The Call

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Chapter 10

The Call


Josh’s P.O.V.


“See ya” Skye called before turning her back and entering the common room. It was just after what I would like to say was our 2nd date. We went to watch 22 Jump Street but we ended up having a food fight with our popcorn and minstrels instead, causing mayhem was something we seemed to do extremely well together and also something I would love to do again.

     But then there was the confusion, if it all felt so right then why was my head telling me it was wrong? Meeting Skye, things were different. Things are different. She’s someone I could never see myself being just friends with. She wasn’t Jennifer, and Jennifer wasn’t Skye. Sure, Jen is one of my best friends; she’s like a sister to me. But with Skye, I want her to be the closest person in my life.

     I wasn’t in a good mood. This was tearing my brain apart, ‘It’s just a schoolboy crush Josh. Nothing more. It’ll fade over, right?’

     I got into the car Francis had rented out for me only to realize I was sitting on the wrong side. “Damn it” I said, punching the door. My knuckles were bright red and stinging when I got into the driver’s seat on the right side. I turned the keys and the engine roared to life. A thousand thoughts raced through my mind as I drove down the motorway. ‘How beautiful Skye looked today was just one of them. They seemed to mainly revolve around her. Her eyes, her skin, her face, her personality…I remembered her hair, a curly mop that cascaded down her shoulders.

     The contents of the deal lingered on my mind while I sped down the highway. I debated with myself all the way to the Hotel. Its grandeur and size made it the perfect hotel; except for the fact the only people who stayed in it were rolling in their own dosh.

     At least it was quiet, kind of, excluding the girls with their Gucci handbags; their faces caked with make-up, wearing mini-skirts or dressed that clung to their bodies like it was their life support. Always pestering for crap that I’d rather not say. I wouldn’t usually stay in such a place; I’d rent an apartment, which would probably two times cheaper, but no! “It’s different this time. You’re growing in this business Josh, so that means you’re going to need more than old apartments to stay in. What would the paps think?” Well screw you Drake, I’m not comfortable with random girls asking for my crown in jewels when the only words we’ve exchanged are “Hi”

     I shrugged and got out slamming the door in frustration. “So who is it going to be?” I spun around, looking wildly for the voice. “WHO IS IT GOING TO BE?”

“Skye” I whispered to myself.


Still Josh’s P.O.V:

I paced around my room, my phone clutched in my hand. “Should I call her…no…well, yes…what if she doesn’t like me back…what do I do now? Jen...maybe…ugh” I wondered out loud before collapsing on the double bed. My mind wandered to the place I’ve been avoiding. The big X sign made the thought seem more appealing.

The forbidden place where she was nestled in my chest, her hands linked with my own. I would just whisper sweet nothing in her ear while tracing the outline of her face. Her eyes, her nose, her lips. And she would laugh and swat my hand away because she was ticklish.

Ring, Ring!


Jen’s name popped up on my screen. I picked it up timidly.


“Josh!” She sounded out of breath and excited. “What is with you and Skye? SPILL!!!”

“Look it’s nothing Jennifer” though my head still had images of Skye imprinted on it.

“Liar” she whispered. She seemed quite thrilled at the prospect of me hiding the truth from her. “You Liar Josh Hutcherson, you only call me Jennifer when you’re lying or keeping something from me. So now I know you are lying!

“N-no” Great job dude.

“Was that a stutter Josh Hutcherson?”

“No, it definitely was not.” I said, praying that my voice wouldn’t give out.

“Tell me before I scream” Okay. So this is bad. I certainly wouldn’t put it past her.

“NO! No, we don’t need to have that! Just calm down, take a deep breath and -”

“Tell me then”

“Where are you?”


“No, seriously Jen”

“3 – 2 –”

“FINE!” I said throwing my hands in the air.

I explained my predicament leaving out the choosy bits... Ahem. Jen was squealing by the end of my long/short story. “Okay, it’s not that great Jen” but she didn’t hear me but continued to squeak.



“Jen I’ve to go, another call, please don’t scream so loud, bye” I hung up and switched calls. “Hello?”

“Josh? It’s Drake,”

“Drake? Hi. Uh, what’s up?”

“We have a problem, Josh. A big problem.”

“No way! What’s wrong?”

“It’s about you and Jennifer,”

“But-” I started, anxious to where this conversation was going.

“No Josh, no buts. This is not acceptable. If we want this to work it has to be you and Jennifer, no one else. I’ve been hearing a lot about this Skylar lately,” he said.

“Skye” I corrected.

“Whatever. Look if you don’t hook up with her, publicity rates will fall and you know that won’t do. Josh I’m sorry, I’m giving you a week. Otherwise you know the consequences…”

Please Drake, I don’t feel that way about her, this has to stop! I can’t do this,”

“Then we’ll have to let you go,” he warned.

“Please no! This is my life Drake, acting is my life, and you can’t do this!”

“Actually, you’ll find I can. One week Josh, that’s it,” and he hung up.

I shook my head in disbelief, he can’t do this to me, and he won’t do this to me. I took deep breaths and paced around the room. Skye, what about Skye? I have to tell her, I need her. Damn it! I banged my fist on the nearby desk and slid on my shoes. I’ve made my decision.

A/N: Hey guys! So, I won't be updating as frequent as I should - only once a week or so, I have a load of exams weighing me down this year and have to concentrate on them. I'll try pick a specific day for updates - I was thinking Friday? Anywho, hope ye like the story. 




-Sae x

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