Chapter 23: Undercover Mission

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"Anyway would you mind give the phone to Shizu-chan? I would like to speak a few words with him", Izaya said in the cellphone. Chiyami lend her cellphone. "He wants to talk to you".

Shizuo perked his lips in annoyance, the informant voice annoy him the most. "Ah hey Shizu-chan? How is it today? It must be tough for you, isn't it?", Izaya chuckled.

"...what the...", Shizuo thought.

"It must be sad for you isn't it? Your feelings for Chiya-chan that is", the informant taunted him. Shizuo was glaring and grunting when he heard his taunt.

"Too bad that she will be spending more time with me rather than with you Shizu-chan~", Izaya smiled sarcastically. The call ended before Shizuo could say any more words.

"Damn it", Shizuo muttered quietly.

After that Chiyami went home to where the flea is, he was wandering alone in the streets with jealousy bulking in his heart.

But suddenly a certain news piqued the bartender interest. Right next to him is an electronic shop. The announcer seems to be talking about the disappearance of the Prime Minister Wife.

"So far, the police have not found any clue to Kotoko Harami, the wife of Prime Minister whereabouts. According to the forensics, there's a trace of her blood", the female announcer stated

Shizuo clenched his cigarette, he had a feeling that the flea also involved in this....


"Welcome home Chiya-chan~", the informant welcome the albino girl home. "You're rather early today". Chiyami looked at him with a tired expression, "I'm sort of tired, anyway what's the mission?".

"Well Chiya-chan, have you been in undercover mission?", Izaya grinned. "No, I don't think so", Chiyami said flatly. "That's what we're going to do tonight", Izaya smiled.

"Undercover? Why?", Chiyami groaned.

"Remember Kotoko Harami? The woman who kissed me?", Izaya said teasingly. "We're going to spy on her husband instead".

"Wait...but her husband is a Prime Minister right?", Chiyami gulped. "That's right Chiya-chan, he is. We're going to spy on him in a love hotel!!", Izaya beamed. Chiyami looked at him with an empty gaze.

"Love hotel? What's that? What's the difference with the usual hotel?", Chiyami asked dumbly.

"Ah, do you really want to know~?", Izaya said seducingly. "It's a hotel that full of love".

"Full of love? You mean the place where peoples are dating or something like that?", Chiyami raised her eyebrows.

"Almost correct, but no. That's not it", Izaya shook his head. "It's where lovers do their 'icky icky stuff' you see...".

Chiyami tilted her chin in confusion, "I don't get it". Izaya widened his eyes in surprise, "You really don't know about it, do you?". Chiyami shook her head innocently.

Izaya chuckled, "How innocent, maybe we should do like what they did to each you will be able to understand". His voice tickling her curiosity for some reason, but...she had a feeling that it's going to be a bad idea.

"Umm, no thank you", Chiyami refused.

The ravenette averted his gaze toward the cat the girl carry. "What's a cat doing here?", Izaya asked. "I'm going to keep him, can I?", Chiyami begged. "No", Izaya replied sullenly.

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