Chapter 5

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Remember this chapter is continued from chapter 3. You have to work out yourself what happened in chapter 4. Hopefully you are not thick haha! *kidding*

Here goes the chappie!

Uhuh dedicated to @WishfulThinker96 because she is a fellow Karachite and a brilliant student! :D


From Firenze' s point of view:

"Firenze! Look out!"

As Susan screamed hysterically I turned around to find myself staring at the massive Cobra.


I started running trying to avoid all the holes on the steeply undulating slope. The hissing behind me never died or slowed. The plan had all gone wrong since the very beginning. I tried running at full speed with all my strength. Unfortunately, fate was not on my side today.

With a sudden jolt, it felt as if someone had clamped my left shin. I stared down in confusion only to find my leg stuck in one of the many holes on the hill and then the entire world tilted upside-down. I rolled down the slope with my leg on fire. I saw blurry images of all my team mates rushing towards me to some how stop my fall. David and Paul reached me first of all and broke my fall.

"You don't look so good," David said eying me warily.

"Can you get up?" Paul asked.

I tried getting up but a searing pain invaded my lower limbs which caused me to collapse into Paul's arms.

"Oomph!" a "whoosh" of air left Paul's chest as he experienced my unexpected weight on him.

"Okay buddy, let's take you to umm somewhere near until we finish this job," Dan said scratching his head.

"What job?" I asked in a haze.

"Woah, a little whoozy there fella?" David asked.

"Remember? Have to capture the Cobra. The reason we were uprooted from America to here? Ring a bell?" David said.

"You guys are gonna proceed without me?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, well umm I guess. Can't afford to waste much more time right?" Andrew said speaking for the first time.

:Well...ohkay then," I replied.

David and Paul looped arms around my back helped me to by the nearby tree with a sparkly river flowing by. Daisy volunteered to stay with me. Ah! My good-natured team mate. The rest quickly left. I was happy to see they were taking this seriously. After all they had to.

"Are you hurt?" Daisey asked with concern.

Well duh! I fell of a frickin' hill searching holes for snakes!

"Yeah, the leg which got stuck in the hole hurts a lot."

"No way! Let me see."

I rolled up my faded blue jeans and winced automatically. Gosh that hurt!

"Oh! It really does look bad."

I myself was surprised at the gruesome sight. It had swollen up and was bruised horribly. Blood was trickling down my legs too. My "off-trail" hiking boots were caked with blood aswell.

"Try not to scream," Ashley said as she took some sort of ointment out to apply on the wound.

"Oh please! I am not a girl," I said rolling my eyes.

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