from the "work camp". I stood up and followed him.

"What's it about?" I ask.

"About how to avoid the extinction of snake which I suppose you asked him in Report 1," Andrew replied.

Inside I see the fax, it isn't of many pages. Only a few, containing similarly few points.

It read:

                                                         ~HOW TO AVOID SNAKE EXTINCTION~

1. We will hire agents in order to be on-site to enforce law. They'll prevent any collection, harassment and disturbance of snake species and habitats. If any of these activities are found, legal action, including arrests will ensue.

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