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"Ready to go?" Andrea asked me as she stood by my locker.

"Yeah, just putting books away." I said then paid my attention back towards the grey locker.

"Are you okay with going to Josh's house, or do you want to go home?"

"Sorry, but can I go home?" I asked, trying to not be a pain. Truth is, I'm not ready to be in a room alone with a male because of him. He ruined me.

"Sure it's no problem. I'll just invite Josh over since my parents don't get home till 7." She chuckled, and I fake laughed back.

"Okay, I'm ready." I closed my locker and turned around.

She nodded and we began to walk towards her car in the parking lot. We both entered the car, and was ready to drive. When a loud knock on my window made me scream.

"Holy shit." Andrea put her hand over her heart.

I looked and saw that it was Hudson, with a smirk on his face. Andrea rolled the window down.

"What Hudson?" Andrea groaned.

"We're all going to Lucy's. You two babes should come." He winked then walked away to join with his friends.

"Lucy's?" I questioned.

"One of the best pizza places. Do you want to grab food then we'll go home? I'm kind of hungry." She asked with a look begging me to say yes.

"Only because you're hungry." I chuckled.

"Thank you!" She smiled and started the car.

It was a five minute drive to Lucy's, but when we entered the parking lot, it was packed with teenagers in the school's uniform.

"Why is it so packed?" She sighed.

I began to breathe deep breaths, to control my anxiety.

"Okay lets go." She announced after we found parking.

We walked into the pizza place, and it had many booths, chairs, tables, everything. I've never seen a place like this before.

"Yo Andy!" A loud male's voice shouted.

We both turned around, and saw Josh, Hudson, and two other guys. We would be the only girls; practically only me because Josh kept Andrea close.

"Come on." Andrea smiled.

I followed her, slowly regretting saying yes to this.

"Sit right next to me baby." Josh pushed one of the boys over for her. "Brynn you could sit next to Matthew."

"That would be me." A boy with curly dark hair, medium brown skin, and light brown eyes said with a smile.

I smiled back and sat down next to him.

"So Brynn, you're new right?" The other guy who had dirty blonde hair, pale skin, and green eyes asked.

"Yea." I nodded.

"Oh my fault. My name is Adam." He smiled and put his hand out for me to shake, but I flinched.

Shit, bad move.

He noticed, and somehow so did everyone else. He put his hand back down.

"Welcome to Lucy's! Is everyone ready to order?" The waitress asked with a smile. She was pretty, with her short straight brown hair and caramel skin.

"Yes. We'll take a large half cheese, half pepperoni. And I'll take you're number." Hudson winked.

The waitress rolled her eyes, "I'm old enough to be your babysitter. But any drinks for anyone?"

The boys "ooo'd" at Hudson and laughed at him for getting rejected.

"I'll take 2 raspberry iced teas." Josh said.

"Then 3 Sprites." Matthew replied.

"And for you miss?" She asked me.

"She'll take a water with a side of Xanax ." Hudson chuckled. 

I looked at him with disgust in my eyes.

"Shut up Hudson." Andrea scoffed.

"I actually have to leave." I mumbled then got up.

"Brynn, where are you going?" Andrea stood up.

"I'll see you at home." I pushed my hair back behind my ear.

"He was just joking Brynn. Come on, sit down." Matthew patted the seat next to him.

"I just need air!" I snapped.

It got quiet, and I just walked out of the pizza place. I got outside, and realized that I don't know my way to the house.

"I'm so fucking stupid." I sighed. I saw that there was a bench, so I sat down and took out my phone.

I have the normal teenage apps such as Instagram and Snapchat, but I haven't signed back in in about 5 months. Reason? Remember the boy who hurt me? Well, he spread rumors about me around the school we were at, and his sister encouraged him. They both hated me, for something I had no control over. She called me a slut for sleeping with her brother, when really he raped me more than once.

Anyways, I was cyber bullied. Death threats, because the sister was popular, hate comments, and fake photos. It was terrible. I couldn't stop cutting myself, until I promised myself to stop. I deleted those apps and wanted to learn self-love.

But today, I just had the curiosity to see if they were still bullying me. I took a deep breath and signed back into Instagram first. I looked at my profile and saw the only 12 pictures on it. But that's when the comments popped back up.

'You sent Sam to jail for no reason you fucking bitch! -robert0712'

'I hope you fall off a cliff -blessupjackson'

'That's why you're an insecure, anorexic, selfish whore! -lilyxo'

'you sent my brother to jail you stupid bitch! you will fucking pay for this. -luscious.faith'

I didn't even realize that a tear fell down my cheek, until it landed on the screen. What did I ever do to deserve this?

A hand on my back made me jump out of the seat and yell a small scream.

"Woah chill out." Hudson backed up with his hands up in surrender.

I immediately wiped the tear on my face.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine." I clicked my phone off and put it into my cardigan's pocket.

"You were just crying. Was it what I said back there? Listen I'm sorry."

"I said I'm fine." I began to walk away, but he grabbed my arm. My anxiety was going crazy, but I knew that nothing bad would happen.

"Brynn, what's wrong?" He asked with sincerity.

"I said I'm fine Hudson. Please, let me go?" I begged.

He released me from his grip and I began to walk. I knew the address to the house, so I pulled it up on my phone.

"10 minute walk. I need the exercise anyways." I mumbled to myself, completely putting my self-esteem lower.

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