Chapter 3: The Angry Bartender

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"Shit", the blonde haired male cursed. "Calm down Shizuo", his partner Tom calmed him down.

Shizuo Heiwajima, is a 24 years old blonde haired male that work as Tom bodyguard as debt collector. He always wear a bartender suit, it's a gift from his beloved brother after all. He 'used' to work as a bartender...

He is tall and handsome...though due to his lack of temper, many people scared of him. Shizuo, unlike other human...he had superhuman ability to fight, for example his fight with the informant with Izaya Orihara causing a lot of casualties and broken facilities, because of the flying vending machine, even a trash can.

But strangely no one able to caught him and justified him in the court, know why? Because a lot of people would not believe that a single man could damaged the city that bad.

But then again, Shizuo is actually a kind man if he could suppress his anger more that is. He is quick to anger, especially with the presence of the flea, or you could say, Izaya Orihara.

He's been grumbling and cursing under his breath because Izaya pestering him all day, at least that damn flea doesn't pester him now.

"Now, now let's go grab a bite", Tom Tanaka tried to calm his angry partner. Shizuo nodded irritated, but that's not until he saw someone very familiar. He saw a long black haired girl with the same hairstyle as that person...could it be...

"Hey you!", Shizuo grabbed the girl shoulder. But when she turned around the girl panicked, and...he realize that it's not her...

"I should forget her", Shizuo muttered, loud enough for his reliable partner to hear it.

"Forget who?", Tom Tanaka asked curiously.

"It's nothing", Shizuo sighed.

He looked above, the sky is getting dark...maybe he should go home and grab a bite with Tom.


The sight of Izaya walking around the streets caught his eyes, cutting him off.

"What the hell is that flea doing here!?", Shizuo growled.


"I have to go", Shizuo said hurriedly as he followed the informant steps.

"That DAMN FLEA!!", Shizuo cursed under his breath.

Shizuo spotted him talking to a white haired girl with crimson eyes...she looks so pale and small, she looks adorable in his eyes.

"What is he going to do with that girl?". Shizuo scowled. When the girl leave, Izaya also leave Shizuo tried to follow them but caught in the crowd and finally lost them.

"Tch", Shizuo grumbled.

He walked aimlessly on the streets, trying to return to Tom but eventually lost in the crowd, now he feels sorry for leaving Tom so suddenly.

Whenever he goes, wherever he goes...everyone always keep their distance from him, afraid of his power. But 'that' person is the first one who acknowledge him as a friend.

He closed his eyes as he remembered...

* * *

"Tch, that damn flea did it again...", Shizuo breathed heavily.

He was badly injured by the pocket knife of the informant on his chest. "Shizuo", a gentle voice called his name. He know who it is, it's 'that' person.

"Su-". "Fortunately I bring an aid kit with me, you're so badly injured Shizuo", she tend his wounded chest. "He's the one who started it", Shizuo snorted. "Both of you act like a child", she shook her head in dismay.

'That' person Shizuo mention about is a girl named Hikari Suzuna, she's his fellow classmate and best friend. She has long black hair and blue sky orbs. "Oii Suzuna", Shizuo called her.

"Yes Shizuo?", she glanced at the blonde male with kind eyes. "Do you hate Izaya?", that question suddenly escape from his mouth.

"Now why are you asking that?", Hikari asked. "Just wondering, you two never talk much...", Shizuo added. Hikari furrowed her eyebrows, "You think so Shizuo?".

"Yeah...", Shizuo sighed.

"I hate him", Hikari answered out of nowhere with a sarcastic tone.

"You don't have to said it so harshly", Shizuo groaned.

"But...", she trailed off and doze off. There she goes again with her habits of dozing off.

"Baka, don't doze off", Shizuo patted his friend head.

* * *

"SHIZU-CHAN!!", a loud noise broke his déjà vu. He felt someone stepped on his back, it was none other than Izaya Orihara. "Y-YOU DAMN FLEA!!!", Shizuo yelled angrily and threw a vending machine. But of course he is, Izaya...he dodge it easily.

"IZAAAYAA!!!", Shizuo rampaging.

Izaya lead him to a dark alley, but when he turned around Izaya was gone like a thin air.

"Damn it! Where's that damn flea!!",

He widened his eyes as he saw the white haired girl from before being bullied by the men in yellow scarves, it looks like the vending machine he threw earlier accidentally hit them in the process.

"Huh!? Who the hell are you? And you're...very familiar...", he trailed off as he examining the girl intently.

She backed away a bit, "I-I...". The girl unconscious much to his surprise.

"What the hell...", he sighed.

He couldn't possibly leave him in the streets alone unconscious, so Shizuo carried the girl on his back and her belongings too.

"She's new around here huh...".

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