First Time

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Chapter 5

First Time


I trudged from the auditorium with my book-bag strap loose on my shoulder. My sweaty palm was clenched in a fist and I held my phone in the other. Professor Saunters had given it back at the end of the lecture along with a half-hour talk on using your phone during class. Prick. I wasn’t just pissed, I was infuriated.

It took me fifteen minutes to walk to the college and around an hour to find my room again. I was exhausted. My body ached as I flopped onto the bed. I sat pretzel like and pulled out my laptop, putting it on my crossed legs. I went onto Microsoft word and started typing out the ten page essay Professor Saunters set us. Half an hour into the essay ‘Biology in daily lives’ I only had a paragraph done, I couldn’t keep my focus glancing at the clock every few minutes. I felt my phone vibrate and a picture of Aoife popped onto the screen. I pressed ‘Answer’ a little tiredly. “Hey” I said nonchalantly.

“WHY DID YOU TURN HIM DOWN? THIS IS AN AMAZING OPPURTUNITY! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?” Aoife screamed through the phone, her voice sounded funny, the way she sounds when she’s angry with someone which is rare because it’s usually just death glares from her.

“Hold on, I only got out of a three hour lecture and I’m really not in a guessing mood. So please, enlighten me.”I said massaging my ankle.

I heard her sigh on the line. “Francis called me after he called you” she began. I could literally hear the wires working in her brain; she was trying to figure something out.

“Oh, who’s this Francis? I said suddenly interested.

“No, he is not what you think he is. You know, Francis Lawrence director of –”

“The Hunger Games” I said in awe, finishing her sentence. “What about him?” I asked.

“He saw the video of you singing and wanted you to record the soundtrack for Mockingjay! DID YOU NOT KNOW THIS?”

My mind became a blur, words like Singing and Record got me confused. But Mockingjay it sounded familiar…oh yes, it’s only THE THIRD BOOK OF THE FRICKING AWESOME HUNGER GAMES SERIES. ‘Deep breath Skye, deep breath” I told myself repeatedly.

“Wait” I held up a hand to the phone, even though Aoife couldn’t see me. “There’s a video of me singing. May I ask where?” I already half knew the answer. Where else could someone see me singing?

“Uh, Emmy’s YouTube account? She – uh – was outside the bathroom door and ha, ha – funnily enough she had her camera sooo -” she gulped “She took a video,” her voice rose at the end so it sounded oddly like a question.

     I wanted to throw something so, naturally I grabbed the first thing I saw and flung my phone across the room. Not my smartest moment. It hit the door and created a shallow dent and I continued to curse under my breath as I picked it up.

“So, Francis wants me to do a soundtrack?” I asked keeping my voice steady.


“And how do you know this?”

“Francis was the one who published my first book. Well, he showed my book to the publishers”


“So…” There was what some would call an awkward silence. But to me, it was the bliss known as quiet, where I could think.

“Are you going to do it?” I forgot Aoife was on the phone. I nod to myself then said “Yes” to Aoife. I could hear her squealing on the other end. I smiled.

“But I need his number” I said, she told me it and I immediately ended the call with a hasty ‘Thanks’


I was on my way to the set. It was twenty minutes away so I decided to walk. I called Francis and explained how the Professor answered the question when I had no say in this. I didn’t even say hello, I just rambled on. He told me it was fine (he had a southern accent, which for some reason made me smile, he seemed so – laidback, I don’t know, I just can’t help and notice these things) and invited me over to the set. It was cold, but not cold enough that I had to wear a jacket. The streets were busy and people bustled around. I fell in love with this city at 13 years old, looking at pictures of Cambridge University online. Watching videos of student life and continually reading blogs. I loved it here, despite the first day at Uni. I knew this was where I belonged. Cheesy right?


It was half three. I approached large gates and texted Francis to say I was here. He told me a code, which I typed into the little box thing. (A/N I don’t know what it’s called :/)

My mouth dropped as I walked onto what looked like a battlefield. There were trailers on one side and a large tent on the other. I bent down and pulled my hand through the grass. It was light and soft. It was real.

     Seeing as I was extremely curious, questions clogged up my brain I almost forgot why I was here.

“Hey!” I spun on my heel and almost fell back. I grabbed a fistful of grass and steadied myself.

 “Hey! What are you doing?” His hair was almost white in the sunlight, his jawline strongly carved and set. His eyes…a golden hazel haven that seemed captivating. I stood up and shook my head. ‘No, not these thoughts, not gonna think like that, only pedophiles think like that’

“Uh, I’m Skye and um… yeah”

Josh strode over to me. “Great” he said, “Look Skye, I’m really sorry but I really can’t let you stay here unauthorized. I don’t mind giving you an autography but…” My eyes widened. He thinks I want an autograph?

“Actually,” I said, obviously offended “I’m here to record songs for the Hunger Games soundtrack I’m doing for Francis. And if you would be so kind and show me where he is, it would be much appreciated.” He must think I’m a bitch, right now, I think I’m a bitch right now, but I mean he let his ego get in the way. Not my fault.

     “Oh sure, right this way” he held out his arm. I still wasn’t convinced that I had the all clear but took it anyway. I tried to keep a straight face, which worked, to a certain extent. He led me towards the gates and I raised an eyebrow. “And you’re sure Francis is here?” I asked as he brought me outside the compound.

“Oh yeah” he replied. “Look, not that I don’t like fans. But I do need space. Plus we’re extremely busy right now. Have a nice day though,” he said kissing my cheek. I’m pretty sure I wore a look of disgust as he looked taken aback.

“You don’t believe me, do you?”

“Sorry” he shrugged. I pursed my lips as he walked away. I was left standing on my own as thunder clapped overhead. Small droplets of rain landed on my nose and I cursed at the sky for showcasing my mood to the world.

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