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Skye’s P.O.V.

Ever since my heart had been stabbed by a blunt knife and ripped into tiny bite size pieces a bitter taste had refused to leave my mouth. I was told I continuously carried a sour face but was determined to keep it after Jace had pointed it out to me.

     “Why so glum princess?” He had me cornered after our 4’ o clock lecture, with his band of cronies (for some reason that word makes me crinkle my nose in distaste) tagging close behind.

I do not take to that nickname kindly.

“I swear to god you son of a b-” I stepped forward, my hands curled into fists when I felt hands grip my elbows. He knows damn well why I’m so bloody mad.

“Cool down Walters, it was only joke, stop trying to act like an uptight 40 year old, wait. You don’t need to try.” He reasoned. I knew it was him the other day! Gosh, what I would do to shove the long list of bullshit he’s gathered over the years up his ass.

“Why you little – LET ME GO!” I screamed struggling against my restrains. I turned around and was greeted with Drew’s smug face as he gazed down on me. “ANDREW LET ME GO, GOD DAMN IT! OR I SWEAR -!”

“Chill,” he said releasing his hands so I landed on the floor with a thud. My book bag slid out of sight as I glared at Sir “Girl’s don’t take me seriously anymore, but I don’t see why because I’m this knight in shining armour.”

     I chewed the inside of my cheek in frustration. “Here, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean for you to fall” he said with a genuine sincerity that I had the courtesy to ignore.

“Save it.” I said, picking myself up and facing him. “What are you doing here?”  - Straight to the point.

“I was visiting my friend,” he said nodding his head toward Jace. “Apologies by the way, he isn’t usually a douche bag,” I am severely pissed right now Drew, I’m not in the mood for your chivalry.

“Right,” I said unbelieving, before pushing past one of Jace’s sheep and picking up my book bag. “I have better things to be doing, good day.” And I walked away.

     I was halfway to my dorms, pursing my lip at the sight of a family Mercedes parked outside. The nerve! “Skye? Here, wait up!” I spun on my heel and crossed my arms hoping to get across how extremely impatient a person I am.

     Out of my peripheral vision I could see Josh stepping out of his car and rushing to the other side to help Jen out. Haven’t I already said I don’t give a damn about chivalry today? I feel like I’m going to get sick. He grabbed Jen’s hand and frantically looked both ways, of course, he doesn’t want the paps to see him entering a university with normal people because that is below him. And to him, I’m ten feet under.

     “Look, Jace’s all right,”

I scratched the back of my head, “Ugh, that’s great and all but I gotta get going –”

I watched Josh approach with Jen rubbing his back, they walked in through the main doors and if I looked over the rail I could see them search the common room. Jen looked up and waved, I returned it but I couldn’t help feeling that she was better with Josh, I mean they were great as a couple - I just wish Josh was more deserving of someone as nice as Jennifer. Actually, he doesn’t deserve anyone, that lying, piece of…

“So?” Drew said leaving me utterly confused.


“That date?”

“Uh, yeah sure!” I said, brushing it off so I could try and breathe again.

“Brilliant, so tomorrow at 7 then?”

“Yeah,” I started to fidget with my hands that were rolled in my black skirt, I pulled at the lace and rested on the edge of my feet.

“Great!” Drew said, clapping his hands together, I saw a wooden bead chain bounce on his V-neck t-shirt and watched his converse turn to walk away.

     My eyes were fixed on the floor and I refused to lift them up. I could feel my hair clouding my face as I observed my surroundings with my head bent. That was why I was surprised when I felt soft lips planted on my cheek, so much for observing.

     I felt my face being tilted up and I saw Drew’s glowing smile, like highlighter glowing. “See you tomorrow, at our date, I really can’t wait. Hey that rhymes! Ha!” I stood there, nodding like an idiot, completely dumbstruck.

Am I missing something?

I gingerly pressed my fingertips to my right cheek and felt my mouth drop in surprise.   

     I brought my head back to ‘normal world’ level and locked eyes with a very agitated Josh, shaking his head and a very excited looking Jen.

“Did you have to have a couple session in front of us?”


“Ugh,” Josh returned with a scowl. What’s with him? I thought he was happy?

     I heard approaching footsteps and was felt my shoulder being pushed back. “That was low. Even for you.” And he was gone.

     Jen hurried toward me and started shaking my shoulders. “WHO was that, WHY did he kiss you on the cheek and WHEN did you start dating?”

“You forgot ‘What?’” I muttered, miserably.



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