Chapter 12

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Me and Jaylee had filled our plates up with pizza, and now we were walking back to the table, that the boys combined, I sat down hesitantly, and Jaylee sat next to me.

Aiden was next to me on my right, and Jaylee was on my left, Calvin next to her, Warren next to him, Blake next to him, and Drake next to him.

"So, how old are you Jaylee?"

"I'm four!" She said proudly.

"Four?!" Aiden yelled out.

"Um, yes. She's four." I answered, looking him.

I knew what this conversation was coming to, it's going to be the same conversation I had with Calvin.

"So you had her at thirteen?" Drake asked, sounding suprised.


"Where's the father?" Blake asked, coming into the conversation.

"I don't have a dad." Jaylee said sadly.

"Okay, enough with all these questions, guys." Calvin said finally coming into the conversation.

"Dude.." Warren said quietly, giving him a pointed look, "You don't wanna know?"

"It's not our business. " He said simply, shrugging.

"But, dude..." Warren said, looking at me.

"Just eat." Blake said stuffing pizza in his mouth.

"Just eat." Jaylee mocked, and stuffed pizza in my mouth.

Everyone at the laughed.

"Jaylee, never copy off anything these guys do." I said chuckling, chewing the pizza.

All five pouted, and it was so cute.

I laughed again.

"We're not that bad!" They all said at the same time.

Jaylee gasped, "Mommy! They all said it at the same time!" She said with wide eyes.

"I know."

"We tend to do that alot." They all said again.

"Okay.. now its just creepy." I said slowly.

They all laughed, then we all started eating again.

After a minute, Jaylee spoke.

"Mommy, are we going back?" She said with fear in her voice and eyes.

I looked up, in hope that the boys hadn't heard her, but they had.

"Going back where?" Calvin asked in confusion.


I cut Jaylee off by putting my hand over her mouth.

"Um, nowhere, do you have to use the restroom Jaylee? We'll be back." I got out seat and pulled Jaylee along with me to the restroom.

When we entered I sat Jaylee on the counter.

"Listen to me, do not say anything about the house Jaylee, no one is to know but you and I. It's our little secret, okay?" I asked her.

"Okay mommy." She held her head down.

"Your not in trouble baby. C'mon." I got her down, and grabbed her hand, leading her out the bathroom.

We got back to the table, and all eyes were on me.

"What?" I asked cautiously.

"You have toilet paper on the back of your shoe." Warren said, chuckling.

I looked down, and my face reddened.

"Well, that's quite embarrassing.." I mumbled taking the toilet paper off my shoe.

They all laughed, making me redden even more.

I sat down, and started eating my now cold pizza.

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