Chapter One: The Host Club

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You are neither man, nor woman. As Garnet from Steven Universe would say: "You're an Experience. Make sure you're A good experience." The reality is that you're a Non-Binary human being that goes by they/them/their pronouns. Tobody everybody in your life is so dense and intolerant that they completely disrespect your pronouns and misgender you on purpose after you tell them you're gender neutral. Intolerance sucks. People saying stuff like being who you are is invalid sucks. So for now you just got to deal with it. The second you graduate high school and get away from your stupid rich family you are moving to Canada. You heard they have marriage equality and rights for LGBTQA+ People for everyone on the spectrum, including Non-Binary People. Canada is like your Santa Fe. Musical nerds, if you're out there that reference was for you.

You sighed as the final bell for school to end rang through your ears. You stood up, fixing the yellow dress your parents forced you to wear as the school uniform as you stood up. You would much rather wear the male uniform. It's more comfortable and it's more genderqueer. Dresses and Skirts just make your legs feel bare. It's very uncomfortable. You were about to just leave and go find somehwere on the way home to hang out at and do your homework without your parents bothering you when you overheard a bunch of girls behind you talk about something that oddly caught your attention.

"Oh my god are you going to the Host Club today?"

"Yeah totally! I'm going to visit Tamaki! I know he costs extra but I have the cash on me so I don't have to use Momma's Credit Card again!"

"Wow, I'm surprised you aren't visiting Hikaru and Kaoru again!"

"Speaking of Kaoru and Hikaru, aren't they dreamy? They love eachother so much! It's so wrong... but it's also so right! I love how gay they are for eachother!"

That caught your attention more than anything. You took the imports t information and processed it. Yeah, you knew about the Host Club. You saw it as a waste of time. A bunch of fuckboys entertaining simple bitches for money. You had to applaud them for the idea. A very easy and effective way to make money. The second you heard the word 'gay' you were invested. What were the two names you heard along with the word 'gay'? Kaoru and Hikaru. You won't forget it. You shrugged to yourself and found your way out the door, heading up the staircase to the top floor where Music Room Three was. That's where the Host Club is, right? You're pretty sure. No girl around the school will shut up about it.

When you got up there you saw a bunch of girls being let it and a bunch flooding out. You've never seen so much yellow concentrated in one place at once. It was absolutely fucking insane. You looked and saw a little balloon machine with a deposit box or a list where it asked for your credit card number. There was a laminated sheet of paper saying how much different times cost for different hosts with different names. Sure Enough, like the girls said, the name Tamaki Suoh had the most expensive prices. Fifteen minutes for twenty five dollars, thirty minutes for fifty dollars, and an hour for a hundred dollars. That was insane! You looked at the list and saw girls swarming around Tamaki and another name. Kyoya Otori? You knew him. He's a smartass. You like him better than the dense motherfukers that populate this shitstorm. You glance down the list. You saw the prices for Hikaru and Kaoru were listed with the same name. Turns out they're twins, the famous Hitachiin twins. Their first names must have blanked on you for a while. Gay twincest? Sign you the fuck up! You pulled out thirty five dollars, enough to buy thirty minutes of their time, and drop it in the deposit box. A small printer gives you a number on a small slip of paper. You take the scrap and follow the rushing crowd going into the club room. 

You notice how girls wait in lines next to names  separated by the rope things you see at the airport. There aren't any monitors to tell you when a number shows up. You glanced to your side and see a small boy you would assume to be a first year based on his height hop over cutely towards a line labeled 'Hunni-Senpai'. 

"Alright! Who is number thwee?"

He said three adorably and a group of girls rose their slip, rushing over to him. Oh, that's how this worked. You looked at your number. You got number two. You saw there weren't as many girls in your line. You tried to sneak a look at the other numbers to see if you had someone to share your time with these infamous Hitachiin twins with. Surprise surprise, you don't. The perks of being the main character in a fanfiction. You noticed that there were two almost identical people sitting at a table near the back, entertaining a pair of girls. The girls were squealing really loudly as the two suddenly found themselves in eachother's embrace. Oh. That's their gimmick. They pretend to do little yaoi moments for the fujoshi and dense people who don't realize that a gay relationship is the exact same as a straight one. Basically they do it for the people who sexuality and fetishize everything gay. You got your hopes up a bit. Oh well. Whatever. You still were going to try and enjoy yourself. With as many good rumors and feedback you here about this place it must be amazing.

While you were zoning out you realize that the two girls stood up and were heading towards the exit, the twins following. You notice a detail about the twins right off the bat. First of all, unlike back in middle school, they had their hair obviously swayed in different directions. That's an obvious one. But there's also something else different about them. It's the look they have in their eyes. Their bodies are in perfect sync, yet there's something they can't match no matter how much they try. The eyes are the window to the soul. One had softer eyes filled with kindness and compassion, maybe even a bit of loneliness? The other had kind of sinister eyes filled with mischief And make you feel like he's plotting something. If you had to take a guess, the one with softer eyes is Kaoru and the one with scheming eyes is Hikaru. You could ask in a moment. As the girls passed you the twins spoke to you in turns, scheming eyes first.

"So which of you girls"

"Is our guest number two?"

You flipped your slip of paper to show it to them. You smile at them. What kind of smile? It was kind of odd. It was a mix of a smirk and a warm smile. It was a ready smile. A smile showing you were ready for wherever this afternoon will take you. It was almost a drunk smile. You were drunk on the idea of the fact you don't actually have a good time being anywhere for once. That thought that you could ever find yourself somewhere like that was your Nicotine. Even if you have to deal with being called a girl for a while. Ugh.

"Right here, Boys."

The two twins looked between eachother before unlinking the little rope thing that herded the fangirls like cattle. They let you through. 

You had no idea what one little visit would change for you.

1275 Words

I'm An Experience [Kaoru Hitachiin x Non-Binary!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now