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I woke up feeling very hot. I looked over. Berkeley was very very red. I put my hand on her forehead. She was burning up too. "Hey 80." I said as I shook her awake. "What is it babe?" "Berkeleys running fever." I said trying not to sound panicked. 80 got up and went downstairs to get something to reduce her fever. Berkeley woke up. "Daddy I'm cold." She said as she shivered. I put the blanket around her. She laid back down. I pulled my hand through her long black hair. "Here Berkeley take this." 80 said. Berkeley refused. "Berkeley if you don't take it you won't feel better. And you want to feel better right?" I said. She shook her head and took the spoon from 80. "See it tastes like bubble gum." 80 said. "Here lay down in here and we'll get you something to eat." I said as I kissed Berkeleys hot forehead.

A few minutes later

I came back up with some bacon and eggs for Berkeley. I walked into the room and she was fast asleep. I felt her head again. Her fever was basically gone, but she still looked horrible. Her eyes had dark circles and her usually bright eyes where gray. I decided not to wake her but to lay with her. Soon 80 came and joined in. The boys were still asleep at this point but they just got back from another tour so yea they were tired. Berkeley woke up. "Mommy May I please have a glass of water?" She said sleepily. "Yea baby of course." 80 got up and went back downstairs to get Berkeley some water. "Hey do you know where Berkeley is?" Jakob said as he entered the room. "Hi Jakob." Berkeley said. "Hey Berkeley. Dad is she feeling ok?" "I think she's got a cold or something Jake it should blow over." I said. "Hope you feel better Berkeley." Jakob said. After Berkeley drank her water and ate a little she went back to bed. She needed rest.

A week later

Berkeleys POV


Billie's POV

"Mommy, daddy it's Christmas!!" Berkeley screamed as she jumped up and down on the bed. "It sure is. Hey Berkeley did you check if Santa came and ate those cookies you made him?" I asked. "No I go check right now!" "Hey be carefully going down those stairs!" I yelled. I got out of bed followed by 80. I put my arm around her. "Merry Christmas 80." "Merry Christmas." We both walked down the stairs to find Berkeley looking over the empty plate. "Mommy he ate all the cookies!" She said as 80 picked her up in her arms. "Yes he did!" "Hey Berkeley how about we go wake the boys up?" I said. She nodded her head and I went up stairs with her. We went into Joeys room. "Joey! Joey! Joey! Wake up it's Christmas!" Berkeley yelled. "I'll be down in a second." Joey said in a grumble. We then went to Jakob's room, but instead of Berkeley jumping on him we decided to plug in his guitar and turn it all the way up. "Ready Berkeley?" I asked. She nodded. She then strummed the guitar non stop. "Ahhhh! What they hell is your problem dad!" He yelled. I just laughed and turned off the amp. "Christmas time." I said. He flopped back down. Me and Berkeley walked back downstairs to see Joey sitting in the living room. Soon Jakob came down and we all sat together. I handed the first present to Berkeley. "This one here says to Berkeley from Santa." I said. Berkeley unwrapped it very quickly. "Huh!!!! A guitar just like daddy's!!!" She said. I handed the next one to Jakob, the Joey. The day went on and on. Suddenly a knock came from the door. I walked up and opened it. It was my mom. "Merry Christmas mom." I said as I pulled her in for a hug. "Merry Christmas Billie." "Grandma!!" Berkeley yelled. "Berkeley!! How are you sweet girl!" She said. "Today has been awesome! Santa got me a guitar just like daddy's!" She yelled. "And maybe daddy can teach you." Mom said. "Yep I'll teach you everything I know." I said. I let her inside. "Merry Christmas grandma." Jakob and Joey said together as the pulled mom in for a hug. "Merry Christmas Adrienne." "Merry Christmas Ollie." 80 said. Sooner or later we found Berkeley asleep with her guitar in her hands. It was hard to believe that in just a few months she would be four years old. I picked her up to take her to her bed. I never want her to grow up. I never wanted Jakob and Joey to grow up but that's just apart of life. I put her in her bed and tucked her in, kissing her forehead goodnight.

Two years later

Adrienne's POV

Berkeley was growing up so fast. Billie is about to go on tour again and he's taking all of us with him. This would be Berkeleys first time on tour. She was very excited. I looked at the clock. It was eleven at night I went to sleep.

Billie's POV

"Daddy... daddy!" I heard Berkeley say in a yelling whisper. "What is it Berkeley." "There's a monster in my closet." She said as her voice quivered. I picked her up. "Daddy don't go in there the monsters gonna get me!" She said. I could tell she was frightened. "Nothings in your closet Berkeley and I want to prove it to you." I said very gently. I put her down on the bed. I opened the closet door. "See there's no one in here." I said as I walked into the closet. "Well now there is since I walked in but other than that there's nothing in there." I said. She still looked at the closet in fear. I got into her bed where the wall was. "How about I sleep in here to tell the monster that you're mine and he can't scare you because you're a brave girl." I said. She nodded. I put the covers over us. "Goodnight daddy." "Goodnight Berkeley." I said. I laid my head down and went to sleep. As long as Berkeley was with me she knew she was safe, even from the "monster" inside her closet. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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