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I looked around the door I locked myself in one last time before opening the door. It was small and nothing was in there but bags, and two small sleeping bag.

"Tyler" Brendon said "come on we promise we won't be mad. Plus we gotta change the band aid"

I looked at my shoulder, right I was shot, by Josh. I killed sixteen people.

The second i clicked the door opened up, pushing me to the side. Brendon and fedora came in. Brendon came to me and fedora walked over to the sleeping bag, he pulled back the pillow and picked up a gun, he check the magazine then did the same to the other sleeping bag, finding the same type of gun.
"We're good" fedora said

"Alright good." Brendon sighed " Patrick get Melanie and give Pete his gun"

Fedora nodded and placed the guns in his pants. So his name was Patrick but who were Melanie and Pete?

"Come on Tyler" Brendon said and I obeyed, following him closely, we walked back to the love seat. To my surprise clothes and medical supplies where on the floor, Brendon must have gotten them.
"I'll change the band aid then you'll change and we'll go down and eat"

I nodded and sat down, and took off the green jacket Josh gave me. Brendon pulled my shirt off my shoulder and carefully ripped the band aid off.

I sighed and closed my eyes as he cleaned it up and repeated it where the bullet came out.

"All done" Brendon smiled after fifteen minutes of awkward silence

" all we had that would fit you was; Josh's shirt and jacket and Patrick's pants" Brendon said picking up the clothes from the floor

"That alright. Thanks" I whispered grabbing them.

Brendon lead me to the bathroom and I quickly stripped, before I dressed I used a towel Brendon gave me to dry myself off. Josh's shirt was warm and felt good in my skin, it even smelled like Josh.
Wait why does it matter if it smelled like Josh, that shouldn't matter, he kidnapped me. I shook my head and and put on the pants and the black jacket.

I balled up the wet clothes in the towel and opened the door. Brendon was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and his eyes where locked on his shoes but he stood straight when I walked out.

"Here are my clothes" I said "my shoes are in the tub"

He nodded and grabbed the ball of wetness

"Go down stairs " I nodded and turned to face the hall. I really didn't wanna go down here. Was Josh still mad? Who else was in this house? "Go" Brendon pushed me softly and I started walking. Each step I took down the more nervous I got, was it possible for me to turn and run? Before I even got to where I woke up? I knew it wasn't but I still had hope.

Brendon wasn't behind me, he was up by the bathroom doing something with my clothes. I was alone.

When I came to the last step Patrick noticed me and walked over to me "hey Tyler" he was so casual about this.

"I'll take you to Josh" he said. "He's got your food". I nodded and followed him to the back patio where, Josh, was sitting on the floor looking out at the grass. I turned to look at Patrick but he was gone. I sighed and walked up to Josh.

" here" he held out a paper bag without looking at me

"Thanks" I grabbed it and sat down next to him."why are you looking at nothing? Alone? "

"Wouldn't it be nice to live here. Have a dog, a family" he sighed. What did Brendon say? Their house was not a home? "You had everything didn't you? A mom, dad, siblings. Home, friends"

"My dad died." I said but I'm pretty sure he already knew that.

"I wish mine would"

"Why?" I looked at him, for once he looked sad, afraid maybe.

"Because-" he looked at me and immediately sat up straight "because it's none of your business. Now eat before I shove it down your throat"

"No need" I sighed and opened the bag. There was ½ bean burrito and a water bottle with French fries and ketchup packets.

"Did you eat?" I asked as I unwrapped my burrito

"Yeahuh" josh nodded still looking at the empty lot of grass, day dreaming of a family he didn't have.

After a couple bites I looked at josh who was drinking his water "did you drug this?"

"I wish- of your talking about your food no" josh joked  setting his bottle down between us

We sat in silence and looked out at the sky, the sun had started to set and we had no choice but to watch it.

I finished but we still haven't moved and after five minutes I felt as if I was becoming insane from the silence we where drowning in but couldn't think of anything to say or do, our relationship was different then I was use too, then I've ever known. I was afraid of his unprovoked mood swings but maybe in his point of view I actually was provoking him. I turned my head and looked at him

"How long?" I  waited a second before deciding to add more but Josh seemed to understand what I was talking About. He counted on his fingers after checking the time on his phone

"4 days 15 hours and 12 minutes"

I sighed and shifted on the concrete, rubbing the back of my neck, I tried to get my hand to stop shaking. Four fucking day I've been away from my family, I don't even remember the most of the fourth day of which makes me worse

"Josh" I whimpered "I have a backyard, I have a dog and family why can't I go home"

Josh didn't reply though I expected him to pull his gun out and shoot me again, he let me sob into my hands and pull my hair.

He began

"I hate you" I muttered cutting him off with venom "let me go" I made an ughy whimper and stood up like a bullet, startling Josh I stumbled over to the grass and attempted to reach the fence but grab my arm softly, I fell to the ground and curled up "I miss my room. I miss my own clothes, I miss my mom and" I curled up tighter "my dad. Why'd he die"

Josh dropped to his knees and uncurled me like when we first met, he pulled me back up and did something I've never thought I've feel again. He wrapped his arms around my body and after a few seconds of trying to push away I buried my face in his neck realizing this is what I needed right now, and maybe, just maybe, if I give them the idea of that I've given up completely they'll give me a chance to escape.

Y'all I wrote this while hiding in a school bathroom and I'm actually proud of it considering the uncomtable way I was sitting under the sink

The Stolen Innocent Boy | Joshler✓Where stories live. Discover now