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Chapter 7



I looked at myself in the mirror. A girl with curly brown hair stood facing me. Her t-shirt gathered tight around a round belly, with thighs that were thighs that were slightly chubby chubby and so bulged in her skinny jeans.ies.

I sighed and turned around. There was still an hour before my lecture so I trudged out of my room and down the endless hall. I’ve been here a week and I still don’t know my way around this place. I walked around almost blindly repeatedly telling myself to place one foot after the other. After around twenty minutes of wandering around I finally stumbled across the dining hall. Breakfast smells wafted through my nose; I was practically drooling at that point. I walked towards the far edge of the room and ordered my breakfast. “Hey, can I have scrambled eggs, three pieces of toast, some beans, a couple of sausages and a bowl of fruit please” I said happily.

The old woman behind the counter looked quite shocked. “I’m just kidding, a bowl of fruit is all.” She nodded and hurried to get it. I felt arms snake around my waist and I looked down disgusted. “Ugh, get you’re filthy logs of arms off me!” I heard ‘oohs’ from the crowd. “Oh shut up! You’re all acting like two year olds!” I turned around and saw the familiar icy blue eyes. “We meet again madam nice ass” Danny smirked still keeping his hands on me. “Just get off me now perv” I shrieked. He didn’t. I was getting really pissed. I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming at him, but I guess he took it the wrong way and pulled me closer. That crossed the line. I elbowed him in the stomach then kicked him in the balls. The woman behind the counter stood frozen on the spot, my bowl of fruit in her hands. “Thank you” I said taking it and walking out of the hall. I shoveled pieces of apple and grapes in my mouth as I walked out of the building. The sun shone bright and the grass green. It was strange for September; I expected rain, rain and more rain.

     A loud screech pulled me out of my train of thought. I looked up and saw I was standing (inconveniently) in the middle of the road. People were shouting at me from inside their cars and I hurried to the other side. “Sorry” I squeaked but no one heard me. I walked into the auditorium for the fourth time this week. I had lectures six days a week, two hours Mon-Wed in the morning, three hours Thu-Sat in the morning and an hour in the evening. I knew Uni would be hard, but this is fucking impossible. I heaved another sigh and pushed open the metal doors. “You’re late” a voice drawled from the other side of the room. “No, everyone else is early” I replied before taking my usual middle row seat. “Shut your mouth if you know what’s good for you Ms. Walters.” I rolled my eyes and ignored the Professor. I felt his glare like he was trying to see into my soul. Deep, I know. I should be a poet. Okay, sarcasm aside, the lesson dragged on. Every few minutes the Professor would compliment Danny on work and throw an insult my way. At 2 I was relieved of many facts trying to be pushed into my brain. I turned on my phone (I started to switch it off after the first day incident) I saw a new message from an unknown number.

To: Sarah

From: Unknown Number

Hey Skye, you free at half three to go shopping? Text me when you can!

From Jen xx

I started hyperventilating. This was a prank. Not real, Jennifer Lawrence didn’t really mean she wanted to hang out with me. Or maybe she did.

I ran back to my room and looked for an outfit. I spent an extra twenty minutes looking for something I thought suitable to wear than usual. In the end I decided on this. I texted Jen to say I was ready and she replied back in minutes.

To: Sarah

From: Jen


Kay, I’ll be at Westview Shopping Centre in the middle of town. C ya then :)


I grabbed my bag and shoved my phone, iPad and (of course) books. I was re-reading A Game Of Thrones and its size made it almost impossible to fit in my backpack. After a couple of minutes of trying to squish it into my bag I left the college, walking down the road in the sweet breeze. I inhaled the air, sighing at the wonderful country delights. It wasn’t long before I stumbled across the large; four-story building labeled ‘Westview Shopping District’. I glanced at my watch and saw it was only three so I decided to go check on the nearest bookstore. I shuffled inside and turned left into ‘WH Smiths’. I smiled and looked around, occasionally picking up two or three books at a time and scanning through the pages.  In the end I found three new books and purchased them at the counter. “Here you go,” a man said in a thick British accent. “That’s sex pound ninety-fife”

      “Excuse me?” I asked incredulous. I handed him a ten-pound note just to be sure. “Thanks” he said and handed me the change. I hurried off in search of somewhere to sit and start reading. I found a suitable bench not far from the entrance and was instantly engrossed into the story line. It wasn’t long before I felt a tap on the back. “Uh, hey.”

I looked up at who was talking to me. I saw stunning caramel eyes and his hair was a dirty blonde. He scratched the back of his neck. “Look Skye, I’m sorry I was a jerk…I was just…tense, look I’m a complete bastard for talking to you like that and, what I really want to say is sorry, and I know you’ll probably still hate me, I mean I’d still hate me too just um…” Josh stood there awkwardly; I put down my book and stood up. Before I could answer Jen jumped on his back, covering his eyes with her hands. “Guess who?” she said playfully.

“Jen, can’t – breath” he panted.

“Oops sorry” she giggled. “So watcha doing here Josh?”

Josh rolled his eyes. “You invited me here remember?”

“Um…right” she said nodding slowly.

“Hey Jen” I piped up behind him. Josh was eyeing me closely but I ignored it.

“SKYE!” she screamed and hugged me. I patted her on the back. I was always told I was a crappy hugger.

“You and Josh hmmm?” she asked winking. “NO!” we cried at the same time, “Friends just friends” I said looking at Josh who nodded, accepting I wasn’t angry with him anymore. Josh looked relieved and I’m pretty sure I know why. I guess he wasn’t used to being hated.

     Jen looked at us suspiciously but shrugged it off. “Alrighty then, let’s shop!” she called happily.


“Jennifer please no more” I groaned falling onto the nearest seat and massaging my foot.

“Oh please Skye just one more shop, look” she said pointing to forever 21.

“Jen” I said seriously holding a hand up at her “We’ve been in there twice already! It’s not like some magic truck is gonna fly in and restock the whole store in twenty minutes!”

Just then I heard the distance rumble of a truck engine. “Coincidence?” I murmured.

“The world does not run on coincidences”

“Then it’s magic”

“Don’t see no Hogwarts” Jen said clicking her fingers.

“That’s because of all the enchantments! Have you read Hogwarts a History?” And we both started laughing.

A/N: Hi guys! So I’d just like to point out Skye’s insecurities at the beginning of the chapter are because she’s suffering from body dimorphia, there’ll be more later. Hope you liked it!





-Sae x

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