Chapter 8

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"Are you sure we aren't lost Gilbert?"
Elizabeta said as she and her friends walked on a path in Viridian Forest.
The forest seems to be light and airy, the trees are not as thick and sunlight can get in fine and the grass appeared long, tall and unmaintained, while most of the trees in the distance were shadowed.

"Of course we aren't!" He said looking at the paper map,
"Are you sure? Your map's upside-down" Haruhi said and Gilbert quickly turned it back up.

As they walked they kept passing a giant rock again and again, after that they found the same pokemon sleeping in the same position 3 times "We're lost" Gilbert sulked near a tree while everyone sweat-dropped, "Next time, I'm never letting you borrow my pokétch to play a game since you forgot to charge it last night" Luna muttered "I already said I'm-" "Hey, I think I heard someone's here!".

Gilbert got cut off by a voice, and everyone hid.
Haruhi and Luna and (y/n) hid in the bushes, Emil and Kiku hid on the tall grass and Elizabeta and Gilbert went to the top of the trees. Soon enough three people, two men and a woman revealed themselves and were wearing similar but familiar uniforms and everyone who were hiding thought the same thing 'They're from Team Rocket!!'

Team rocket member #1: "Are you sure?" One of the men asked,

Team rocket member #2: "You must be hearing things Chiara," The other man said to the woman with long wavy dark brown hair and brown eyes.

Team rocket member #3: "I could've sworn I heard some voices around here..." She said while scratching her head in confusion.

Team rocket member #2: "Whatever, let's just go find Mew and get out of here. This place is like a maze"

He said to them with arms crossed both of them nodded and left the area. A few minutes later everyone slowly walked or climbed out of there hiding places and sighed in relief.

"What are they finding exactly? A Mew?" (Y/n) said confused, "Mew's a pokemon that's long extinct, besides even if it's still alive, Mew can turn invisible." Elizabeta said to her as she pulled a twig out of her (h/c) hair, after that they left and followed a dirt path.

»»———— ★ ————««

Soon, the sun sets down creating a orange, red and yellow sky, and the forest turned dimmer which made everyone decide to take a break.

"Ta-da!" (y/n) and Elizabeta said as they pulled out multiple bento boxes for each of them, "How are sausages made exactly?" Haruhi said as she examined the tiny sausages shaped like octilleries with no yellow spots.

"Shh, the people reading this story shouldn't even know that." Gilbert said to her,
"Gilbert, don't break the fourth wall!" Elizabeta said shushing him


Elizabeta said, countering Kiku's question by stuffing her mouth with food.

"Hey Bulbasaur, let's find some firewood" (Y/n) said to her pokemon who looked at her and yipped,
"Finish your food first (n/n), I'll eat it all if you don't y'know" Luna said to her friend who sighed and continued to eat until she's full.

"Let's go" (Y/n) said to her partner Pokemon then glanced at Fennekin, Bulbasaur, Hootoot, Pikachu, and Zorua "You guys want to come along to?" She said and the pokemon said complied, "Be careful out there"
Haruhi said to her but she just waved while going into the woods with six pokemon who followed her out of the campsite.

-_/|(Y/n)'s pov.|\_-

Finally author-kun allowed me to have a pov!
It's been too long you know!! (Author: I already said I'm sorry! Now could you please not break the fourth wall? It's expensive to fix and I didn't bring duck-tape) Fine....

Anyways, while collecting firewood with Bulbasaur, Hoothoot and my friends' Pokemon It was getting dark because of the thick trees so I told Fennekin to light one of the stick I'm carrying.
"Hey Fennekin? Can you light this stick on fire so we could see?" "Fenn Fennekin!" It said and used ember to light the tip, I thanked the Fox Pokemon and carried the firewood in one hand and carried the torch on the other, "Pika?"

I turned around to see pikachu looking at a bush, "What's wrong Pikachu?" I asked and it pointed at the bushes "Pika pikachu pika-pi pika," it said but I couldn't understand him so he said the same thing again. "You thought you heard and saw or heard something over there?" I asked and it nodded, "It must be a Weedle or an Oddish, they're more active at night" I said and Bulbasaur, Zorua and Fennekin agreed but Hoothoot, who carried small twigs on his claws flew to the yellow mouse's side.

Side with a mouse?
You're an owl Pokemon Hoothoot, you guys eat Ratata's and other mouse-like Pokemon for a main diet!

"You guys..." I groaned tilting my head down, "...Fine...we'll go look what it is" I sighed then Pikachu went to a direction he heard the rustling with Bulbasaur and Fennekin following it and I looked at Zorua and Hoothoot who stayed with me and said to them "Zorua, please go back to the campsite and give these to them please?" I asked and it nodded and transformed to a human, with clothes fortunately:

we'll go look what it is" I sighed then Pikachu went to a direction he heard the rustling with Bulbasaur and Fennekin following it and I looked at Zorua and Hoothoot who stayed with me and said to them "Zorua, please go back to the campsite and gi...

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"You know what to do Zo! Come on Hoothoot!" I said and we left were the others went while Zorua left with the firewood.

"Huh?" I mumbled as the trees grew thinner so I let Hoothoot use gust to the torch making it a burned stick and threw it away and found the Pokemon a few seconds later.

"Silence you!" A gruff voice said after I heard the cry, as I looked closer it was the three team rocket grunts and a Pokemon trapped in a purple orb by three drones attached to it. "It can't help but cry Mark, these devices shock it if it misbehave or tries to break free" the girl said beside a man with darkish-black hair making me gasp silently. "What's the boss gonna do with this Pokemon anyway?" Another grunt said to them and the girl replied, "Remember that project that escaped? He's recreating it." She said making his eyes widen, what project are they talking about?
"Is that the reason the others tried to get more Pokemon two days ago? To do experiments on them?" The guy, Mark said and she nodded at his answer.

"So that's why they attacked" I mumbled and glanced at the Pokemon near me, "I think I got an idea guys..." I whispered to them who reluctantly agreed to listen to me. . .

Author! It's you turn!


Geez...I told you the fourth wall was hard to fix!

(Y/n): Don't really care right now! Trying to make a plan here!

I really want to punch wall-chan but that's Subaru's thing...

This chapter might be boring for you guys and forgive me for that!


November 2019

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2019 ⏰

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