Chapter 3

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 The picture on the side is Justin timberlake now known to me as Firenze!


With sweat pouring down their red faces, they somehow managed to drag Kate's body to a little clearing. Meanwhile, the girls brought shovels from the jeep. The boys set to work digging the damp, moist dirt. It was humid and hot. The forest air felt sticky but they carried on with the task at hand: burying Kate. Paul's tears had dried up leaving streaks in its wake. After the burst out he hadn't spoken to anyone. The night was fast approaching and they had to bury Kate quickly.

"Wait!" the silence was erupted by David. "I have just had a brainwave! We should take a sample of Kate's blood since it has the snake's venom in it."

"Get real David! The blood would have dried up long ago. Remember the heart's stop working when the person dies?" Susan said.

"We can still take the sample," Firenze said with an aggravating know-it-all smile. He bent over his bag pack and took out a complicated looking tool.

"This," he said displaying it, "Is a moistened cotton-tipped applicator. Like syringes are used to collect blood samples similarly this is used to collect samples of dried up blood."

"Wow," Dan said in awe, "What else have you got bundled up in that magical bag pack dude?"

"Everything that can come in handy," Firenze replied matter-of-factly.

Firenze collected the dried blood sample and took shots of the snake bite. Burying Kate was both a hasty and dejected event. Ashley and Daisy collected some flowers and laid them on her grave which was basically a mound of dirt. They all left the clearing without a single word.

The night had already approached and they had to find a suitable camping place again, that too in the middle of this vicious jungle.

"Where do we stay the night," Daisy asked breaking the silence.

"Where ever there aren't many trees so we can set up our camps," Ashley replied.

Soon they came to a place which was outlined by bushes and only a few trees dominated the area.

"This seems okay I guess," Andrew said.

"Perfect!" Firenze said.

Everyone else agreed as well as they were all sick and tired of walking. They set up the camps and settled.

"Andrew you and I will have a late night," Firenze said.

"Why?" Andrew asked curiously.

"Because we have to work on the report and send it to the command centre for John to read "plus" we have to examine the blood sample," Firenze replied.

"Duuuude! For a second I imagined something else altogether," Dan said with a cheeky grin.

"Riiight," Andrew replied rolling his eyes, "I look forward to it," he said cynically as he like everyone else was dying for a rest too.

They all had a quick supper and made their ways to the camp.

"Wait!"  Susan shrieked, "Shouldn't someone guard? I mean we don't want to risk other lives. Do we now?"

"Oh yes! I almost forgot. Good thing you reminded me, "Firenze said, he knew something had slipped his mind. "So who wants to guard?"

Everyone looked at each other expectantly but no one stepped forward.

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