The Oldest Little Girl in the World

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Sokka, Katasi, and Aang continued their journey home as Appa padded slowly through the waves. It was growing dark.

Katasi crawled towards the young airbender. "Hey, Aang?" She turned around with a smile.

"Yeah? What's on your mind?"

"With you being an airbender and all...I guess I was wondering if you knew what happened to the Avatar?" he inquired hopefully.

Aang's eyes widened and she turned her head away abruptly, her hair whipping behind her from the sudden movement. The question had taken her by surprise, and thought of his reaction if he knew the truth worried her. "N-No! Nope! Sorry! Didn't know him! I mean, I knew people who knew him, but I didn't, okay!" The entire time, her gaze darted everywhere but him. Alright, so maybe she needed to work on being a better liar, but cut her some slack. The Air Nomads were extremely honest people.

"Okay, okay, just curious," he muttered, looking down in disappointment. "Good night."

"Sleep tight," sighed Aang as she crossed her legs and stared down at her feet, guilt filling her very being. From lying or running away in the first place, she didn't know, but somehow she knew it was both at the same time.


Lightning flashed all around as Aang awoke with a jolt. Rain soaked her clothes, hair, and skin. Frightened, she grabbed the reins tried her best to steer Appa out of the storm, but Appa was already falling. They were falling!

They crashed into the waves, and Aang resurfaced quick for air, but it wasn't long before another wave pulled them under. This time, they didn't come back up. As she drifted into unconsciousness, her grip loosened on the reins, both of them sinking deeper and deeper....

Without warning, something awakened inside her. Her eyes shot open, a bright blue light emitting from them. Of their own accord, her fists slammed together, and ice sprung from them, forming a frozen sphere around her drowning, shivering body, and spread to also save her beloved pet bison.

A voice breached her memory, bringing her back to the world of the present. "Aang...Aang..."

"AANG! Wake up!"


Aang jolted awake again with a sharp gasp and found herself covered by a fur blanket, sitting in a teepee. Right, the Southern Water Tribe, she recalled. I forgot....

"Good, you're awake," said a male voice. She looked over to see Katasi sitting beside her and watching her with concern. "It's okay, you're in the village now." The waterbender had been scared when he heard Aang crying out and whimpering in her sleep, but relaxed when he found it was only the poor girl having a nightmare. "Everyone wants to see you now that you're feeling better. Why don't you get ready?" His cheeks flushed slightly. "I'll, um, give you your privacy." He stood and opened the flap of the teepee to leave.

"Th-thanks." Once he was gone, Aang pulled her shirt back over her head, as she had fallen asleep wearing only her pants and underwrappings.

Finished putting her shirt on, she went outside and grabbed her staff. "Uh, I'm d-dressed now." Nodding, Katasi grabbed her wrist and led her into the village square.

"Aang, this is the entire village. Entire village, this is Aang!" Katasi introduced cheerfully. There weren't exactly that many, a small crowd at most, but they were all that were left after Katasi and Sokka's mother left with all the men on their journey.

Aang put her fists together and bowed in respect as was tradition, but all the villagers  shied away from her, watching her closely in silent shock. "What's wrong? Did Appa sneeze on me?" she asked, confused.

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