Chapter 19: Conflicts and Comeback

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"Heelp!! Save me!", a middle aged man shrieked in pain as he slumped on the ground, losing one of his leg.

A slow yet distant footstep, came closer to the wounded man, Chiyami came with a bloody scythe on her hand. She stared the man emotionless, she raise her scythe, preparing to slice him.

"Hiiii!!! Spare me!!!", the man begged.

Chiyami swing her scythe without hesitation, cutting the man head. Blood splattered everywhere, decorating the whole room with crimson color. Chiyami smiled insanely, "Ahaha...".

Chiyami laughed, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I never thought the sensation of killing someone burning through my vein...".

"Chiyami", her father voice in the wireless snapped her.

"Yes father?", Chiyami return to her usual expressionless face.

"Make sure not to leave any trace of him", her father said.

Chiyami nodded, "Okay".

"Oh and also...", her father trailed off. "You can feast on him". Chiyami nodded, but she seems unsettling and sad. She doesn't like killing...but her job start driving her crazy...she try to calmed herself down.

The job almost make herself insane, blood splattered everywhere and yet she didn't feel anything...not even remorse.

"I hate this...", Chiyami sobbed.

She doesn't want to kill anymore...


"Chiya-chan...wake up...", a seductive voice tingled her. Chiyami blinked a few times and opened her eyes slowly. The informant face is right in front of close...

"Y-You're too close!", Chiyami gasped.

"Hm? Oh you like it?", Izaya leaned closer to her, teasing her is absolutely become one of his favorite hobby beside stepping on a girl cellphone.

"Please stay away from me", Chiyami tried her best not to sound nervous, she knows that if she's nervous, the informant will tease her more.

"Hmph, you're no fun at all~", Izaya cooed.

Her stomachache strikes again, she felt a sharp pain inside her stomach. Izaya eyeing on her intently, he suddenly said an unexpected words.

"I never thought you're on your period", Izaya said out from nowhere.

"Wait, what!? How did you-".

"Your skirt is soaked because of that, and also...I never thought that the Goddess could have period, it's strange", Izaya said intrigued.

"I-It's none of your concern", she stuttered.

"Hmm...I don't really care whether you will tell me or not, because Chiya-chan I bound to know...I'm an informant after all", Izaya smirked.

"What a creep...", Chiyami mumbled as her face blushed bright red.

"Anyway Chiya-chan, rather than sulking and blushing...aren't you going to change your...", Izaya eyes fixated to her blood stained skirt.

Chiyami face now blushing, red as a tomato, "Pe-Pervert!!!". She threw Izaya face with her pair of shoes. Izaya fell and landed on his butt first.

Izaya chuckled lightly, "What? I'm just reminding you, you wouldn't want to soak my sofa with your-".

"S-Shut up!! P-P-Perv!!!!!", Chiyami ran toward the bathroom.

Izaya smirked playfully, amused seeing her reaction...he never get tired seeing Chiyami priceless reaction.

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