Chapter 5

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Luna, (y/n), and Emil screamed as they ran from a flock of Spearows.

"How in Arceus' name did this happen again!?"
Emil shouted at Luna.
"Ask (y/n)! She started it!!" She shouted back.
"I already said I'm sorry!!" She shouted at them both as they kept being chased.

|-Route 1-|

"We'll meet here in this same spot in the next 2 or 3 hours, okay?" Elizabeta said to her friends in the middle of Route 1, everyone agreed and separated for a while.
Elizabeta, Kiku, Gilbert went west.
Luna, Emil and (y/n) went east,
while Haruhi stayed at the same spot with Eevee


"Truth or Dare Em?"

Emil said to (Y/n) as they (+ Luna) tread through the forest of Route 1.
"Mmm...Best thing in your life" "Lukas not forcing me to call him big brother" He quickly answered, "I can relate" Luna said and he nodded.

"Truth or Dare (n/n)?"
"Skip for five minutes"
Emil said then (y/n) sighed since she said dare and started skipping while Emil and Luna lightly snickered.

"Lu, truth or dare?"
"Do you go to pokemon school or are you self taught?" She said to her.
"Haruhi and I were taught by our parents since mom was a teacher then a lawyer and dad was a trainer and a student of Professor Oak in college so he also taught us," She answered then turned to her.
"How about you?"
(Y/n) scratched behind her neck
"It's the same but both of my parents are still teachers but my Aunt's still a trainer"
She answered then turned to Emil saying the same question and he just shrugged.
"My family taught me everything I knew, I guess we're the same with different styles."
He explained then something popped up from (Y/n)'s thoughts.

"Hey, how about we catch some of the pokemon here? Whoever catches the most wins! It's just for fun~,"
(y/n) said persuading them, and fortunately, they did.


"Furret, use tackle!" Luna said after the said pokemon dodged the string shot, It then tackled Caterpie making it struggle to get up.
Luna threw a pokéball then it hit Caterpie absorbing it in a red beam.





The ball buzzed and made a clicking sound.
Luna picked the ball up and congratulated her Pokémon then checked her pokédex.

The Worm Pokémon.
Its feet have suction cups designed to stick to any surface.
It tenaciously climbs trees to forage.
Gender: Male
Type: Bug
Move set:
-String shot -Tackle
-Bug Bite"

"Don't Caterpie's live in the Viridian Forest?" Emil asked Luna as she closed her pokédex, "They do, must have wandered off I guess" Luna shrugged then the three kept going.
So far Emil caught a Sandshrew and a Pidgey.
Luna a Caterpie, Pidgeotto and a Furret.
Lastly (y/n), a Hoothoot.

"You guys are lucky" (Y/n) grumbled as the three took a break for a while.
"It's not our fault, besides, at least you got a Hoothoot at day-time" Luna reassured her, "I caught him sleeping on his own without Bulbasaur's help" (Y/n) sighed but then spotted a Spearow. "Dibs on Spearow" (Y/n) quietly muttered as she stood up.

"You can do it" Luna whispered while Emil nodded,
(Y/n) nodded back then silently crept at the Spearow.
"Go, Bulbasaur!" (Y/n) said and threw the pokéball, instead of Bulbasaur it just hit Spearow and sucked it in a red beam then Spearow escaped while looking annoyed "dang, wrong ball" She facepalmed.
The Spearow flew and dived at (y/n) trying to land a hit,
soon Bulabasaur came out and tackled Spearow making it call his friends and now (y/n) and Bulbasaur are being chased by a flock of angry Spearows.


"Hey, Em?" Luna asked him as they waited for their friend,
"Mm?" He hummed while playing on his phone. "Do you ever wonder why our older siblings try to make us call them big brother or sister?"
"Yes, yes I do, we might never know why though." He sighed then heard shouting "Did you hear something?" He said standing up "I guess?"
She said then looked around to see (y/n) and Bulbasaur being chased by a flock of angry Spearows.
"Emil?" "Yes?" "We should run," Luna said then they quickly pack up and ran away with their friend while screaming.

"How in Arceus' name did this happen!?"
Emil shouted at Luna as they ran.
"Ask (y/n)! She started it!!" She shouted back.
"I already said I'm sorry!!" She shouted at them both as they kept being chased.


"Zhe awesome me has arrived!" Gilbert said while Elizabeta and Kiku were behind him "Hey guys" Haruhi said while her Eevee slept on her lap, suddenly light rain came down making them slightly wet.
"We shourd head to sherter" Kiku suggested,
"But what about the others? They aren't here yet" Elizabeta said to him,
"How about we find shelter here while we wait for them?" Haruhi said now hugging Eevee as they agreed.

Soon enough they found them and helped them fight off the Spearow.
Four things:
They won.
(y/n) and Elizabeta caught a Spearow.
The game (y/n), Luna and Emil played became a tie.
Pikachu got shot by lightning and electrocuted Kiku since the Pokémon was on his shoulders resulting in Gilbert having to carry an unconscious Kiku bridal style.

Now, onto the present!

"Phew! We made it!" (Y/n) said as they ran into Viridian city's entrance/exit,
"Good thing too," Luna said drying her hair with a towel she kept.
Luckily the receptionist who works here gave umbrellas and a town map for them to find the pokécenter.

"Hello! Welcome to the Pokémon Center, what can I do for you all?"
Nurse joy greeted them, "Can you heal our Pokemon? And do you have a medical kit we can borrow?" Haruhi asked "Me and Chansey will get right to it," She said to them and like she said, Chansey brought a medical kit for them and took their Pokémon to heal their wounds.

-Timeskip by FMB-
(Flying Mint Buneary)

"W-what happened?" Kiku said slowly standing up "You got electrocuted," Haruhi said simply making Kiku and Luna sweat drop from her answer.
"You and your friends' Pokémon are all healed up ma'am," Joy said and Luna thanked her "By the way are there any rooms available for the night?" Elizabeta said "Of course! But we only have two rooms for now, but luckily those two have two bunk beds each" She answered "We'll take them" Elizabeta said then followed her to the front counter to get the keys.
"I think I'll get some supplies for tomorrow, anyone can join me if they want to," Haruhi said while Emil and Gilbert joined her to the mini pokémart the Center has.


"So comfy~!" (Y/n) and Luna sighed as they jumped on each of the bottom beds,
"Don't get used to it, we're leaving tomorrow anyway." Emil said as he got ready to sleep, "Fine" they said in unison as they got ready to sleep "Goodnight guys" Haruhi said closing the lights "Night" The three said in unison as they fell asleep.

Unknown on what's to happen tomorrow.

I've done it!
It's been so hard to keep track!
I can finally show ________________ and __________________________in the ______________ like the __________________!
Maybe I _________________________ or _________________________ or ____ I guess.

*In the episode were ash is in route 1 being chased there were Sandshrews and Mankeys watching

I'll update in weeks soon as I can!

March 2019

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