Chapter Nine

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*Zayn's P.O.V.*

She passed out, but I caught her before her head hit the hard tile floor. "Kendall!" I screeched.

"What happened?" Erica shouted when she came into view.

Brody was at her side in a matter of seconds. "Somebody call an amblulence!" He shouted.

"No, that'll take too long." I argued. "I'll drive her."

"I will, you are in no shape to drive." Brody protested.

"Fine, can we just hurry up?" I grummbled.

Louis, Erica, and I squished into the very back, laying Kendall down on her own seat. I leaned over the seat and held her hand. She could not die.

When we got to the hospital, we went around to the emergancy door. Brody carried her inside, and the three of us followed closley behind.

"Kendall Tomlinson, she collapsed backstage at the telethon," Brody said firmly to the nurse behind the couner.

"Does she have any previously existing conditions?" The nurse asked in a nasaly voice.

"Acute Lymphoblastic Lieukimia," I stated blandly.

"And she's anemic," Brody offered.

"Ahh, here's her file." She pulled out a folder filled with papers. "We need a gurny!" She shouted to no one imparticular.

Seconds later, two doctors wearing blue scrubs and lab coats rushed over and Brody placed her gently on the bed. They took her over to a curtained off section and took her blood pressure and stuff.

"How long has she been out?" One of the doctors, a petite blonde, called.

"Five minutes, not even." Erica said.

"You said she was anemic?" The other doctor, a tall, skinny black man, asked.

"Yes," Louis said. I guess they'd known Kendall was anemic since last year. They always thought it was because she was a vegetarian, but they were wrong.

"She's very low on her red blood cell count, we need a transfusion," The male doctor said to a nurse.

"Right away, doctor," She responded. I stifled a laugh. It sounded like one of those cheesy medical dramas.

They all turned to look at me except the two doctors.

"I'm sorry, I really shouldn't be laughing right now, it's just," I began, before bursting out laughing.

Erica took me out in the hall. "Do you know how hard this is on Louis? You can not be laughing at a time like this."

"I'm sorry," I giggled.

"What is so funny?" She exhaled sharply through her nose.

"I don't know," I slid down the wall, cracking up.

"Zayn!" She snapped.

I was laughing so hard there were tears dripping down my face, and soon, I was sobbing into her shoulder. "I don't want to loose her."

"Neither do I, neither do I."

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