Chapter 7

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Today, our young heroes - oh! I seem to be in the wrong studio! I hope the author wouldn't mind letting me tell this chapter...
-/ahem\ rearranges some sheets- As I was saying our protagonists decided to separate for the whole day either they wanted to or not.


-Viridian City-

"This day could not get worse..." (Y/n) muttered as she reread the sign on Viridian city's gym doors that said the gym leader will be busy for a few months.
"You know we can come back here again right?" Haruhi said to her as they walked back to the Pokémon center. "I guess I'll explore the forest then" (Y/n) said leaving Haruhi behind and walked to another road to get to the forest since an old man passed out on the main one.

"Wait!" She shouted at her and sighed
'The others must be doing just fine without us' She thought as she ran to her side.

|\-Pokémon school-/|

"Gilbert? Gilbert wake up!" Elizabeta whispered to him as the teacher started looking at him, Mightyena then nudged him awake "-snort-wha?" Gilbert said now awake to see the teacher, the other students and their Pokemon looking directly at him "Oh..."

"Tell me Mr. Beilschmidt, why can we only have six Pokémon with us when going out?"
The teacher 'Ms. Cherri' asked him since she was talking about it.
"It's stated in the Pokemon league rules and after a massacre happened a long time ago" Gilbert said making Cherri slightly impressed "Good, now then..." She said starting the next lesson.

'The others must be doing just fine without us' Gilbert thought while trying not to sleep on the lesson again with Mightyena's help

<^Battle House^>

"Raticate lost, meaning Cyndaquil is the victor!"
A Pokemon referee stated as Cyndaquil made the finishing blow, the people started to clap as the battle ended. "Good job Cyndaquil" Emil said as he walked to the tired pokemon who smiled at the compliment, it was their third win and every time they won another person wanted to challenge them. "Hey kid!" Another trainer said and Emil internally groaned as they got challenged again.

'The others must be doing just fine without us!' Emil thought as he sent out his Sandshrew instead of Cyndaquil.

-Oak's Laboratory-

"Yo Tracey!"
Luna shouted as she saw him over the fence, "Oh, hey Luna and Kiku. What are you two doing here?" He asked as he let the two in. "Just a package for professor Oak," Kiku said as they went in the laboratory, "Oh yeah, it's suppose to arrive today. Professor Oak is out off town for this week and I'm taking care of this place until he returns" when they went in they saw a boy with spiky orange-ish hair and Luna smirked "My my, if it isn't Blue" she said and he turned around and was a little surprised "Luna? Kiku?" He questioned and Kiku smiled at him "Herro" he said in his accent where "L" is "R."

"You know these two Blue?" Tracey asked,
"We're old friends actually, back when we were little kids from Professor Oak's summer camp."
Luna explained as she placed the parcel on a countertop, "So how's Daisy? We haven't heard from you arr since you moved to another town," Kiku said as Luna and Tracey prepared some tea, "She's doing fine, but I haven't seen her for a while. I decided to go on a journey yesterday and I decided to stay at gramp's place for a while." Blue said to him and Luna came to them with a tray with cups and a matching teacup, "Well how about a Pokemon battle? 1 on 1?" Luna asked as she poured the tea on the empty teacups "Sure!" He grinned with a thumbs up and she grinned back. "Uhh...Luna? Teacup." Tracey said as she spilled some of its content,
"Gah!" Luna squeaked as she went to pour another teacup while Kiku, Tracey and Blue sweat dropped.

–•Time skip•–

"Go! Eevee!"
"Zorua, I choose you!"

Blue and Luna said releasing their Pokemon at the battlefield outside while Kiku and Tracey fed the Pokemon living at the field they're in.
"Use quick attack to tackle Zorua!" Blue said and his Eevee ran quickly leaving behind a trail of light and tackled Zorua in a blur of motion tussling each other as they rolled on the ground like two Litleo's. "Use Fury Swipe Zorua!" Luna said then Zorua scratches Eevee making both backing off of each other. "Eevee! Use dig!"
Eevee dug on the ground disappearing "Now use shadow ball!" Suddenly a shadow ball sprouted from the ground hitting Zorua "Are you okay Zorua?" Luna asked and it nodded. "Good, now use Dark Pulse!" Zorua opens its mouth revealing a dark purple orb and fires a beam of black and purple circles of energy to Eevee inflicting damage to it. "Eevee! Use Quick attack" Blue shouted and it ran to Zorua "Use Shadow Ball!" Zorua then hit Eevee when it came close causing a mini explosion of dust as they hit each other when the shadow ball was hit by Eevee who was close to Zorua.

When it soon cleared both of them looked feinted, "You did well Zorua, get a good rest" Luna said walking up to it returning him to his pokéball "Same to you Eevee" Blue said returning his pokemon too. "You trained Eevee well like usual Blue" Luna said to him and he nodded "Next time, I'll defeat you for sure!" He said making her grin.

"Who won?" Tracey asked walking up to them with a wheel cart with empty pokemon food canisters with Kiku pushing a similar cart. "It was a tie actually" Luna said to him as all of them went back to the house while they all talked to each other.

After healing both trainers' pokemon Luna and Kiku waved at Tracey and Blue saying goodbye. "Hope you find something good on you journey soon Blue!" "See you soon!" They said to them and they took off to Viridian city.

-/Time skippy\-

"So what did you and Gilbert do today?" Haruhi said to Elizabeta while (y/n) and Gilbert trained at a battle field near the Pokemon Center, "We joined a class at the pokemon school here just for today, Gilbert kept sleeping though." She said to her "At least you weren't in the Viridian forest with me and (y/n), we almost woke a sleeping Ursaring" Haruhi said almost sulking "Isn't the road blocked because of a drunk man blocking it?" Emil asked "Yeah but the gym here was closed off and she decided to take the dangerous path instead" Huruhi said sulking more. "Cheer up sis, besides we're going there tomorrow anyway" Luna said as she returned with a tray full of fruit juice and gave some to her friends "Hopefully we won't get lost" Emil muttered and we all looked to see (Y/n)'s Bulbasaur won the match against Gilbert's Mightyena.


Thanks for narrating, now that chapter is over I should say by now that Blue won't be showing here that much and no, unfortunately Red or green might not show here.

Well I should start my school work by now...


August 2019

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