Chapter 1

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(Y/n)-Your name
(aT/aC/B)-a trainer/ a coordinator / Both

Ah~...It's a beautiful day outside, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming.
On days like these kids like them, should be awake by now~


"Ow! Swablu don't do that!" I said rubbing my head from the attack "swablu!" She chirped in a squeaky voice
"What time is it anyways," I said groggily and looked for my clock.

Swablu chirped again to get my attention, I looked up at her and saw my calendar....Oh my Ditto today's the day!
"Why didn't you tell me!" I told Swablu as I went to the bathroom.
Swablu chirped, if Pokemon were human she is rolling her eyes at me,
I then went to the bathroom to put on the attire for the journey
"Come on Luna! today's the day!" My twin sister shouted downstairs. "I'm coming," I said going to the stairs past the pictures of my friends and family to only see my sister and my dad with his Gallade and Swablu.

"Where's-" "Gardevoir and Zorua are in the garden," Haruhi said eating breakfast the I soon joined them.
Minutes later the doorbell rang, Gallade opened the door to reveal two of my friends (Y/n) and Elizabeta.
"Are you guys ready yet?" Elizabeta said "Almost" Haruhi said to her while putting the dishes at the sink "I just need to get my bag" I said going upstairs and found my bag
"let's check....berries and potions check...extra clothes and other hygienic things check...camping things check...random things I need...check-oh, my pokétch!" I said to myself closing my backpack and grabbed my pokétch.
I went downstairs to see everyone at the door.

"Okay, I'm ready!" I said to them,
"Good luck and be careful okay? Call me after you've arrived at Professor Oak's place, Make sure you two don't get lost-"
"We know dad, we'll be careful, we promise"
I and my sister said in unison to dad, he's always protective
Luna, today's the day yours in your Pokemon journey!
You're finally 10!
You're with your friends be happy!
"Come on Zorua" I told him and picked him up,
(Y/n) opened the door for us and we all said goodbye to my dad and went to the car to my other friends to the Oak lab.

"Are you guys excited?" (Y/n) said to us in the car
"Frau, we've been waiting for this since we were 5! Of course, we're excited!" Gilbert said with his shiny swablu chirping happily on his shoulder
"I just can't wait to get my first Pokemon," Emil said at the front seat since his brother is driving the car
"Hai, I can't wait either" Kiku said smiling,
it's true though since only me and Gilbert have a partner Pokemon already.
"You know, I can't decide between being a coordinator or a trainer"
Elizabeta said beside Gilbert "No one will judge you if it's both Eliza"
Lukas said looking at the back even if he's still driving and looked at his driving again "No one wirr, I assure you" Kiku said in reassurance.
"If they do, We'll beat them in an awesome Pokemon battle!"
Gilbert said fist bumping her "Both it is then" Elizabeta grinned.
"How about you (Y/n)?" I said to her,
"I think I'll choose to be (aT/aC/B)" she answered and petted my Zorua on her lap.
"Where's Ludwig though?" Emil said looking at the back "Oh, he can't decide which Pokemon he'll bring and Vatti won't allow him to go till sooner" Gilbert answered "and Fericiano and his brothers can't go yet because of their Grandfather" Kiku said, so that's why.....

As we arrived Zorua woke up a little agitated "Zorua what's wrong" I said to him then the car stopped,
Lukas glared at a person who is in uniform, he has brown hair, the uniform he wore is black and gray with an orange "R" shape in his shirt
"Hide your Pokémon now," Lukas said still glaring at the man,
I and Gilbert complied and placed them back in their pokéballs,
"Who-" "They're team rocket little brother," Lukas said to Emil
"Who's team rocket," Haruhi said to him
"They're bad guys, they tried to steal Vatti's Pokemon once," Gilbert said to her also glaring at the man
"What are they doing here though?" (Y/n) said curiously
"Nothing good" Lukas muttered and unlock the car door near me and his.
"You guys come with me in case there's a battle. The others, stay low and be quiet and put up the shades" Lukas said and stepped out, I nodded and stepped out with Gilbert and went with him.

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