Chapter 3

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We have a winner!
You guys or just the two or three of you all (shame) have voted, and it's....

"Bulbasaur" (y/n) said pointing at the Bulbasaur who gazed in awe and excitement, the Charmander and Squirtle sighed in despair for not being chosen making me a bit sad too.
"Hey, professor? Is there a new trainer coming soon?" I said to him and he caught the situation too,
"Don't worry, there are more new trainers coming, I assure you" He said to me and I smiled then kneeled at the two Pokémon
"Did you hear that guys? There are new trainers soon and they will choose you guys I know it!" I said to them then they became happy again. "Come on you two, it's lunch for you guys," Tracy said and led them out leaving us.

Professor Oak then went to the cart and pulled it over to us,
"Alright, now that you have chosen your pokémon, here are their pokéballs"
He said and passed it to (y/n), Kiku, Elizabeta, Emil, and Haruhi.
"Here are five other pokéballs and here's your pokédex, point it at a Pokémon and it will give you information on them. Since you all are traveling all over Kanto, try and fill up the pokédex by registering them all"
He said and gave it to us except Lukas and gave 4 pokéballs to Gilbert since he brought two from home,
"Now that you all have your gear I wish you all luck on your journey," Oak said and we waved goodbye and went back to the car.

We decided to go to Lukas and Emil's house since their house is close to Route one, when we arrived there the house looks more like a large cabin but it's a house no less.
"Hei guys!"
Tino said waving at us with his Lilipup beside him as we got out of the car.
"Hello Tino! How's Peter and Arvid?" (Y/n) said walking towards him
"Oh, they're fine! Berwald is putting them to sleep now, care to have lunch with us?" He said to us and we nodded or thanked him for that.

As we entered the large cabin- I mean house, we were greeted by someone we all know "Hey Mathias what's up!" Gilbert said fist-bumping him
"I'm fine! You?" He said fist bumping him back,
"Awesome as ever! Want to have a Pokemon battle?" Gilbert said making Mathias excited and was about to release his pokémon-
"That's enough from both of you," Lukas said now choking Mathias with his own tie he still wore.
"We don't want another catastrophe, now do we Gilbert," Elizabeta said pulling out a frying pan she somehow hid.

Me, Haruhi, (y/n), Emil, Tino and Kiku sweat-dropped at their actions
"How about we have a training battle after Lunch?" Tino said trying to convince them to stop, and fortunately, they did.

Sooner or later we decided after Gilbert and Mathias finish battling
Me and my big sister's next then Emil and Lukas to (y/n) and Kiku then Elizabeta and Tino and if Mathias or Gilbert won, Berwald will battle him.

-:.•After Lunch•.:-

"This wirr be a one on one battre, If the Pokemon on one side fainted, the other is the winner" Kiku stated to Gilbert and Mathias as the battle referee outside while we watch the battle with some of our pokémon.
By outside I meant the field-like-backyard Berwald made for his sons and Pokémon.

"May the Pokémon battre begin!"

"Fraxure let's go!" "Mightyena come out," Gilbert and Mathias said throwing their pokéballs to reveal their pokémon.
Fraxure's a bipedal Pokémon with long, gray tusks with red tips protruding from the sides of its mouth. He has dark eyes with red irises, a gray face, and a cowl-like feature of green segments on his head, neck, back, and chest. His arms have three red fingers, and its lower body is gray, with red speckles on the underbelly he has red toes and a red tip on his tail.
Mightyena's a quadruped pokémon, his fur is mostly short and gray, but has shaggy black fur on his lower legs, tail, and in two thick strips starting behind its eyes and running the length of his body. He has dark, triangular streak patterns below its eyes, which are red with yellow. His ears are rhombus-shaped with dark insides, and his nose is red.
"Mightyena use Shadowball," Gibert said, then the said pokémon formed a black ball in his mouth, he closes his mouth over the black ball then released the ball at the opponent.
"Dodge then slash him!" Mathias said, Fraxure quickly dodged the attack then ran to slashed at Mightyena who fell and stood up again, "Use Poison Fang!"
Gilbert said then Mightyena bit Fraxure in the arm before he dodged again, Fraxure stood up slowly and flinched from the poison "Are you alright Fraxure?" Mathias said worried, Fraxure nodded then faced his opponent.

"Hope Fraxure's alright" I mumbled looking at the pokémon
"He'll be fine," Lukas said and I nodded and glanced at Pikachu, Fennekin, Bulbasaur, Eevee, Zorua, Cyndaquil, and Lillipup who were playing with each other near the flowerbeds making Sweden who came down minutes ago glare at them.
"They won't harm the flowers Ber" Tino said reassuring him then I continued watching the battle.

-/minutes later by Gilbird\-

"Draco Meteor!" Mathias shouted then a sphere of bright orange energy forms inside of Fraxure's mouth and fired into the sky, where it explodes and released several spheres of energy that rained on Mighyena who fainted after the smoke cleared.

"Mightyena has fainted, meaning Fraxure's the winner!" Kiku said then Mathias cheered with his pokémon then Fraxure and Mightyena returned to their pokéball's.

"That was so cool!" Peter said then everyone looked at him,
not much sooner Mathias is being choked by Lukas again for waking Peter and maybe Arvid up.

"C'me on, you're goin' t' bed," Berwald said carrying Peter "But I'm not tired!" Peter said to Berwald but he ignored him and left with him upstairs for him to sleep.

*^~-Narr.'s pov.-~^*

After that battle,
Haruhi and Luna were next, Luna won by Zorua's Shadow ball hitting her sister's Eevee in the back.

Lukas won by Litwick's Energy drain making Emil's Cyndaquil sleepy and, well, lose energy.
Making Luna, Kiku, (y/n), Mathias, Lukas, and Gilbert win the bet from Haruhi, Emil, Hungary, Tino, and Berwald.

"Do I have to?" Emil sighed as he faced his bror,
"Yes, now say it," Lukas said to him both at the porch with the others.
"*sighs*...Lukas is the ever" Emil muttered making the others cheer when Lukas made the faintest smile and hugged him, he hugged back of course!
By the way, if Emil won,
Lukas has to stop telling him to call him big brother for a year.

After that,
Kiku and (y/n) battled next while Luna became the substitute referee for him.
"Let the Battle Begin!"

"Bulbasaur! I choose you!"
"Pikachu, I choose you"
(y/n) and Kiku said in unison as their pokemon went head-on.

\<^Time skip by FMB^>/

"Vine whip"
"Dodge and tackre him"
"Use tackle"
"Thunder bort!"
"Protect and toss Pikachu in the air with your vines!"
Luna: "Pikachu has fainted, meaning Bulbasaur is the winner!"

After that scene, Elizabeta and Tino were up next,
Elizabeta won by Fennekin tackling Tino's new pokemon he just caught yesterday, a Nidorina.

Berwald and Mathias soon battled with their Pokemon that leaded Berwald as the victor by Beartic using Ice Beam at Mathias' Fraxure freezing him to unconsciousness.

After healing their Pokemon they trained again but in a double battle.
It will be Elizabeta and Lukas while the other is Luna with (y/n),
almost forgot that Berwald forfeited since Arvold and Peter might have woke up again.

Names of countries (+age) :
Kiku- Japan(10)
Elizabeta- Hungary(10)
Gilbert- Prussia(10)
Emil- Iceland(10)
Lukas- Norway(19)
Arvid- Ladonia(6 and 1/2)
Peter- Sealand(7)
Tino- Finland(19)
Berwald- Sweden(20)
Mathias- Denmark(20)


TTFN! (Ta Ta for now)
Update soon!

February 2019

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